IT tutorials

Sharepoint 2013 : Office Web Apps (part 2) - Remove WOPI Bindings from SharePoint, Configure the WOPI SharePoint Zone

9/25/2013 9:40:29 PM
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4. Remove WOPI Bindings from SharePoint

Scenario/Problem: You need to remove WOPI bindings from SharePoint.

Solution: Use the Remove-SPWOPIBinding cmdlet.

The Remove-SPWOPIBinding cmdlet has three different parameter sets that can be used to remove bindings. The simplest set removes all bindings and needs only the -All switch parameter, as shown in Listing 4.

Listing 4. Removing All WOPI Bindings from SharePoint

Remove-SPWOPIBinding -All

Provide a specific binding using the identity pipe parameter to remove a specific binding (as shown in Listing 5) or simply provide the same parameters to Remove-SPWOPIBinding as you would to get the binding (as shown in Listing 6).

Listing 5. Removing a Specific Binding Using the Identity Pipe

Get-SPWOPIBinding -Application "Excel" | Remove-SPWOPIBinding

Listing 6. Removing a Specific Binding Using Parameters

Remove-SPWOPIBinding -Application "Excel"

Use the following parameters to identify a specific binding:

Action: String that specifies a specific action to return (such as view or edit)

Application: String that specifies a specific application to return (such as Excel)

Extension: String that specifies a specific file extension to return (such as doc or xls)

Server: String that specifies a specific WOPI server to return

WOPIZone: String that specifies a specific zone to return

5. Configure the WOPI SharePoint Zone

Scenario/Problem: You need to configure the zone that SharePoint will use to navigate the browser to the WOPI application.

Solution: Use the Set-SPWOPIZone cmdlet.

The Set-SPWOPIZone cmdlet is used solely to configure the zone in which SharePoint uses to navigate the browser to the WOPI application. The zone is specified using the -Zone parameter and can be one of the following values:





6. Disable Certain WOPI Actions

Scenario/Problem: You need to disable certain WOPI actions within SharePoint such that other Office document functionality functions properly (e.g. Excel Services to view workbooks instead of launching WOPI).

Solution: Use the New-SPWOPISuppressionSetting cmdlet.

The New-SPWOPISuppressionSetting cmdlet is used to disable Office Web App functionality for the specified action, file extension, and/or programmatic identifier. You can view the current bindings using the Get-SPWOPIBinding cmdlet and retrieve the available values for the parameters. Typically, the -Action and -Extension parameters are used together to suppress an action for a particular document type, as shown in Listing 7.

Listing 7. Suppressing an Action on a Specific File Extension

New-SPWOPISuppressionSetting -Action "View" -Extension "xls"

To view current suppression settings, use the Get-SPWOPISuppressionSetting cmdlet without any parameters. You can also remove any suppression setting by using the Remove-SPWOPISuppressionSetting cmdlet with the action and extension or by providing the identity of the specific suppression setting.

8. Resolve Invalid Proof Signature

Scenario/Problem: You discover that WOPI functionality is not functioning and find “Invalid Proof Signature” messages within the SharePoint logs.

Solution: Use the Update-SPWOPIProofKey cmdlet with the WOPI server name.

WOPI uses a public key to for communication between the SharePoint farm and the Office Web Apps server. Sometimes keys become unsynchronized and need to be reset. Use the Update-SPWOPIProofKey cmdlet with the optional -ServerName parameter to update the public key and resolve any invalid proof signature issues. Listing 8 shows an example.

Listing 8. Updating the WOPI Public Key

Update-SPWOPIProofKey -ServerName ""

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