Selecting and grouping objects makes it
easier to work with multiple objects as if they were a single object.
You can easily select, isolate, cut, copy, paste, move, recolor, and
transform a grouped object. You can group all types of objects, yet
still edit individual objects within the group as needed without having
to ungroup them first by using Isolation Mode. Illustrator places a
grouped object on the top level of the top object in the group and uses
the same selection color. If you no longer need to group objects, you
can ungroup them.
Create a Group
- 1. Select the Selection tool on the Tools panel.

- 2. Use a selection method to select the objects that you want in the group.

- 3. Click the Objects menu, and then click Group.
- You can use the Group command again to group objects already in a group; this is known as a nested group.
Ungroup Objects
- 1. Select the Selection tool on the Tools panel.

- 2. Select the grouped objects that you want to ungroup.

- 3. Click the Objects menu, and then click Ungroup.
- If you have nested groups within an object, you can use the Ungroup command again to ungroup it.
Use Isolation Mode to Work with Groups
- 1. Select the Selection tool on the Tools panel.

- 2. Double-click a grouped object.
- You need to click the Isolate Selected Group button on the Control panel or select the Double-click to Isolate check box in General preferences.
A gray bar appears with the name of the group at the top of the document
window. All objects outside the group are dimmed out and uneditable.
The words “Isolation Mode” also appear on the Layers panel.
- 3. Edit individual objects or add new objects to the group.
- 4. To exit Isolation Mode, click the gray bar.
