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Active Directory 2008 : Managing an Enterprise with Groups (part 2) - Defining Group Naming Conventions, Understanding Group Scope

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2. Defining Group Naming Conventions

To create a group by using the Active Directory Users And Computers snap-in, simply right-click the organizational unit (OU) in which you want to create a group, point to New, and then click Group. The New Object – Group dialog box, shown in Figure 6, lets you specify fundamental properties of the new group.

The following name properties can be configured here:

  • Group name cn attribute of group object; must be unique only within OU

  • Group name (Pre–Windows 2000) sAMAccountName attribute of group; unique in domain

The New Object – Group dialog box

Figure 6. The New Object – Group dialog box

The first properties you must configure are the group’s names. A group, like a user or computer, has several names. The first, shown in the Group Name box in Figure 6, is used by Windows 2000 and later systems to identify the object—it becomes the cn and name attributes of the object. The second, the pre–Windows 2000 name, is the sAMAccountName attribute, used to identify the group to some applications and devices such as network attached storage (NAS) devices running non-Microsoft operating systems. The cn and name attributes must be unique only within the container—the OU—in which the group exists. The sAMAccountName must be unique in the entire domain. Technically, the sAMAccountName could be a different value than the cn and name, but this is highly discouraged. Choose a name that is unique in the domain, and use it in both name boxes in the New Object – Group dialog box.



Use the same name (unique in the domain) for both group name properties.

The following naming conventions are recommended:

  • Role groups . Simple, unique name, such as Sales or Consultants

  • Management groups . For example, ACL_Sales Folders_Read

    • Prefix This identifies the management purpose of group, such as ACL for groups managing access permissions to shared resources.

    • Resource identifier This is a unique identifier for what is being managed.

    • Suffix For resource access groups, this is the type of access the group manages.

    • Delimiter This should be a consistently used marker separating prefix, identifier, and suffix, such as an underscore (_). Do not use the delimiter elsewhere in the name—use it only as a delimiter.

The name you choose should help you manage the group and your enterprise on a day-to-day basis. It is recommended to follow a naming convention that identifies the type of group and the purpose of the group.

The example in the previous section used a group name, ACL_Sales Folders_Read. Let’s examine how the recommendations listed earlier apply to the group name.

  • Prefix The prefix identifies the management purpose of the group. In this case, it is a group used to manage access permissions to a folder. It is used on access control lists, so the prefix ACL is used.

  • Resource identifier The main part of the name uniquely identifies the resource that is being managed with the group—in this example, Sales Folders.

  • Suffix The suffix further defines what is being managed by the group. In the case of resource access management groups, the suffix defines the level of access provided to members of the group. In our example, that is Read.

  • Delimiter A delimiter—in this case, an underscore—is used to separate parts of the name. Note that the delimiter is not used between the words Sales and Folder. Spaces are acceptable in group names—you just need to enclose such group names in quotes when you refer to them in commands or scripts. You can create scripts that use the delimiter to deconstruct group names to facilitate auditing and reporting.

Remember that role groups that define user roles are often used by non-technical users. For example, you might email-enable the Sales group so that it can be used as an email distribution list. Therefore, your naming convention for role groups should be simple and straightforward. In other words, do not use prefixes, suffixes, or delimiters when naming role groups—just use a descriptive user-friendly name.

For more information about managing groups effectively, see Windows Administration Resource Kit: Productivity Solutions for IT Professionals.

3. Understanding Group Types

There are two types of groups: security and distribution. When you create a group, you select the group type in the New Object – Group dialog box.

Distribution groups are used primarily by email applications. These groups are not security enabled so they cannot be given permission to resources. Sending a message to a distribution group sends the message to all members of the group.

Security groups are security principals with SIDs. These groups can therefore be used in permission entries in ACLs to control security for resource access. Security groups can also be used as distribution groups by email applications. If a group will be used to manage security, it must be a security group.

Because security groups can be used for both resource access and email distribution, many organizations use only security groups. However, if a group will be used only for email distribution, you should create the group as a distribution group. Otherwise, the group is assigned a SID and the SID is added to the user’s security access token, which can lead to unnecessary bloat of the security token.

4. Understanding Group Scope

Groups have members: users, computers, and other groups; groups can be members of other groups, and groups can be referred to by ACLs, Group Policy object (GPO) filters, and other management components. Group scope affects each of these characteristics of a group: what it can contain, what it can belong to, and where it can be used. There are four group scopes: local, domain local, global, and universal.

The characteristics that define each scope fall into these categories:

  • Replication Where is the group defined and to what systems is the group replicated?

  • Membership What types of security principals can the group contain as members? Can the group include security principals from trusted domains? A trust allows a domain to refer to another domain for user authentication, to include security principals from the other domain as group members, and to assign permissions to security principals in the other domain. The terminology used can be confusing. If Domain A trusts Domain B, then Domain A is the trusting domain and Domain B is the trusted domain. Domain A accepts the credentials of users in Domain B. It forwards requests by Domain B users to authenticate to a domain controller in Domain B because it trusts the identity store and authentication service of Domain B. Domain A can add Domain B’s security principals to groups and ACLs in Domain A.

  • Availability Where can the group be used? Is the group available to add to another group? Is the group available to add to an ACL?

Keep these broad characteristics in mind as you explore the details of each group scope.



In the context of group membership, remember that if Domain A trusts Domain B, Domain B is trusted, and its users and global groups can be members of domain local groups in Domain A. Additionally, Domain B’s users and global groups can be assigned permissions to resources in Domain A.

Local Groups

Local groups are truly local—defined on and available to a single computer. Local groups are created in the security accounts manager (SAM) database of a domain member computer—both workstations and servers have local groups.

Local groups have the following characteristics:

  • Replication A local group is defined only in the local SAM database of a domain member server. The group and its membership are not replicated to any other system.

  • Membership A local group can include as members:

    • Any security principals from the domain: users, computers, global groups, or domain local groups

    • Users, computers, and global groups from any domain in the forest

    • Users, computers, and global groups from any trusted domain

    • Universal groups defined in any domain in the forest

  • Availability A local group has only computer-wide scope. It can be used in ACLs on the local computer only. A local group cannot be a member of any other group.



In a workgroup, you use local groups to manage security of resources on a system. In a domain, however, managing the local groups of individual computers becomes unwieldy and is, for the most part, unnecessary. It is not recommended to create custom local groups on domain members. In fact, the Users and Administrators local groups are the only local groups that you should be concerned with managing in a domain environment.

Domain Local Groups

Domain local groups are used primarily to manage permissions to resources. For example, the ACL_Sales Folder_Read group discussed earlier in the lesson would be created as a domain local group. Domain local groups have the following characteristics:

  • Replication A domain local group is defined in the domain naming context. The group object and its membership (the member attribute) are replicated to every domain controller in the domain.

  • Membership A domain local group can include as members:

    • Any security principals from the domain: users, computers, global groups, or other domain local groups

    • Users, computers, and global groups from any domain in the forest

    • Users, computers, and global groups from any trusted domain

    • Universal groups defined in any domain in the forest

  • Availability A domain local group can be added to ACLs on any resource on any domain member. Additionally, a domain local group can be a member of other domain local groups or even computer local groups.

The membership capabilities of a domain local group are identical to those of local groups, but the replication and availability of the domain local group make it useful across the entire domain.



Domain local groups are well suited for defining business management rules, such as resource access rules, because the group can be applied anywhere in the domain, and it can include members of any type within the domain as well as members from trusted domains. For example, a domain local security group named ACL_Sales Folders_Read might be used to manage Read access to a collection of folders that contain sales information on one or more servers.

Global Groups

Global groups are used primarily to define collections of domain objects based on business roles. Role groups, such as the Sales and Marketing groups mentioned earlier, as well as roles of computers such as a Sales Laptops group, would be created as global groups. Global groups have the following characteristics:

  • Replication A global group is defined in the domain naming context. The group object, including the member attribute, is replicated to all domain controllers in the domain.

  • Membership A global group can include as members users, computers, and other global groups in the same domain only.

  • Availability A global group is available for use by all domain members as well as by all other domains in the forest and all trusting external domains. A global group can be a member of any domain local or universal group in the domain or in the forest. It can also be a member of any domain local group in a trusting domain. Finally, a global group can be added to ACLs in the domain, in the forest, or in trusting domains.

As you can see, global groups have the most limited membership (only users, computers, and global groups from the same domain) but the broadest availability across the domain, the forest, and trusting domains.



Global groups are well suited to defining roles, because roles are generally collections of objects from the same directory. For example, global security groups named Consultants and Sales might be used to define users who are consultants and salespeople, respectively.

Universal Groups

Universal groups have the following characteristics:

  • Replication A universal group is defined in a single domain in the forest but is replicated to the global catalog. Objects in the global catalog are readily accessible across the forest.

  • Membership A universal group can include as members users, global groups, and other universal groups from any domain in the forest.

  • Availability A universal group can be a member of a universal group or domain local group anywhere in the forest. Additionally, a universal group can be used to manage resources—for example, to assign permissions—anywhere in the forest and in trusting forests.

Universal groups are useful in multidomain forests. They let you define roles, or manage resources, that span more than one domain.

The best way to understand universal groups is through an example. Trey Research has a forest with three domains: Americas, Asia, and Europe. Each domain has user accounts and a global group called Regional Managers that includes the managers of that domain’s region. Remember that global groups can contain only users from the same domain. A universal group called Trey Research Regional Managers is created, and the three Regional Managers groups are added as members. The Trey Research Regional Managers group therefore defines a role for the entire forest. As users are added to any one of the Regional Managers groups, they will, through group nesting, be members of the Trey Research Regional Managers group.

Trey Research is planning to release a new product that requires collaboration across its regions. Resources related to the project are stored on file servers in each domain. To define who has the ability to modify files related to the new product, a universal group is created called ACL_New Product_Modify. That group is assigned the Allow Modify permission to the shared folders on each of the file servers in each of the domains. The Trey Research Regional Managers group is made a member of the ACL_New Product_Modify group, as are various global groups and a handful of users from each of the regions.



As you can see from the example in this section, universal groups can help you represent and consolidate roles that span domains in a forest and define rules that can be applied across the forest.

Summarizing Group Membership Possibilities

For both the certification examinations and day-to-day administration, it is important that you are completely familiar with the membership characteristics of each group scope.

Table 1 summarizes the objects that can be members of each group scope.

Table 1. Group Scope and Members














Global groups

Global groups



Universal groups

Universal groups



Domain local groups


Local users defined on the same computer as the local group


Domaian Local









Global groups

Global groups



Universal groups

Universal groups



Domain local groups










Global groups

Global groups


Universal groups

Universal groups









Global groups

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