Scenario/Problem: | You want to modify the system-generated DIP. |
The first step in modifying a DIP is using the form
template to create a new form to modify the DIP. To modify the DIP of a
document library, follow these steps:
1. | From the File, New page, select the Document Information Panel template, as shown in Figure 1, to import an existing DIP for modification.
2. | Click the Design Form button. The Data Source Wizard appears.
3. | Enter the address of the document library for which you want to modify the DIP, as shown in Figure 2. Click Next.
4. | Select the content type in the library, as shown in Figure 3, to modify the DIP of that document type. Click Next.
5. | Click
Finish. The system-generated DIP for the document library content type
you selected is loaded into the designer, as shown in Figure 4.
6. | Modify the DIP inside the designer as needed.
7. | Click
File, Info, and then click the Quick Publish button to publish your
changes to the document library. You need to save a local copy of the
form before InfoPath allows you to publish the form.
Publishing the new template updates the document content type in the document library.
Add data connections to your DIP to populate drop-downs with dynamic data.
Adding a new document through the associated Office application renders your updated template as the document information panel.