SmartArt graphics allow you to create
diagrams that convey processes or relationships. You can add animation
to a SmartArt graphic to show information in phases on a slide one at a
time or with special animation effects. The easiest way to apply
animation effects to a slide show is to use animation commands on the
Animations tab. To quickly see if you like an animation, point to a
name in the Animation list to display a live preview of it. If you like
it, you can apply it. You can also design your own customized
animations, including those with your own special effects and sound
Animate a SmartArt Graphic
- 1. Select the SmartArt graphic you want to animate.
- 2. Click the Animations tab.
- 3. Click the Animation list arrow, and then point to an animation.
A live preview of the style appears in the current shape.
- 4. Click the animation you want.
- None. Removes the animation effect.
- 5. Click the Effect Options button, and then an option for the selected effect (options vary depending on the SmartArt graphic):
- As One Object. Animates the SmartArt object as a whole.
- All at Once. Animates all shapes at the same time.
- One by One. Animates each shape individually one at a time.
- 6. To see the animation effect, click the Preview button.

Animations you apply to a SmartArt graphic are
different from the ones you apply to text, shapes, or WordArt.
Connecting lines between shapes are associated with the second shape
and not animated individually. Shapes in a SmartArt graphic animate in
the order the shapes appear. When you convert a diagram created in an
earlier version of PowerPoint to a SmartArt graphic, you might loose
some animation settings.