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iPhone 3D Programming : Simplify with glDrawTexOES

10/26/2011 5:52:09 PM
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Recall that updating the VBO at every frame and computing texture coordinates was a bit of a pain; it turns out the iPhone supports an easier way to render pixel rectangles when you’re using OpenGL ES 1.1.


This extension is not supported under OpenGL ES 2.0.

The GL_OES_draw_texture extension (supported on all iPhone models at the time of this writing) adds two new functions to OpenGL’s repertoire:

void glDrawTexfOES(GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z, 
GLfloat width, GLfloat height);
void glDrawTexfvOES(const GLfloat *destRectangle);

These two functions are basically equivalent; either can be used to render a rectangle. The second function takes a pointer to the same five floats described in the first function.


The GL_OES_draw_texture extension actually introduces eight functions in all because of the variants for GLshort, GLint, and GLfixed. I tend to use the GLfloat variants.

This extension also introduces a new texture parameter called GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, which can be used liked this:

int sourceRectangle[] = { x, y, width, height };
glTexParameteriv(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_CROP_RECT_OES, sourceRectangle);

When used together, the new glDrawTex* functions and the new texture parameter make it easy to draw rectangles of pixels; there’s no need to mess with cumbersome VBOs and triangles.

To summarize, use glDrawTex* to set the destination rectangle on the screen; use the new crop rectangle parameter to set up the rectangle in the source texture.

Let’s walk through the process of converting the FpsRenderer sample to use the draw_texture extension. First we can remove several fields from the class, including m_vbo, m_windowSize, and all constants except MaxNumDigits.

We can also replace the cumbersome WriteGlyphVertex method with a new streamlined method called RenderGlyph. See Example 1. For brevity, sections of code that remain unchanged are replaced with ellipses.

Example 1. Simplified FpsRenderer skeleton

class FpsRenderer {
FpsRenderer(vec2 windowSize)
void RenderFps()
uint64_t deltaTime = GetElapsedNanoseconds();
double fps = 1000000000.0 / deltaTime;
double alpha = m_filterConstant;
m_fps = fps * alpha + m_fps * (1.0 - alpha);
fps = round(m_fps);

glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, m_textureHandle);
glColor4f(1, 1, 1, 1);

char digits[MaxNumDigits + 1] = {0};
sprintf(digits, "%d", (int) fps);
vec2 pos(5, 10);

for (char* digit = &digits[0]; *digit; ++digit) {
int glyphIndex = *digit - '0';
const Glyph& glyph = NumeralGlyphs[glyphIndex];
RenderGlyph(glyph, pos);
pos.x += glyph.Metrics.XAdvance;



static const int MaxNumDigits = 3;

uint64_t GetElapsedNanoseconds()

void RenderGlyph(const Glyph& glyph, vec2 position)
position.y -= glyph.Metrics.Height + glyph.Metrics.YBearing;

int box[] = { glyph.Position.X,
m_textureSize.y - 1
+ glyph.Position.Y - glyph.Metrics.Height,
glyph.Metrics.Width + 1,
glyph.Metrics.Height + 1 };

glDrawTexfOES(position.x, position.y, 0,
glyph.Metrics.Width + 1, glyph.Metrics.Height + 1);

double m_filterConstant;
double m_fps;
uint64_t m_previousTime;
vec2 m_textureSize;
GLuint m_textureHandle;

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