IT tutorials

Exchange Server 2013 : Public folders (part 6) - Moving public folders, Redirecting content

12/27/2013 8:30:48 PM
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7. Moving public folders

When you create a new public folder, Exchange automatically directs client-created content for the newly created public folder in the public folder mailbox that contains its parent folder unless you specify the name of the public folder mailbox to host the new folder by passing the –Mailbox parameter to the New-PublicFolder cmdlet. When you use EAC to create a new public folder, you cannot specify the mailbox in which the new folder is to be created, so the new folder is always created in the same mailbox as its parent. In addition, if only one public folder mailbox is in use, the new folder is created there.

It can be preferable to exert more control over the mailbox that stores a public folder. For example, if you create a new public folder that is intended for use by a group of people located in a particular country, it is a good idea to create a public folder mailbox in a database in a DAG or server that is usually close to those users instead of requiring them to make extended network connections whenever they need to access content.

Two methods are available to move public folder content. These are:

  • Use New-PublicFolderMoveRequest to move the folder from one public folder mailbox to another. This is a permanent movement that is comparable to moving a user mailbox from one database to another. The move is performed by the Mailbox Replication service (MRS) and occurs using the same framework as exists for mailbox moves, so some delay occurs between scheduling the move request and its completion. In addition, MRS only processes a single public folder move job at a time, which could cause further delay. This is the preferred method when content already exists in the folder.

  • Use Set-PublicFolder with the OverrideContentMailbox parameter to redirect content creation from the current public folder mailbox to another. The Store executes a redirect immediately. Using this method is acceptable when you need to redirect client connections to a different public folder mailbox and it is not important to retain any content that exists for the folder in its current public folder mailbox.

The New-PublicFolderMoveRequest command works in a very similar manner to normal mailbox moves. One difference is that you can provide a list of folders to move in a single operation. This is important because if you attempt to move a public folder that has child folders, the child folders will not be moved if you specify only the name of the top-level folder. In other words, you have to tell Exchange exactly what folders should be moved to the target public folder mailbox. For example:

New-PublicFolderMoveRequest –Folders "\Countries\Germany", "\Countries\Italy"
–TargetMailbox PF-Countries –BadItemLimit 10 –Priority Highest

This command creates a job that moves the public folder content to the target public folder mailbox and then halts to allow the administrator to check that everything went well. The administrator can then allow the move to progress to completion by running the Resume-PublicFolderMoveRequest command.

Only one public folder move job can be processed at a time, so MRS will refuse to accept a new job if one is already present. You can use the Get-PublicFolderMoveRequest command to check whether a job is already running before you attempt to schedule another and the Get-PublicFolderMoveRequestStatistics command to see what’s happening with the job if one is present. (“\PublicFolderMove” is the identity assigned to these jobs.)

Get-PublicFolderMoveRequestStatistics –Identity "\PublicFolderMove" | Format-List

Like mailbox moves, public folder moves can complete only if sufficient resources exist and system health allows. For example, if the target public folder mailbox is in a database that is part of a DAG, the replication status within the DAG must permit the move to complete or it will be stalled due to a high-availability constraint.

Public folder move requests are cleaned up automatically after 30 days. If you don’t want to wait because you want to move some folders, assuming that the job is complete, you can remove the current public folder move request by running the following command. When the old job is removed, you will be able to start a new public folder move.

Remove-PublicFolderMoveRequest –Identity "\PublicFolderMove"

Note that child folders are not moved unless you explicitly instruct MRS to include these folders. The easiest way to do this is to run the Move-PublicFolderBranch.ps1 script that is found in the \Scripts directory.

8. Redirecting content

When you run the Set-PublicFolder command to override the current destination for new client content, you specify the name of the target public folder mailbox in the OverrideContentMailbox parameter. This command redirects all future client connections to the public folder mailbox ‘PF-IT-MBX’:

Set-PublicFolder –Identity '\Department\IT' –OverrideContentMailbox 'PF-IT-MBX'

Any new content that clients create will now be stored in the PF-IT-MBX public folder mailbox. This command does not affect any subfolders, which remain in the original public folder mailbox. If you make a mistake, reverse course by running the command to redirect back to the original public folder mailbox.

Moving a folder to the mailbox that will serve as its permanent home is always preferable. However, it might be that the mailbox that hosts an essential folder is unavailable for some reason, and the need exists to be able to create new content in the folder. In this situation, you could redirect new content to a different mailbox during the period of the outage. When the other public folder mailbox comes online again, you can redirect the folder back to its original location.

It is critical to realize that a redirection does not move content. Thus, when you redirect a public folder to another mailbox, any content that existed in the folder is left in the original mailbox, where it will be retained for 14 days. Users will lose access to the content that remains in the original mailbox. For this reason, before you redirect any public folder, make sure that you take a copy of the existing data so that it can be imported into the new location after the redirection is effective. You can do this by copying the items to a PST.

Two other situations exist when you might want to redirect public folder content. First, you recover a soft-deleted public folder mailbox, and you want to restore the folders contained in the mailbox to an active public folder mailbox. In this scenario, you first restore the content by using the New-MailboxRestoreRequest command and then use Set-PublicFolder –OverrideContentMailbox to redirect any new content for the folders to the appropriate public folder mailbox.

Second, you recover information from a public folder mailbox that is in a recovery database. Use the same steps as taken in the first scenario to restore the information.

- Exchange Server 2013 : Public folders (part 5) - Mail-enabling public folders
- Exchange Server 2013 : Public folders (part 4) - Creating public folders
- Exchange Server 2013 : Public folders (part 3) - Controlling the root
- Exchange Server 2013 : Public folders (part 2) - How many public folder mailboxes are needed?
- Exchange Server 2013 : Public folders (part 1) - Creating public folder mailboxes
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