The Music app is a touch-oriented music
player, a music browser, and a music content store. From Music, you can
preview new music and add it to your collection. For a phone or tablet,
this is great, though on desktop computers you may prefer to use Windows
Media Player, which still ships with Windows 8. Let’s put Music through
its paces.
1. To play a song
1. Tap or click the Music tile on the Start screen .
The Music app tile
Music appears with tile groups .
The Music app main screen
All the group titles are links to more content, categorized by genre.
2. Click the my music link to view your current album or folder.
Swipe from the bottom or right-click, and then tap or click the Open Files button to open the File picker .
The File picker
Navigate the file system to locate the song or album you want to play,
then tap or click to select an item. You can select multiple items, and
you can move to additional folders to select items to build a playlist .
The Files screen with selections from different folders forming a playlist
4. Click the Open button to play your selection.
The basic Music player then plays your song and diplays a set of player buttons.
The Music app player
The Music app builds a cool background composed of your album art and content Windows 8 selects for you.