4. Remove WOPI Bindings from SharePoint
Scenario/Problem: You need to remove WOPI bindings from SharePoint.
Solution: Use the Remove-SPWOPIBinding
The Remove-SPWOPIBinding
has three different parameter sets that can be used to remove bindings.
The simplest set removes all bindings and needs only the -All
switch parameter, as shown in Listing 4.
Listing 4. Removing All WOPI Bindings from SharePoint
Remove-SPWOPIBinding -All
Provide a specific binding using the identity pipe parameter to remove a specific binding (as shown in Listing 5) or simply provide the same parameters to Remove-SPWOPIBinding
as you would to get the binding (as shown in Listing 6).
Listing 5. Removing a Specific Binding Using the Identity Pipe
Get-SPWOPIBinding -Application "Excel" | Remove-SPWOPIBinding
Listing 6. Removing a Specific Binding Using Parameters
Remove-SPWOPIBinding -Application "Excel"
Use the following parameters to identify a specific binding:
• Action
: String that specifies a specific action to return (such as view
or edit
• Application
: String that specifies a specific application to return (such as Excel
• Extension
: String that specifies a specific file extension to return (such as doc
or xls
• Server
: String that specifies a specific WOPI server to return
• WOPIZone
: String that specifies a specific zone to return
5. Configure the WOPI SharePoint Zone
Scenario/Problem: You need to configure the zone that SharePoint will use to navigate the browser to the WOPI application.
Solution: Use the Set-SPWOPIZone
The Set-SPWOPIZone
cmdlet is
used solely to configure the zone in which SharePoint uses to navigate
the browser to the WOPI application. The zone is specified using the -Zone
parameter and can be one of the following values:
• Internal-HTTP
• Internal-HTTPS
• External-HTTP
• External-HTTPS
6. Disable Certain WOPI Actions
You need to disable certain WOPI actions within SharePoint such that
other Office document functionality functions properly (e.g. Excel
Services to view workbooks instead of launching WOPI).
Solution: Use the New-SPWOPISuppressionSetting
The New-SPWOPISuppressionSetting
cmdlet is used to disable Office Web App functionality for the
specified action, file extension, and/or programmatic identifier. You
can view the current bindings using the Get-SPWOPIBinding
cmdlet and retrieve the available values for the parameters. Typically, the -Action
and -Extension
parameters are used together to suppress an action for a particular document type, as shown in Listing 7.
Listing 7. Suppressing an Action on a Specific File Extension
New-SPWOPISuppressionSetting -Action "View" -Extension "xls"
To view current suppression settings, use the Get-SPWOPISuppressionSetting
cmdlet without any parameters. You can also remove any suppression setting by using the Remove-SPWOPISuppressionSetting
cmdlet with the action and extension or by providing the identity of the specific suppression setting.
8. Resolve Invalid Proof Signature
Scenario/Problem: You discover that WOPI functionality is not functioning and find “Invalid Proof Signature” messages within the SharePoint logs.
Solution: Use the Update-SPWOPIProofKey
cmdlet with the WOPI server name.
WOPI uses a public key to for communication
between the SharePoint farm and the Office Web Apps server. Sometimes
keys become unsynchronized and need to be reset. Use the Update-SPWOPIProofKey
cmdlet with the optional -ServerName
parameter to update the public key and resolve any invalid proof signature issues. Listing 8 shows an example.
Listing 8. Updating the WOPI Public Key
Update-SPWOPIProofKey -ServerName "Office.mycompany.com"