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System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Patch Management - Troubleshooting Software Updates

10/5/2013 1:51:51 AM
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The entire software update process can break at many different points. Multiple components coordinate their efforts to make the process hum along normally; however, when something goes wrong, the first step is identifying which component is having issues. Depending on the exact failure point, you can review a variety of log files for error messages. It is also important to track and report on the status of software updates to “the powers that be” or the “senior partners,” whichever you are subject to. The next sections discuss how to monitor software updates as well as those areas that typically have issues and how to diagnose and (hopefully) fix them.

Monitoring Software Updates

There are two primary ways to monitor your software update status in ConfigMgr. The first and traditional way is to use reporting. As of ConfigMgr 2007 R2, there are 34 reports out of the box specific to tracking various aspects of Software Updates, including client scan states, update applicability, deployment progress, and compliance. Like all ConfigMgr reports, you can copy and customize these to fit your exact needs.

The second way to monitor Software Updates is using the Software Updates home page, accessible by directly selecting the Software Updates node in the ConfigMgr admin console tree (Site Database -> Computer Management -> Software Updates). This page provides a dashboard for finding summary information concerning your Software Updates stance. Figure 1 displays an example of this home page.

Figure 1. Software updates home page

You can select a subset of updates from the update repository by defining filter criteria for the Vendor, Month and Year, and Classification. This populates the list box on the left with updates matching the specified filter criteria. For Microsoft Updates, the listed Article IDs are actually hyperlinks that take you directly to the TechNet knowledge base article describing the update. The % Compliant column also contains hyperlinks that launch the specific software update states report, which details the count and percentage of computers in each compliance state for the specified software update. In addition to the list of updates on the left, a pie chart summarizing the compliance state of updates selected in the list is displayed on the right. You can select multiple updates in the usual way to update the pie chart with aggregate data from all the updates selected.

Links at the bottom of the page take you to other nodes in the admin console, significant reports, and applicable help documentation.


The first component in Software Updates is WSUS. WSUS is significant because it acquires all information about available updates and distributes that catalog of updates to clients. Luckily, ConfigMgr takes over control of WSUS using an SUP and creates detailed log files of the WSUS operation. Here are the three main log files for WSUS and an SUP, located in <ConfigMgrInstallPath>\Logs:

  • WCM.log— Provides information about the software update point configuration and connecting to the WSUS server for subscribed update categories, classifications, and languages.

  • WSUSCtrl.log— This log file provides information about the configuration, database connectivity, and health of the WSUS server for the site.

  • wsyncmgr.log— Provides information about the software updates synchronization process.

Most errors experienced with WSUS are configuration errors, including not matching the ports configured during installation of WSUS and then configured in the SUP (Site Database -> Site Management -> <Site Code> <Site Name> -> Site Settings -> Site Systems -> ConfigMgr software update point).

Also common are Internet connectivity issues due to firewalls, proxy servers, or other mitigating factors. Always confirm that the system running WSUS has Internet connectivity if you are downloading the update catalog directly from Microsoft, and ensure that you have properly configured the proxy account if one is required (Site Management -> <Site Code> <Site Name> -> Site Settings -> Component Configuration -> Software Update Point Component).

Downloading Updates

It is possible for the update downloads from Microsoft to fail. Recall that WSUS does not download the updates in ConfigMgr; you must manually initiate download of all updates. This is an interactive process; the ConfigMgr console connects to the Microsoft download servers using the credentials of the user currently logged in to the console. You can easily test connectivity for the current user by opening Internet Explorer and navigating to (If a proxy server is required to connect to the Internet, configure the settings in Internet Explorer.) If the logged-in user does not have permission to perform the action, the download will not take place.

The PatchDownloader.log file logs download activity for updates. This log contains information about every patch the console attempts to download. The file is located in one of two places:

  • %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Configuration Manager\Logs— If you are running the console on the site server

  • %ProgramFiles%\Microsoft Configuration Manager Console\AdminUI\AdminUILog— If you are running the console remotely

Client Update Scanning and Deployment

WUA on the local system handles the process of scanning a client for applicable updates. The ConfigMgr agent initiates the scanning according to the defined schedules or any on-demand requests; the WUA will in turn report back to the ConfigMgr agent. The following client-side log files, located in the %SystemRoot%\System32\CCM\logs folder on 32-bit clients and %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\CCM\logs on 64-bit clients, can help when investigating failures:

  • ScanAgent.log— Provides information about the scan requests for software updates, the tool requested for the scan, the WSUS location, and so on

  • UpdatesDeployment.log— Provides information about the deployment on the client. This includes software update activation, evaluation, and enforcement

  • UpdatesHandler.log— Provides information about software update compliance scanning as well as download and installation of software updates on the client

  • UpdatesStore.log— Provides information about the compliance status for software updates assessed during the compliance scan cycle

  • WUAHandler.log— Provides information regarding when the Windows Update Agent on the client searches for software updates

One of the main issues that can affect the scanning process is having a domain-based GPO override the Windows Updates settings. The WUAHandler.log file will clearly indicate if this issue exists in your environment.

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