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Sharepoint 2013 : Security and Policy - Granting Permissions (part 2) - Granting Permissions to a List or Document Library

11/27/2014 8:35:01 PM
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Granting Permissions to a List or Document Library

For the purpose of this discussion, documents and lists work the same way when it comes to applying unique permissions. By default, lists inherit permissions from the parent site, just as sites inherit their permissions from their parent.

The following steps demonstrate how to view permissions applied to a list, and how to break the inheritance so you can apply unique permissions at the list level:

  1. Navigate to the default view of any list.
  2. From the ribbon, click the List (or Library) tab.
  3. In the Settings section, click the icon for Shared With (remember permissions are synonymous with sharing in SharePoint 2013).
  4. You should see a dialog like that in Figure 2.


    Figure 2. Shared With dialog

  5. Click the link to invite people.
  6. Click the link for advanced settings to see a page with the assigned permissions for the list.

Clicking the Advanced link on the Shared With dialog shows the Permissions page for the list. This Permissions page works exactly like the Permissions page for a site. To grant unique permissions, break the permission inheritance and assign specific permission levels to new or existing users or groups of users.

Granting Permissions to a List Item or Document

Granting unique permissions to list items or documents in a document library is a process similar to granting permissions at the site and list levels. The difference is in how you navigate to the Permissions page.

  1. From a List View page, select the List item.
  2. Click the ellipses and choose the Shared With menu item (Figure 3).


    Figure 3. Shared With for a list item

  3. SharePoint shows a dialog, similar to that shown for list permissions (Figure 2).
  4. Click the link for advanced options.
  5. As you did with sites and lists, you must break the permission inheritance to apply unique permissions to the list item.

Note  Try to avoid granting unique permissions to list items and documents in a document library. Doing so is bad practice and may lead to security management difficulties later.

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