IT tutorials

Windows 8 : Configuring Connection Properties (part 1) - Configuring Automatic or Manual Connections

8/14/2013 5:45:21 PM
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Whether you are working with dial-up, broadband, or VPN connections, you’ll often need to set additional properties after creating a connection. The key properties that you will work with are examined in this section.


As you work with connection properties, keep in mind that VPN connections use existing connections and that the configuration of each connection is separate. With VPN, the primary connection is established first by using the settings assigned to that connection, and then the VPN connection is attempted using the VPN connection settings. With this in mind, you should configure the primary connection first and then configure the options for VPN. You should change this approach only when you are troubleshooting problems with VPN. In this case, you should start with the VPN configuration and work your way back to the settings for the primary connection.

1. Configuring Automatic or Manual Connections

Windows 8 can be configured to establish dial-up, broadband, or VPN connections automatically when users access programs, such as a web browser, that need to connect to the Internet. Automatic connections work in ways that depend on settings in the Internet Options tool. The dial-up options include the following:

  • Never Dial A Connection Users must manually establish a connection.

  • Dial Whenever A Network Connection Is Not Present The connection is established automatically when it’s needed, but only when the network connection isn’t working.

  • Always Dial My Default Connection The default connection is always established when an Internet connection is needed (even if other connections are already established).


The way you configure automatic connections really depends on the way your organization works. Contrary to what some administrators think, mobile device users are usually less frustrated when their computers are set to never dial a connection. Users might not have access to a dial-up connection when they are out of the office, for example, and having the computer attempt to dial a connection when a user is meeting with customers or giving a presentation can be disruptive. On the other hand, if you are configuring dial-up networking for users with desktops at a remote or home office, they’ll probably want to use automatic connections.

To configure computers to connect manually, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab, as shown in Figure 1.

  2. Select Never Dial A Connection, and then tap or click OK.

    Configure manual or automatic connections by using the Connections tab.

    Figure 1. Configure manual or automatic connections by using the Connections tab.

You can configure automatic connections by following these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. Select Dial Whenever A Network Connection Is Not Present to establish a connection automatically if a network connection isn’t working. Select Always Dial My Default Connection to always attempt to establish a connection.

  3. The Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list shows the dial-up, broadband, and VPN connections that are currently configured. Select the connection you want to use by default when establishing a connection, and then tap or click Set Default.

  4. Tap or click OK.

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