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Windows 8 : Configuring Connection Properties (part 2) - Configuring Proxy Settings for Mobile Connections

8/14/2013 5:46:32 PM
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2. Configuring Proxy Settings for Mobile Connections

As with connections themselves, proxy server settings can be set manually or automatically. With manual configuration, you need to configure each property step by step. With automatic configuration, the computer attempts to detect proxy server settings and then configure the appropriate options, or the computer reads a configuration script to use in configuring the proxy.


Proxy settings can be configured for multiple systems through Group Policy. If you elect not to configure proxy settings through Group Policy, you can configure them on a per-connection basis, as discussed in this section.

Configuration scripts can be stored in a file on the local computer or at an Internet address. Using configuration scripts can save a lot of time, especially when you consider that each connection you create is configured separately. Further, because VPN connections are established on top of an existing setting, the proxy settings for the VPN can be different from those set in the original connection.

To use automatic proxy configuration for a connection, complete the following steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list, select the dial-up connection that you want to configure, and then tap or click Settings. This displays a Settings dialog box similar to the one shown in Figure 2.

  3. To attempt to detect proxy settings automatically when establishing the connection, select Automatically Detect Settings.

  4. To use a configuration script, select Use Automatic Configuration Script, and then type the file path or URL for the script. With file paths, you can use environment variables, such as %UserProfile%\PROXY.VBS. With URLs, be sure to use the computer URL, such as

    Proxy settings can be automatically configured through detection or scripts.

    Figure 2. Proxy settings can be automatically configured through detection or scripts.

  5. To ensure that only automatic settings are used, clear the Use A Proxy Server For This Connection check box.

  6. Tap or click OK twice.

To use manual proxy configuration, complete the following steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list, select the dial-up connection you want to configure, and then tap or click Settings.

  3. Clear the Automatically Detect Settings and Use Automatic Configuration Script check boxes if they are selected.

  4. Select Use A Proxy Server For This Connection. The Bypass Proxy Server For Local Addresses check box is not selected by default. In most cases, however, you won’t want to use a proxy for requests made to servers on the same network segment, so you’ll want to select Bypass Proxy Server For Local Addresses as well. It is important to note that if Bypass Proxy Server For Local Addresses is not selected, users might need additional permissions to access intranet servers through your proxy servers.

  5. Tap or click Advanced to display the Proxy Settings dialog box, as shown in Figure 3.

    You can use the same proxy for all services, or you can configure multiple proxies.

    Figure 3. You can use the same proxy for all services, or you can configure multiple proxies.

  6. Using the text boxes in the Servers area, set the IP address for proxies. You’ll find the following two columns of text boxes:

    • Proxy Address To Use Sets the IP address of the related proxy server or servers. Enter the IP address for each service. If multiple proxies are configured for a particular service, type the IP address for each proxy server in the order in which you want the web client to attempt to use them. Each address must be separated by a semicolon. If a proxy isn’t configured for a service, do not fill in the related text box.

    • Port Sets the port number on which the proxy server responds to requests. Most proxies respond to port 80 for all requests. That said, the standard ports are port 80 for Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), port 443 for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL; listed as Secure), port 21 for File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and port 1081 for Socks. Check with your organization’s web administrator for the proper settings.

  7. The Use The Same Proxy Server For All Protocols check box enables you to use the same IP address and port settings for the HTTP, SSL, FTP, and Socks services. You have the following options:

    • If your organization has one proxy server that handles all requests, select the Use The Same Proxy Server For All Protocols check box. Type the IP address that you want to use and the port number on which the server responds.

    • If you want to use a unique proxy server or servers for each type of service, clear the Use The Same Proxy Server For All Protocols check box, and then enter the necessary IP addresses and port numbers in the text boxes provided.

  8. If your network has multiple segments or there are specific servers that shouldn’t use proxies, enter the appropriate IP addresses or IP address ranges in the Exceptions list. Each entry must be separated by a semicolon. The asterisk (*) character can be used as a wildcard character to specify an address range of 0 through 255, such as 192.*.*.*, 192.168.*.*, or 192.168.10.*.

  9. Tap or click OK three times.

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