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Microsoft Dynamic AX 2009 : The Database Layer - Transaction Semantics (part 2) - Isolation Levels, Concurrency Models

8/19/2013 9:26:24 AM
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2. Isolation Levels

Prior versions of Dynamics AX supported installations running on a SQL Server 2000 database. Dynamics AX 2009, however, supports only installations running on the SQL Server 2005 and SQL Server 2008 versions of the SQL Server database. With this change, Dynamics AX no longer supports the READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level and no longer provides the ability to read uncommitted data. Installations running on a SQL Server 2005 database must have Read Committed Snapshot Isolation (RCSI) enabled on the database.

RCSI prevents readers from being blocked behind writers—the reader simply reads the prior version of the record. In earlier versions of Dynamics AX, when installations were running on a SQL Server 2000 database, readers could be blocked behind writers. The READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level partly mitigated this issue when executing select statements outside a transaction scope. Now that SQL Server 2000 databases are not supported, the isolation level is READ COMMITTED both outside and inside a transaction scope in Dynamics AX.

The selectLocked record buffer method is essentially obsolete because executing selectLocked(false) on a record buffer before selecting any rows with it has no effect. Records are no longer read as uncommitted.pass.


As explained earlier, explicit transaction mode is used inside a transaction scope in Dynamics AX 2009 when it is running on SQL Server 2005. Outside the transaction scope, the autocommit transaction mode is used. Any insert, update, or delete statement sent to the database in autocommit mode is automatically committed. Although it’s still possible to execute these statements outside a transaction scope, we advise you not to because insert, update, or delete statements are committed instantly to the database. In the event of an error, you wouldn’t be able to roll back the database.

Transaction IDs

The Application Object Server (AOS) gives each transaction in Dynamics AX a unique transaction ID only if one of the following circumstances is true:

  • A record is inserted into a table in which the CreatedTransactionId property is set to Yes.

  • A record is updated on a table in which the ModifiedTransactionId property is set to Yes.

  • The X++ code explicitly requests a transaction by calling appl.curTransactionsId(true).

AOS Process Pool

The AOS doesn’t open a new process in the database every time it needs a process. Any open process that is no longer needed is placed in a pool of processes, and the AOS selects a process from this pool when it needs one.

3. Concurrency Models

The Dynamics AX application runtime has built-in support both in metadata and in X++ for the two concurrency models used when updating data in the database: optimistic concurrency and pessimistic concurrency. The optimistic model is also referred to as optimistic concurrency control (OCC), which is the term used in properties and in the application runtime.

The differences between the two models are the methods they use to avoid “last writer wins” scenarios and, consequently, to control the timing of locks requested in the database. In a “last writer wins” scenario, two or more processes select and update the same record with different data, each believing that it is the only process updating that record. All processes commit their data assuming that their version has been stored in the database. In reality, only the data from the last writing process is stored in the database. The data from the other processes is stored only for a moment, but there is no indication that their data has been overwritten and lost.


In Dynamics AX, you can develop “last writer wins” X++ code both intentionally and unintentionally. If you don’t select records for update before actually updating them, and you simply skip the transaction check by calling skipTTSCheck(true) on the record buffer, you’re likely to overwrite a different version of the record than the one you selected.

The Dynamics AX runtime manages the two concurrency models generically, and you don’t need to decide whether to use pessimistic or optimistic concurrency when you are writing transactional X++ code. You can switch from optimistic to pessimistic concurrency merely by changing a property on a table.

The following example illustrates what happens from a locking perspective when executing X++ code using pessimistic concurrency and running SQL Server 2005. The select statement contains the forupdate keyword that instructs the application runtime to execute a SELECT statement in the database with an UPDLOCK hint added. The database is instructed to acquire an update lock on all the selected records and to hold it until the end of the transaction, thereby ensuring that no other process can modify the rows. Other readers aren’t prevented from reading the rows, assuming that they don’t require an update lock. Later, when the update method is called, an UPDATE statement is executed in the database, knowing that no other process has been able to modify the record since it was selected. At the same time, the update lock is transformed into an exclusive lock, which is held until the transaction is committed to the database. The exclusive lock blocks readers requiring an update lock, as well as other writers.

static void UpdateCreditRating(Args _args)
    CustTable custTable;
    while select forupdate custTable // SELECT ... WITH (UPDLOCK)
                                     // Acquire an update lock.
        if (custTable.CreditMax < custTable.balanceMST())
            if (custTable.CreditMax < 1000)
                custTable.CreditRating = 'Good customer';
                custTable.CreditRating = 'Solid customer';

            custTable.update();      // UPDATE ... WHERE ACCOUNTNUM = <Id>
                                     // Acquire an exclusive lock.

The following X++ code illustrates the same scenario as in the preceding code, but it uses optimistic concurrency and SQL Server 2005. The select statement contains the forupdate keyword, which instructs the application runtime to execute a SELECT statement without acquiring any locks. Because the process doesn’t hold any locks, other processes can potentially modify the same rows. When the update method is called, an UPDATE statement is executed in the database, at which time a predicate is added to determine whether the RecVersion field still contains the value that it contained when the record was originally selected.


The RecVersion field is a 32-bit integer with a default value of 1, which is changed to a random value when the record is updated.

If the RecVersion check fails when executing the UPDATE statement, another process has modified the same record. If the check doesn’t fail, an exclusive lock is acquired for the record and the record is updated. In the event of a failure, the Dynamics AX application runtime throws an update conflict exception.

static void UpdateCreditRating(Args _args)
    CustTable custTable;
    while select forupdate custTable // SELECT
        if (custTable.CreditMax < custTable.balanceMST())
            if (custTable.CreditMax < 1000)
                custTable.CreditRating = 'Good customer';
                custTable.CreditRating = 'Solid customer';

            custTable.update();      // UPDATE ... WHERE ACCOUNTNUM = <Id>
                                     // AND RECVERSION = <RecVersion>
                                     // Acquire an exclusive lock.

The two models differ in concurrency and throughput. The concurrency difference lies in the number of locks held at the time of the commit. Whether the preceding scenario is executed using the optimistic or pessimistic model doesn’t affect the number of exclusive locks the process holds because the number of custTable records that need to be updated is the same. When you use the pessimistic model, the update locks are held for the remainder of the custTable records that were not updated. When you use the optimistic model, no locks are held on rows that are not updated. The optimistic model allows other processes to update these rows, and the pessimistic model prevents other processes from updating the rows, which results in lower concurrency. The optimistic model involves a risk, however: the update could fail because other processes can update the same rows.

The optimistic model is better than the pessimistic model for throughput. Fewer database resources are used because fewer locks are acquired. When an update fails, however, the optimistic model must retry, which leads to inferior throughput.

To illustrate the difference in the models, assume that the preceding X++ code example selected 100 custTable rows but updated only 35 of them; the updated rows are distributed evenly among the 100 selected rows. Using the pessimistic concurrency model, a graphical representation would appear as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Update and exclusive locks using the pessimistic concurrency model

If the optimistic concurrency model were used, the picture would look slightly different, as shown in Figure 3. The number of exclusive locks would be the same, but there would be no update locks. Also notice that no locks would be held from the time of the selection of the rows until the first record was updated.

Figure 3. Update lock and exclusive locks using the optimistic concurrency model

When choosing between the two models, you must consider the potential risk or likelihood of an update conflict. If the risk is minimal, the optimistic concurrency model most likely fits the scenario; if the risk is significant, the pessimistic concurrency model is probably your best choice. But the estimated cost of handling an update conflict and retrying can also influence your decision.


Although all the preceding examples mention updates only, the same RecVersion check is made when deleting records and is therefore also applicable in those scenarios.

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