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Windows Server 2008 Server Core : Scheduling and Managing Tasks (part 3) - Combining the AT Utility with Batch Files, Creating Script-Based Scheduler Activities

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4. Combining the AT Utility with Batch Files

Before you can begin using the AT utility within a batch file, you need to know how to use it at the command line. Creating a job with AT is relatively easy. Imagine that you want to defragment your hard drive. You could create a defragmenter job that runs at 6 P.M. every Friday, immediately after you leave work to go home for the weekend. You can create the job using the following command line.


The same job using the SchTasks utility would require a longer command line, as shown here.

SchTasks /Create /RU SYSTEM /SC WEEKLY /D FRI /TN "ST Defrag Hard
   Drive" /TR "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\DEFRAG.EXE" /ST 18:00:00

Of course, you can also create the same job using WMIC, as shown here.



Server Core doesn't let you abbreviate day or month names. Previous versions of Windows would let you use an abbreviation such as FRI for Friday. In some cases, you'll find that this change breaks macros in Server Core that work fine in other Windows versions.

You don't obtain the same level of configuration features using AT that you would using the graphical or SchTasks method. Many of the special configuration features that the graphical utility supports are unavailable (they're available when you use the SchTasks utility).

The Scheduled Tasks window tracks jobs created using both the graphical and the command line method. AT only tracks jobs that it creates. If you type AT at the command prompt and press Enter, all you'll see are the AT jobs (including those created using the WMIC command). Figure 3 shows a typical example of the same jobs created using the graphical utility, SchTask, and AT. (The graphical utility only works with the versions of Windows with a graphical interface, not with Server Core.) Notice that the AT job name has "At" plus the number of the job. The top screenshot shows the Windows XP/Windows 2003 version of Task Scheduler, while the bottom screenshot shows the Vista/Windows Server 2008 version. The entries are essentially the same in both views, but the Windows XP/Windows 2003 view is simpler, while the Vista/Windows Server 2008 view provides more details.

Figure 3. AT jobs appear in the Scheduled Tasks window as "at" jobs (Windows XP/ Windows 2003 appears at the top and Vista/Windows Server 2008 appears at the bottom).

As you can see, from a Scheduled Tasks window perspective, all three jobs are the same. The only two differences are the job name and the creator name. Unless you change the default setting, the system creates all AT jobs. Any job created using the Scheduled Tasks window appears under the user's name.

The limitations of the AT utility do bring up one additional useful feature for batch files. You can schedule a number of temporary tasks using one batch file, and remove all of those tasks from the Scheduled Tasks window using another, all without disturbing the original scheduled tasks. Because the AT utility only operates on the tasks that it creates, you can use it to create temporary tasks and simplify the method required to remove those tasks later.

Using the AT Utility Effectively

The AT utility is still useful, but many would say that it's outdated. If you're working at the command prompt, the AT utility probably is outdated; the SchTasks utility provides more functionality. However, the AT utility still provides good functionality for other purposes. One of the main reasons to use the AT utility is that there are already a wealth of scripts on the Internet for using it.

Another reason to use the AT utility is that it's compatible with WMIC, which is more of an advantage than many administrators realize, especially when working with Server Core. Using WMIC provides additional flexibility over remote connections that you don't realize when working with the SchTasks utility.

Sometimes you don't require complexity to get the job done at the command line. The AT utility tends to be simpler to use than the SchTasks utility. Sure, all you can do is query, add, and delete tasks, but sometimes that's all you really need to do. You don't want all of the details; a simple task scheduling will do just fine. Even though the AT utility might look outdated, it really does have some very useful features that make it a worthwhile utility to consider.

5. Creating Script-Based Scheduler Activities

You might wonder how you can use the Task Scheduler to improve productivity without expending a lot of energy. Some of the best Task Scheduler tasks are those that you normally perform manually or using a batch file, but don't perform consistently. For example, everyone knows that your hard drive eventually fills up with garbage if you don't remove all of those temporary files. However, many people don't get the job done because it simply isn't convenient, ever.

If you've ever tried to locate all of the temporary files on your hard drive, you know that it's a time-consuming task. In fact, I would go so far as to say that some people would rather hear fingernails screeching across a chalkboard or walk barefooted across broken glass than have to locate all of their temporary files. Fortunately, you don't have to go to such extreme measures because you can tell the computer to do all of the work for you. You can't perform this task easily using Windows Explorer because it won't find all of the files for you (many people have tried). However, the Dir command always tells the truth, you just need to put it to work. The batch file shown in Listing 1 will remove all of your temporary files. It's fully configurable and you'll find that it's quite reliable.

Example 1. Deleting Temporary Files Using a Batch File

REM Verify that the file specifications file exists.
GOTO :GetFiles

REM Display an error message that shows how to correct the problem.
@ECHO This utility depends on the presence of a file named Delfiles.TXT
@ECHO that contains all of the file specifications you want to delete.
@ECHO All the file need contain is a list of entries such as *.BAK.
@ECHO Place each entry on a separate line.

REM Remove any existing list of temporary files.
REM This file is retained after the previous cleaning so you have
REM a record of the deletions.
@ECHO Removing old DeleteMe.TXT.
IF EXIST DeleteMe.TXT Del DeleteMe.TXT

REM Locate all of the temporary files on your hard drive.
@ECHO Locating temporary files to delete.
FOR /F %%F IN (DelFiles.TXT) DO Dir %%F /B /S >> DeleteMe.TXT

REM Delete the temporary files.
@ECHO Removing the temporary files.
FOR /F "delims==" %%D IN (DeleteMe.TXT) DO Del "%%D" /Q > Errors.TXT

@ECHO Deletion of Temporary Files Completed!


This batch file uses three basic steps. First, it ensures that you've defined a file that contains the file extension specifications to delete. Second, it uses these file specifications to locate the files you want to delete. Third, it deletes the file using the accumulated list of files. Notice that the batch file automatically erases any old file lists before it begins generating the new one.

The trickiest piece of code in this example is the second FOR command. Notice the "delims==" entry. Because the DeleteMe.TXT file contains filenames with spaces, you need to use this option. Otherwise, the FOR command only outputs the filenames up to the first space and the deletion will fail. The batch file outputs any files that failed to delete to Errors.TXT, so you can check on them later.

Once you create and fully test this batch file, you can create a second batch file for installing it as a scheduled task on every machine on the network. Of course, you want to do all this without working with each machine individually, so it's just as well that you can tell the batch file to generate the list of machines for you. Listing 2 shows how to create such a list as batch file. All of the FOR commands must appear on a single line.

Example 2. Defining Tasks on Every Machine on a Network

REM Obtain a list of machines from the system.
Net View > Temp.TXT

REM Remove any existing list of machines.
@ECHO Removing old Machines.TXT.
IF EXIST Machines.TXT Del Machines.TXT

REM Make the list usable by removing extraneous material.
@ECHO Generating a New Machine List
FOR /F "skip=3" %%M in (Temp.TXT) DO IF %%M NEQ The @ECHO %%M >> Machines.TXT

REM Copy the required files to each machine.
@ECHO Copying the File Specification and Deletion Batch Files
FOR /F %%M in (Machines.TXT) DO Copy DelFiles.TXT "%%M\Drive_D" /Y
FOR /F %%M in (Machines.TXT) DO Copy MyBatch.BAT "%%M\Drive_D" /Y

REM Schedule the task on each machine.
@ECHO Creating the Scheduled Task
FOR /F %%M in (Machines.TXT) DO SchTasks /Create /S %%M /RU SYSTEM
   /SC WEEKLY /D FRI /TN "Remove Temporary Files"
   /TR "D:\MyBatch.BAT" /ST 18:00:00



The example begins by using the Net View utility to create a list of machines. Unfortunately, the output from this utility isn't very useful for a batch file, as shown in Figure 4. The first three lines contain a header that you can't get rid of and the output ends with "The command completed successfully." In addition, some machines in the list contain a comment.

Figure 4. Some utilities produce helpful output, but you can't use it for a batch file.

The first FOR command gets rid of this extraneous material using three techniques. First, it relies on the "skip=3" option to remove the top three lines from the file. The FOR command doesn't even process these lines. At this point, the FOR command does process the three lines with machine names. Because there's a space after each machine name, the result only contains the machine name and not the comment. This is one case where the natural FOR command behavior works in your favor. The FOR command passes the file output to an IF command. Remember that the first word of the last line of the file is "The." By using the code IF %%M NEQ The, you can remove the offending line. The final step copies only the good input to a new file named Machines.TXT by redirecting the output of the ECHO command.

The batch file shown in Listing 1 requires two files. The first is a text file containing a list of file specifications. The second is the batch file itself. The next two FOR commands copy these two files to every machine on the network. Because the file could already exist (this could be an update), you use the /Y command line switch with the Copy utility.

The final step creates the required scheduled task on every machine. Notice the use of the /S command line switch to access each machine in turn. The resulting task runs every Friday at 6 P.M. using the system account.

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