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System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Planning Your Software Updates Strategy, Software Update Options in Microsoft Products

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1. Planning Your Software Updates Strategy

Deploying patches successfully with any tool requires planning and preparation. There are numerous aspects to consider, many of which depend on your specific environment and user requirements. This section lists items to consider when developing your patch management strategy:

  • Scope— Start by determining which systems and applications to patch. Although not updating all systems or applications for a particular flaw may pose a security risk, there may be specific reasons not to patch a particular piece of software (for example, due to third-party vendor support, as described in the next bullet).

  • Third-party support— Check with the vendors of your applications before applying patches. Many vendors will not support their products if you apply a Windows patch they have not tested with that product. Vendors may also issue patches to a product because a Microsoft patch caused it to break. This is vendor dependent, and varies from vendor to vendor.

    Depending on the severity of the flaw a patch addresses, you may have to weigh the risk of not applying it versus the possibility of breaking the application or going out of compliance with the vendor’s recommended Windows patch level. Only you, in coordination with your user population and other Information Technology (IT) support staff, can decide to apply the patch.

  • Patch testing— Testing patches before deploying them to your production systems is highly recommended. Even if you do not have a full test environment at your disposal, do not let that deter you from testing. At a minimum, identify a group of systems for each patch category as your guinea pigs. You might categorize this by operating system (such as Windows Vista workstations or Windows 2008 servers) or hosted application (such as PeopleSoft servers or Finance department workstations).

    Deploy patches to your identified test systems before the scheduled production rollout of the patches, leaving you sufficient time to troubleshoot and resolve any problems caused by the patches.

  • Coordination and scheduling— Because Windows patches typically require a reboot, they do not lend themselves to deployment during business hours. Coordinate with other IT staff, server administrators, application administrators, your users, and management to establish maintenance windows defining acceptable times to reboot servers and workstations. Although maintenance windows are useful for all types of system maintenance, they are a definite requirement for patch management.

    Do not necessarily limit yourself to a single maintenance window for all your systems, because deploying everywhere at once increases the risk of a single bad patch affecting your entire environment. Additionally, rebooting all your systems in a short period of time most likely will result in unexpected side effects from resource dependencies or other contention-type issues. As an example, if you patch your Domain Name System (DNS) servers and they all reboot at the same time, clients will not be able to resolve Internet Protocol (IP) addresses until those servers are operational. This may, in turn, cause other applications that rely on resolving IP addresses to fail.

    Additionally, there may be application-specific jobs that run at particular times. Rebooting the system running the job or a remote system referenced by the job may cause that job to fail. Examples of scheduled jobs include accounting reports, payroll processing, and database maintenance.

    Many organizations include patch management in their established change control process or create a process to deal with the many ramifications of updates and patches.

  • Notification— Always issue fair warning to anyone potentially affected by a patch update or a system reboot. Even when you coordinate maintenance windows, sending additional notifications to other administrators and users to let them know what will transpire prevents a lot of finger pointing and many sleepless nights. Consider using multiple notifications from different sources and different channels. Notifications from an IT manager, CIO, and such are also highly recommended because they carry additional political weight and garner more attention. As an example, an email blast from the IT manager and an announcement on the company intranet or newsletter not only goes a long way in preventing the “I didn’t know” excuse, but also actually invalidates it!

  • Political policies and support— IT professionals all know the risks of not patching systems and applications. To implement a successful patching strategy, you must have the political support in your organization to establish a policy that dictates and enforces applying patches. Without such a top-down policy, you will continue to face opposition to patching, not only from users but also within IT. A policy enforced by your CIO (or equivalent) will eliminate any quibbling over patching.

    Compliance regulations in the United States such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX), and Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) are another driver for patching, eliminating any question about its necessity. Although none of these compliance laws specifically requires patching, it is one of the first things checked by auditors.

Based on the information listed, plus other factors that may be unique to your own organization or environment, consider developing a patch strategy and policy document that include things such as a timeline, rollback process, and testing procedure. Update this document every month to indicate which patches are in scope, and distribute it as part of your notification process.

The recommendations in this section are applicable no matter which tool you use to update and patch your systems, including the ITMU in SMS 2003. However, the ITMU used with SMS 2003 and Software Updates in ConfigMgr 2007 are distinctly different tools using very different ways to get the same job done. The next section discusses these differences.

2. Software Update Options in Microsoft Products

ConfigMgr Software Updates replaces the ITMU feature pack used in SMS 2003 and SMS 2.0. Microsoft designed ConfigMgr’s Software Updates to be a first-class citizen in ConfigMgr 2007 and take advantage of the built-in Windows Updates infrastructure. The following sections discuss the Windows Update Agent used by WSUS and ConfigMgr as well as compare the ConfigMgr patching process to that in ITMU and WSUS.

The Windows Update Agent

The Windows Update Agent (WUA), in Windows operating systems since Windows 2000 Service Pack (SP) 1, provides a standard method to detect and report patch applicability for Windows and other Microsoft products—such as Office—on all Windows systems. Additionally, Microsoft updates the agent regularly to ensure it can properly detect the need for the latest available patches. You can configure the Windows Update Agent manually or through group policy to detect, download, and apply necessary patches automatically.

ConfigMgr 2007 uses the WUA to detect which patches are necessary on a system. This eliminates using separate scanning tools, which frees up the ConfigMgr administrator from maintaining these tools and Microsoft’s ConfigMgr development team from creating and testing them. Using the WUA also ensures consistent patch-scanning results between ConfigMgr, Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), and manual patching.

The SMS Inventory Tool for Microsoft Updates

The ITMU is an add-on that never seemed to fit well with the rest of Microsoft’s SMS product. The ITMU incorporates a separate scanning tool to detect when patches are necessary on managed systems. On occasion, Microsoft has released separate scanning tools to detect if specific patches are applicable because the base ITMU scanning tool did not detect them. Using multiple scanning utilities causes the ITMU and Windows Update to detect patch applicability differently, occasionally causing discrepancies between the two tools when identifying necessary patches.

Both the ITMU and ConfigMgr deliver and apply patches using packages. The ConfigMgr packages (called update packages) differ from the ITMU because they have their own branch in the Configuration Manager console, displayed in Figure 1. Unlike ConfigMgr software packages , update packages do not have programs, although you must install the packages on distribution points (DPs) to use them.

Figure 1. Software Updates in the ConfigMgr console

The ITMU and Software Updates also download Microsoft’s catalog of available updates differently:

  • The ITMU uses a separate command-line tool that runs using a Software Distribution package.

  • Software Updates integrates with an installation of WSUS, removing from ConfigMgr the task of downloading the catalog from the Internet and instead using the standard mechanism built in to WSUS. Managed systems connect to this instance of WSUS to perform scans, although they do not actually report results to it.

Standalone WSUS

With a standalone installation of WSUS, clients are configured (either manually or with group policy) to report their status to a WSUS server and pull applicable updates from that WSUS server. Configuring when updates are installed is somewhat limited, particularly if group policy is not used. Reporting is also limited, and centrally managing and deploying patches to systems connected through a wide area network (WAN), Virtual Private Network (VPN), or the Internet is problematic.

Configuration Manager 2007

Using Software Updates in ConfigMgr 2007 addresses the shortcomings of WSUS, eliminates the requirement for ITMU, and utilizes the now ubiquitous WUA. It also provides powerful and customizable reporting that integrates with ConfigMgr’s asset management and inventory capabilities. The next section begins discussing the steps required to start using this new tool.

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