IT tutorials

Microsoft Dynamic AX 2009 : The Database Layer - Transaction Semantics (part 5) - Concurrency Models - Optimistic Concurrency and Exception Handling

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3.5 Setting a Concurrency Model Globally

You can disable the table-level concurrency settings at run time. Disabling these settings has a global impact on the business logic, however. You can override the table-level setting and enforce either optimistic or pessimistic concurrency for all tables by using the Concurrency Model Configuration form from the Administration menu. The property on the tables doesn’t change, but when the Dynamics AX application runtime interprets the forupdate keyword, it uses the global setting rather than the table-level setting. The global setting honors the interpretation of the optistimiclock or pessimisticlock keyword, so optimistic and pessimistic concurrency are still enforced in scenarios in which these keywords are used.


You should disable the table-level settings with great care and only after considerable testing in a nonproduction environment—and only if you completely understand and accept all the consequences of the change.

3.6 Optimistic Concurrency and Exception Handling

“The X++ Programming Language,” it deserves special attention in a discussion of optimistic concurrency because an UpdateConflict exception is thrown when the application runtime discovers an update conflict. The UpdateConflict exception is one of only two exceptions that can be caught both inside and outside a transaction scope. All other exceptions in X++ can be caught only outside a transaction scope. When the update conflict exception is caught inside a transaction scope, the database isn’t rolled back, as it is when caught outside a transaction scope.

Update conflict exceptions can be caught inside a transaction scope so that you can catch the exception, execute compensating logic, and then retry the update. The compensating logic must insert, update, or delete records in the database to get to a state in which you can retry the application logic.

There are two types of update conflicts exceptions, structured and unstructured. With structured exception handling, the catch block signature that is specific to this exception type contains an instance of the table variable. This catch block is executed only when the update conflict happens on the table instance specified in that signature. A structured exception handling framework can be particularly useful when a block of code issues multiple updates and the application intends to catch and recover from an updateconflict exception in a table buffer. The following example demonstrates the use of a structured updateconflict exception.

static void Occ2StructuredMultipleUpdateConflictMgmt(Args _args)
    CustTable cust1;
    CustTable cust2;
        select forupdate cust1 where cust1.AccountNum == '1101' &&
cust1.CustGroup == '10';
        select forupdate cust2 where cust2.AccountNum == '1102' &&
cust2.CustGroup == '10';
        cust1.CreditRating = strfmt("%1",str2int(cust1.CreditRating)+1);
        cust2.CreditRating = strfmt("%1",str2int(cust2.CreditRating)+1);

    catch(Exception::UpdateConflict, cust1)
        throw Exception::UpdateConflictNotRecovered;
    catch(Exception::UpdateConflict, cust2)
         cust2.CreditRating = strfmt("%1",str2int(cust2.CreditRating)+1);


You might find it very difficult, however, to write compensation logic that reverts all changes within a given scenario and makes it possible to retry the application logic from a consistent state, especially because update methods can be customized to manipulate records in other tables. These changed records are then not compensated for by the compensation logic, which might be located in a completely different element. Because of these difficulties, the standard Dynamics AX application doesn’t attempt to compensate for changes to database records and retry within a transaction scope. The implemented X++ code to catch the update conflict exception and retry outside transaction scopes uses the X++ code pattern shown in the following example. The validation on the returned value from appl.ttsLevel determines whether the exception is caught inside or outside the transaction. If the exception is caught inside a transaction scope, the exception is simply thrown again. If the exception is caught outside a transaction scope, the transaction is retried unless the scenario has already been retried a certain number of times, in which case the application logic stops trying and throws an UpdateConflictNotRecovered exception. In Dynamics AX, the maximum number of retries, which is set in the OCCRetryCount macro element in the AOT, is 5.

 catch (Exception::UpdateConflict)
     if (appl.ttsLevel() == 0)
         if (xSession::currentRetryCount() >= #RetryNum)
             // Don't retry anymore.
             throw Exception::UpdateConflictNotRecovered;
             // Transaction is rolled back, so retry.
             // Possible additional code here.
         // Rethrow exception because execution is within transaction.
         throw Exception::UpdateConflict;


3.7 Concurrency Models in Forms

The execution of the rich client and Web client form application runtime always uses optimistic concurrency when updating and deleting records in forms. This means that the form application runtime doesn’t use the OccEnabled property on the tables.

In a Dynamics AX installation that uses SQL Server 2005, records are always read into the form by using an uncommitted isolation level, and when records are updated or deleted, the RecVersion check is performed. This check prevents an extra round-trip to the database to reselect the record and requires an update lock. This was not the case in earlier versions of Dynamics AX (Microsoft Axapta 3.x and earlier), in which optimistic concurrency wasn’t not implemented.

3.8 Repeatable Read

If you don’t need to modify any data and merely want to ensure that the same data can be read numerous times within a transaction scope without changes, you can use the repeatable read option supported in Dynamics AX. You ensure repeatable read by issuing the following select statement, which includes the repeatableread keyword.

select repeatableread custTable where custTable.CustGroup == '40';

When Dynamics AX running with SQL Server 2005 executes the preceding statement, it adds a REPEATABLEREAD hint to the SQL SELECT statement, which is passed to the database. This hint ensures that a shared lock is held until the end of the transaction on all records the statement selects. Because the repeatableread keyword prevents any other process from modifying the same records, it guarantees that the same record can be reselected and that the field values remain the same.


The repeatableread option only prevents the records from being updated or deleted. It doesn’t prevent the insertion of new records that match the criteria applied when the shared locks were acquired. The same SELECT statement can therefore return more rows the second time it is executed.

- Microsoft Dynamic AX 2009 : The Database Layer - Transaction Semantics (part 4) - Concurrency Models - Using Relative Updates to Prevent Update Conflicts
- Microsoft Dynamic AX 2009 : The Database Layer - Transaction Semantics (part 3) - Concurrency Models - Concurrent Scenarios
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