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Windows 7 : Windows in Your Pocket—Using a Windows Mobile Smartphone - Windows Mobile and Windows 7 (part 2) - Managing the Device Partnership

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1. Managing the Device Partnership

Once your partnership is established, you can manage various aspects of the device:

  • Programs and Services: From here, you can add and remove applications on the device, which is useful, and access various Microsoft Web sites devoted to Windows Mobile (which is passingly useful at best). If you're familiar with the Programs and Features control panel in Windows 7, you'll be right at home with Add/Remove Programs for Windows Mobile (see Figure 5).

  • Pictures, Music, and Video: Here, you can import photos and video clips you took with your phone (which works identically to image and video acquisition from digital cameras and other similar devices) and trigger media sync between the device and Windows Media Player. As you can see in Figure 6, Windows Media Player treats a Windows Mobile phone just like any other mobile media device. 

    Figure 5. Add/Remove Programs enables you to manage the applications installed on your smartphone.
    Figure 6. You can manage device-based music and video with Windows Media Player in Windows 7.
  • File Management: From this simple interface, you can browse the contents of your device using a standard Windows Explorer window, as shown in Figure 7. If your device has integrated memory and a removable memory card, they will appear as separate drives under your smartphone.

    Figure 7. You can browse your device with Windows Mobile and, if needed, copy files back and forth between your PC and the device.

    You don't need to use Windows Mobile Device Center to access your device's storage with Explorer. That's because your smartphone appears in Computer, right alongside your other storage devices, as shown in Figure 8.

    Figure 8. A tethered smartphone appears like any other storage device attached to your PC.
  • Mobile Device Settings: This last option in Windows Mobile Device Center provides a number of features. For this reason, we'll examine these options in more depth in the following sections.

- Windows 7 : Windows in Your Pocket—Using a Windows Mobile Smartphone - Windows Mobile and Windows 7 (part 1)
- Windows 7 : Windows in Your Pocket—Using a Windows Mobile Smartphone - Windows Mobile Today
- Windows 7 : Windows in Your Pocket—Using a Windows Mobile Smartphone - History of Windows Mobile
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