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Windows Small Business Server 2011 : Working with Users (part 4) - Creating User Roles

9/20/2013 7:41:18 PM
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4. Printing Customized Getting Started Pages

After creating a user account, the next step in deploying a workstation on a Windows SBS 2011 network is to connect the computer to the network. This is a procedure that users can perform themselves, and to simplify the process, Windows SBS 2011 enables you to print out a customized Getting Started page for each user, providing personalized instructions for logging on and connecting to the server, as shown in Figure 1.

The Getting Started page for a Windows SBS 2011 user.

Figure 1. The Getting Started page for a Windows SBS 2011 user.

To print the Getting Started page, select a user account on the Users And Groups page and click Print the getting started page for this user account. You can then print the document using any of the printers that the computer is configured to use.

5. Creating User Roles

In Windows SBS 2011, a user role is a set of account property values that function as a template for the creation of new user accounts. Without user roles, you would have to configure all the user properties for each account that you create individually, adding users to multiple groups and specifying which resources they can access, for example. When you run the Add A New User Account Wizard, you select one of the existing user roles as the basis for the new account. Once you actually create the account, you can modify its properties as needed.

Windows SBS 2011 includes three user roles by default:

  • Standard User Provides access to standard network resources, including network shares, printers and faxes, internal websites, Remote Web Access, and the Internet

  • Standard User with Administration Links Same as the Standard User role, with added access to the administration links in Remote Web Access and the desktop gadget links

  • Network Administrator Provides full access to all system resources

In addition to these three roles, you can create your own customized user roles with the procedures in the following sections.

Creating a New User Role

To create a new user role from scratch, use the following procedure:

  1. Log on to your Windows SBS 2011 primary server, using an account with network Administrator privileges. The Windows SBS Console appears.

  2. Click Users and groups, and select the User roles tab.

  3. In the User role tasks list, click Add a new user role. The Add A New User Role Wizard appears, displaying the Specify A Name And Description For The New User Role page.

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  4. In the User role name text box, type the name that you want to assign to the role. In the Description text box, type a description of the role’s capabilities, if desired.

  5. If you want to base your new user role on one of the existing roles, select the Base defaults on an existing user role check box and select the role that you want to use from the drop-down list.

  6. Select the The user role appears as an option in the Add New User Account Wizard and in the Add Multiple New User Accounts Wizard check box if you intend to create user accounts based on this role.

  7. Select the The user role is the default in the Add New User Account Wizard and in the Add Multiple New User Accounts Wizard check box if you intend to create most or all your user accounts with this role.

  8. Click Next. The Choose User Role Permissions (Group Membership) page appears.

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  9. To modify the group memberships assigned to the role, click Add. The Choose Security Group Membership dialog box appears.

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  10. Select the groups that you want to assign to the role in the All security groups list and click Add. Select the groups that you want to delete from the role in the Security group membership list and click Remove. Then click OK.

  11. Click Next. The Choose E-Mail Settings page appears.

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  12. Specify whether you want to apply a mailbox quota and whether users should be able to access the Outlook Web Access website.

  13. Click Next. The Choose Remote Access For This User Role page appears.

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  14. Specify whether users should be permitted to access the network using Remote Web Access and VPN connections.

  15. Click Next. The Choose Shared Folder Access For This User Role page appears.

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  16. Specify whether the user’s shared folder should have a storage quota and whether the user’s data folders should be redirected to a server drive. You can also specify the size of the storage quotas for each.

  17. Click Add user role. The New User Role Was Added Successfully To The Network page is displayed.

  18. Click Finish. The new role appears in the User roles list.

Creating a User Role from an Existing User

To create a user role based on a user account that you have modified to your requirements, use the following procedure:

  1. Log on to your Windows SBS 2011 primary server, using an account with network Administrator privileges. The Windows SBS Console appears.

  2. Click Users and groups, and make sure the Users tab is selected.

  3. Select one of the user accounts on the page and, in the Tasks list, click Add a new user role based on this user account’s properties. The Add A New User Role Based On [User Name’s] Properties sheet appears.

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  4. In the User role name text box, type the name that you want to assign to the role. In the User role description text box, type a description of the role’s capabilities, if desired.

  5. Select the Display this user role as an option in the Add User Wizard check box if you intend to create user accounts based on this role.

  6. Select the This user role displays as the default role in the Add A New User Account, Add Multiple New User Accounts Wizards check box if you intend to create all or most of your user accounts with this role.

  7. Click OK. The new user role appears on the User roles tab.

- Windows Small Business Server 2011 : Working with Users (part 3) - Managing User Properties
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