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Microsoft Project 2010 : Documenting a WBS in Another Program

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12/21/2012 6:44:49 PM

You can also whip up a list of indented tasks in Microsoft Word or Outlook, and then copy and paste them into Project 2010. More of your team members are likely to be familiar with Word or Outlook than with Project, so you're likely to get project info from them in Word documents or emails. In Word and Outlook, it's easy to indent, outdent, insert, move, and delete tasks. Then, all you have to do is copy the text in either of those programs and paste it into Project.


In Project 2007 and earlier versions, you could build an outline in Word and import it into a Project file. Project 2010 reduces that unwieldy process to a few simple steps.

Here are techniques you can use to build a task list in Word or Outlook:

  • Promote a task. Position the cursor to the left of the task text and then press Backspace.

  • Demote a task. Position the cursor to the left of the task text and then press Tab.

  • Move tasks. Select the task(s) you want to move, and then drag them to a new position. Or, use Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V to cut and paste the tasks from one position to another. If need be, demote or promote the tasks to the correct level.

  • Delete tasks. Select the task(s) you want to delete, and then press Delete or Ctrl+X.

1. Pasting a WBS into Project

If you paste a list of tasks from Word or Outlook into Project 2010, the program is smart enough to transform the indents in Word documents or Outlook emails into WBS levels in Project. Suppose different teams use Word documents to define the tasks they plan to perform. They can send them to you and all you have to do is open the Word documents, copy the text, and paste it into Project. Here's how:

  1. Open the document in Word or, if the tasks are in an email in Outlook, open the email.

  2. Select the tasks you want to paste into Project, as shown in Figure 4-6 (top), and then press Ctrl+C.

  3. Switch over to Project and click the first blank Task Name cell where you want to paste the tasks; then press Ctrl+V.

    Project inserts the task names into the Task Name cells and indents the tasks to the same level that they were at in the Word document or Outlook email, as shown in Figure 1 (bottom).

Figure 1. Top: Type each task name on a separate line in a Microsoft Word document. To make a line a subtask, select it and then press Tab. To promote an item to a higher level, position the cursor to the left of the text, and press Backspace.
Bottom: When you paste tasks into Project, it figures out the correct outline level.

Up To Speed: Assembling a WBS Without a Computer

Sticky notes and an empty wall or whiteboard might be the best solution for capturing tasks when a team is tossing around ideas. In fact, sticky notes offer enough advantages that you might use them even when WBS sessions proceed at a more leisurely pace.

Sticky notes are a democratic way to collect tasks when several people collaborate on a WBS. Team members can have their own pens and pads of sticky notes so no one is stuck being the sole scribe. Moreover, anyone can walk up to the WBS and move summary tasks and work packages around. The hardest part of the sticky note approach could be too much enthusiasm. If disagreements begin to break out over added or relocated tasks, then it's time to jump in and take over sticky note maintenance until things calm down.

Sticky notes are slick when you're searching for the ideal project organization. You can peel such a note off the wall and move it to wherever you want without mouse clicks or keyboard shortcuts. And if you buy sticky flip charts, you can use them for summary tasks and attach sticky notes representing work packages to them.

One drawback to sticky notes is that they lose their stickiness over time. The safest approach is to record the contents of a sticky note WBS in Project or another program before you leave the meeting room. If your room reservation has expired, fold the pages carefully and transport them to your office. For sticky notes stuck directly to the wall or whiteboard, post a polite note asking others to leave your masterpiece alone until you can come back and transcribe it.

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