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Active Directory 2008 : Managing an Enterprise with Groups (part 4) - Developing a Group Management Strategy

8/9/2013 6:47:41 PM
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7. Developing a Group Management Strategy

Adding groups to other groups—a process called nesting—can create a hierarchy of groups that support your business roles and management rules. Now that you have learned the business purposes and technical characteristics of groups, it is time to align the two in a strategy for group management.

Earlier in this lesson, you learned which types of objects can be members of each group scope. Now it is time to identify which types of objects should be members of each group scope. This leads to the best practice for group nesting, known as IGDLA:

  • Identities (user and computer accounts) are members of

  • Global groups that represent business roles. Those role groups (global groups) are members of

  • Domain Local groups that represent management rules—for example, managing who has Read permission to a specific collection of folders. These rule groups (domain local groups) are granted

  • Access to resources. In the case of a shared folder, for example, access is granted by adding the domain local group to the folder’s ACL, with a permission that provides the appropriate level of access.

A multidomain forest also contains universal groups that fit in between global and domain local groups. Global groups from multiple domains are members of a single universal group. That universal group is a member of domain local groups in multiple domains. You can remember the nesting as IGUDLA.



Some texts abbreviate the group nesting strategy as UGDLA: Users go into Global groups, which go into Domain Local groups, which are given Access to resources. This text, and others, changes the abbreviation to IGDLA. Although users are members of groups, so are computers. For example, to deploy software to a collection of computers, you can make them members of a group that is used as a deployment target by your software distribution tools. Therefore, identities is more accurate than users. In addition, the change allows U to be used for Universal groups in multidomain forest group nesting.

This best practice for implementing group nesting translates well even in multidomain scenarios. Consider Figure 10.

Figure 10 represents a group implementation that reflects not only the technical view of group management best practices (IGDLA) but also the business view of role-based, rule-based management.

A group management implementation

Figure 10. A group management implementation

Consider the following scenario. The sales force at Contoso, Ltd., has just completed their fiscal year. Sales files from the previous year are in a folder called Sales. The sales force needs Read access to the Sales folder. Additionally, a team of auditors from Woodgrove Bank, a potential investor, requires Read access to the Sales folder to perform an audit. The steps to implement the security required by this scenario are as follows:

  1. Assign users with common job responsibilities or other business characteristics to role groups implemented as global security groups.

    This happens separately in each domain. Salespeople at Contoso are added to a Sales role group. Auditors at Woodgrove Bank are added to an Auditors role group.

  2. Create a group to represent the business rule regarding who can access the Sales folder with Read permission.

    This is implemented in the domain that is managing the business rule. In this case, the business rule is Read-level access to the Sales folder, and the Contoso domain (in which the Sales folder resides) manages the access. The resource access management rule group is created as a domain local group, ACL_Sales Folders_Read.

  3. Add the role groups to the resource access management rule group ACL_Sales Folders_Read to represent the management rule.

    The role groups you add can come from any domain in the forest or from a trusted domain such as Woodgrove Bank. Global groups from trusted external domains, or from any domain in the same forest, can be members of a domain local group.

  4. Assign to the rule group the permission that implements the required level of access.

    In this case, grant the Allow Read permission to the domain local group ACL_Sales Folders_Read.

This strategy results in single points of management, reducing the management burden. One point of management defines who is in Sales, and one defines who is an Auditor. Those roles, of course, are likely to have a variety of permissions to resources beyond simply the Contoso domain’s Sales folder. Another single point of management determines who has Read access to the Sales folder. And, of course, the Sales folder might not just be a single folder on a single server: It could be a collection of folders across multiple servers, each of which assigns Allow Read permission to the single domain local group.



Role-based management is a concept used throughout information technology and information protection, and it can be attained with out-of-the-box capabilities of Active Directory. IGDLA is the implementation of role-based management using Active Directory groups.

Practice Creating and Managing Groups

Practice Creating and Managing Groups

In this practice, you create groups, experiment with group membership, and convert group type and scope. Before performing the exercises in this practice, you must create the following objects in the domain:

  • A first-level OU named Groups

  • A first-level OU named User Accounts

  • User objects in the User Accounts OU for David Jones, Jeff Ford, and Tony Krijnen

EXERCISE 1 Create Groups

In this exercise, you create groups of different scopes and types.

  1. Log on to SERVER01 as Administrator. Open the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in and click the Groups OU in the tree pane.

    If the Sales group already exists, delete the group.

  2. Right-click the Groups OU, point to New, and then click Group.

  3. In the Group Name box, type Sales.

  4. Select the Global group scope and Security group type. Click OK.

  5. Right-click the Sales group and choose Properties.

  6. On the Members tab, click Add. Type Jeff; Tony and click OK. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

  7. Repeat steps 2–4 to create two global security groups named Marketing and Consultants.

  8. Repeat steps 2–4 to create a domain local security group named ACL_Sales Folder_Read.

  9. Open the properties of the ACL_Sales Folder_Read group.

  10. On the Members tab, click Add. Type Sales;Marketing;Consultants and click OK.

  11. Click Add. Type David and click OK. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

  12. Open the Properties dialog box of the Marketing group.

  13. On the Members tab, click Add.

  14. Type ACL_Sales Folder_Read and click OK.

    You are unable to add a domain local group to a global group.

  15. Close all open dialog boxes.

  16. Create a folder named Sales on the C drive.

  17. Right-click the Sales folder, click Properties, and then click the Security tab.

  18. Click Edit, and then click Add.

  19. Click Advanced, and then click Find Now.

    Notice that by using a prefix for group names, such as the ACL_ prefix for resource access groups, you can find them quickly, grouped together at the top of the list.

  20. Close all open dialog boxes.

  21. Switch to Active Directory Users And Computers, right-click the Groups OU, click New, and then click Group.

  22. In the Group Name box, type Employees.

  23. Select the Domain Local group scope and the Distribution group type. Click OK.

EXERCISE 2 Convert Group Type and Scope

In this exercise, you learn how to convert group type and scope.

  1. Right-click the Employees group and choose Properties.

  2. Change the group type to Security. Click Apply.

    Consider: Can you change the group scope from Domain Local to Global? How?

  3. Change the group scope to Universal. Click Apply.

  4. Change the group scope to Global. Click Apply.

  5. Click OK to close the Properties dialog box.

- Active Directory 2008 : Managing an Enterprise with Groups (part 3) - Converting Group Scope and Type, Managing Group Membership
- Active Directory 2008 : Managing an Enterprise with Groups (part 2) - Defining Group Naming Conventions, Understanding Group Scope
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