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SQL Server 2012 : SQL Azure (part 2) - Managing a SQL Azure Database

8/10/2013 6:11:29 PM
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3. Managing a SQL Azure Database

At this point, we could continue using the Management Portal to create our database, but we can also use SQL Server Management Studio. To connect to our SQL Azure Server, we simply put the fully qualified DNS name in the connection string, as shown in Figure 6.


Figure 6. Connection dialog of SQL Server Management Studio

Provided your local IP is within the firewall and you supplied the right login and password, you should see the familiar Object Explorer enumerated with various database-level objects. Note that SQL Azure only supports SQL Authentication at this time. One of the things you will notice after a successful connection is the Object Explorer tree does not contain a lot of the nodes it contains when connected to on-premise SQL Server. This is because a SQL Azure database is not the same as an on-premise SQL Server. When you connect to a specific SQL Azure Server, you will see all your databases within that server. From a physical perspective, this is a façade, because in reality, these databases are physically spread across the environment to various nodes. Each node services many databases, so it is unlikely that any of your databases are on the same physical server. This architecture allows for SQL Azure to load balance and automatically move databases within the cluster and to take advantage of the available capacity and to maintain the published service level agreement (SLA).

Note Currently Microsoft provides a 99.9% SLA per month for the SQL Azure platform. More information about SLA can be viewed in the following web site:

With Microsoft taking care of the physical placement of the database, you won’t find any stored procedures that deal with the file system. Some other objects you may notice missing are SQL Server Agent. There is no job scheduling service available in SQL Azure at the time of this writing. A workaround would be to leverage a Windows Azure Compute node or an on-premise SQL Server Agent that would make a call to the SQL Azure database. Connecting to a SQL Azure database via SQL Server Management Studio yields the Object Explorer tree shown in Figure 7.


Figure 7. Object Explorer connected to a SQL Azure database

You’ll notice in Figure 7 that the build number for SQL Azure is different from that of the current SQL Server releases. SQL Server 2008 starts with 10.00 and SQL Server 2008 R2 starts with 10.5. Currently in SQL Azure, the build is 10.25. SQL Azure updates on its own schedule about every 3–6 months, so the version numbers will always be different than what you will find on an on-premise SQL Server installation

From SSMS, we can create a new database by selecting Create Database from the context menu of the Databases node or by using the CREATE DATABASE command within a New Query window. While the amount and quality of dialogs may be increased in later versions of SQL Server, the Create Database context menu item simply puts a template script in the Query Editor window. To create a database, let’s issue the following command in the query editor window:


Upon a refresh of the Object Explorer, we can see the newly created database.

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