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SharePoint 2010 : ADO.NET Data Services and REST (part 4) - Consuming ADO.NET Data Services in JavaScript

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4. Consuming ADO.NET Data Services in JavaScript

Perhaps the biggest advantage of the simplicity of the ADO.NET services REST -based API is the possibility to consume it in any platform. The formatted data is simply utf-8, so it can be consumed in Java (or JavaScript for that matter).

Let's look at a few examples of consuming the service in JavaScript.  You can choose to drag and drop the TestPage.aspx using SharePoint designer into the content database, or you can choose to wrap it and deploy it as a solution.

Let's look at the example of querying data using JavaScript first. The necessary JavaScript required to fetch data over the REST -based API can be seen in Listing 7.

Example 7. Querying Data using JavaScript
function load()
              var request = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
  "http://sp2010/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Songs?$filter=Artist/Title eq 'George Michael'");
              request.get_headers()['Accept'] = 'application/json';

function handleRequestComplete(response, userContext)
              var songs = response.get_object().d;

              var outputHtml = "" ;
              for (var i = 0; i < songs.results.length ; i++)
                             outputHtml = outputHtml + "<br/>" + songs.results[i].Title ;

              $get("results").innerHTML = outputHtml;



I'm using the System.Net.WebRequest class to formulate my HTTP request. This is a simple GET request using the $filter action to find all songs by George Michael. After I invoke that request asynchronously, the results are handled in the handleRequestComplete method. Using the response.get_object method, I am able to get a handle to the actual object returned by SharePoint. Using Fiddler you can also verify that the return is in JSON. I can then easily parse the results and stick them in a DIV for the user to see. The results can be seen in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Using the REST services from JavaScript

Next is an example of inserting new entities into SharePoint lists using REST -based API and JavaScript. As is evident from Figure 5-17, pressing the "Click to add an artist" button will call a JavaScript method that will insert a new artist. This is where the simplicity of JSON over ATOM shines. The code required to insert a new artist into the list can be seen in Listing 8.

Example 8. Code Required to Insert a New Artist Using JSON
function AddNewArtist()
               var request = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
               request.get_headers()['Accept'] = 'application/json';
               request.get_headers()['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';
               request.set_body("{Title: \"Aerosmith\"}")

function handleInsertCompleted(response, userContext)
               alert('New artist created') ;

I am sending a POST request, which is consistent with the desire to be able to insert a new artist. Also pay attention to the URL and calling, "/vti_bin/listdata.svc/Artists". I have set the format and content-type to application/json, which allows me to specify a rather terse and simple string identifying the data I wish to insert in the following line:

request.set_body("{Title: \"Aerosmith\"}")

Now pressing the Click to add an artist button will cause the Aerosmith artist to get inserted into the list. If you were to open Fiddler, you would also note that the response to your POST HTTP command is a JSON -formatted representation of the newly inserted entity. This can be seen in Listing 9.

Example 9. Response of the POST Command
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Cache-Control: no-cache
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
ETag: W/"1"
Location: http://sp2010/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/Artists(15)
Server: Microsoft-IIS/7.0
SPRequestGuid: bb765472-1671-4d60-bd7c-8ab7c96d30f0
Set-Cookie: WSS_KeepSessionAuthenticated={c19cc504-e161-4a5b-9dbc-f29d1cd1733d}; path=/
X-SharePointHealthScore: 0
DataServiceVersion: 1.0
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
Date: Fri, 25 Dec 2009 13:05:32 GMT
Content-Length: 575

"d" : {
"__metadata": {
"uri": "http://sp2010/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/Artists(15)", "etag": "W/\"1\"", "type":
}, "ID": 15, "ContentTypeID": "0x010055431F18E21FD240854A20B8B30D9FA0", "ContentType": "Item",
"Title": "Aerosmith", "Modified": "\/Date(1261728332000)\/", "Created":
"\/Date(1261728332000)\/", "CreatedByID": 1, "ModifiedByID": 1, "Owshiddenversion": 1,
"Version": "1.0", "Attachments": {
"__deferred": {
"uri": "http://sp2010/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/Artists(15)/Attachments"
}, "Path": "/Lists/Artists"

Next let us look of an example of deleting an artist from the SharePoint list. Deletion requires you to query the entity you wish to delete first and then pass in the appropriate ID to be deleted. The code required to delete an artist from the SharePoint list can be seen in Listing 10.

Example 10. Code Required to Delete Using JavaScript and JSON
function DeleteArtist()
                var request = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
                request.set_url("http://sp2010/_vti_bin/ListData.svc/Artists?$filter=Title eq
                request.get_headers()['Accept'] = 'application/json';

function handleDeleteQueryCompleted(response, userContext)
                var artists = response.get_object().d;

                var aerosmithID = "" ;
                for (var i = 0; i < artists.results.length ; i++)
                                aerosmithID = artists.results[i].ID ;

                var request = new Sys.Net.WebRequest();
                request.set_url("/_vti_bin/listdata.svc/Artists(" + aerosmithID + ")");
                request.get_headers()['Accept'] = 'application/json';
                request.get_headers()['Content-Type'] = 'application/json';

function handleDeleteCompleted(response, userContext)
                alert('Artist Deleted') ;

Again, there are two asynchronous calls here. The first call is to fetch data matching the Aerosmith artist. Like before, because I have access to the entire object in JavaScript, I can easily extract the ID of Aerosmith. Once I have that ID, I can execute another HTTP command asynchronously, except in this case my HTTP verb is DELETE, which causes the Aerosmith artist to be deleted from the SharePoint list. Also because we are working in JavaScript we do not have lambda expressions such as c#. So my code has been broken down into three separate functions. You can however use inline functions in Javascript and in effect achieve the same simplicity of code as lambda expressions.

5. Some Architectural Thoughts Before We Move On

I like the REST API. The simplicity of it simply amazes me. But what is evident is that in querying data from SharePoint you have numerous possibilities. You can use the server-side object model; you can use LINQ to SharePoint. Or if you intend to work on the client side, you can choose to use the client object model, or you can use the REST API. Neither of these approaches is perfect, so you will find yourself picking the right tool for the right job.

The server object model and a LINQ to SharePoint mechanisms are restricted to server-side operations only. Specifically, LINQ to SharePoint is somewhat inflexible because it restricts the further schema changes you can make on your SharePoint site. However, it is much more productive for the end developer as compared with working with the server-side API.

I would venture to guess that most of the code you will write going forward will require some sort of client-side interaction. Client-side interaction means you will most definitely find yourself using the client object model or the REST -based APIs. In working with the client object model, I find my code to be very maintainable. It does not suffer from schema changes on the web server, breaking my code too often. In REST -based APIs, however, if I choose to generate a reference, my generated reference is very closely tied to the schema of my SharePoint site. I do not like that. This is primarily because it results in fragile code that will break more often as the schema changes. The beauty of REST -based APIs is that you don't have to use the strongly typed data context. As you saw in the JavaScript example, nothing really stops you from sending your own hand-crafted HTTP WebRequests. And this is where the REST -based API is so amazing all the work is done simply over URL using simple HTTP requests. Which means your functionality can be consumed from any platform; it is platform-independent.

I was saving the best part for last: the client object model and the REST -based APIs are built on a singular .NET technology: WCF. The advantage of the client object model and REST -based APIs is that they are out of the box you didn't have to write them; Microsoft wrote them for you. But when Microsoft writes something for you; they create a one-size-fits-all approach. They don't author business objects that map the structure of your own business needs, so the data going over the wire does not have a hierarchical structure that maps your business needs, vocabulary, or even data validations. This reminds me very much of DataSets in ADO.NET 2.0. There used to be a big discussion around whether DataSets or business objects are better. The reality is that there are pros and cons of each. You can read my views on DataSets vs. Business Objects here:

The client object model and the out-of-the-box REST -based APIs are the equivalent of datasets in SharePoint. They are dumb, they do not have the structure of your business data, they do not reflect the right vocabulary, and they do not have custom validations. Their payload is what is commonly referred to as data transfer objects (DTOs). Also, you have a limitation on which clients or technologies can be used to consume these services! The entire server-side API is not open for use using the client object model and the REST -based APIs. The advantage of course is that you don't have to write the client object model - it is already written for you.

The beauty of SharePoint 2010, however, is that you can author your own custom WCF services. These custom WCF services can then choose to expose custom business objects, which buys you all the advantages of using custom business objects. Also you have the ability to switch bindings at will and support different technologies and WS-* standards on your services.

Think of the client object model and REST -based APIs, as a one-size-fits-all approach. And think of WCF as a custom-tailored suit. One is cheaper, but not as architecturally good. The other is more expensive, but also architecturally superior.

Now look at your wardrobe! How many custom-tailored suits do you have? If you are anything like me, I'm guessing you have more one size fits all T-shirts than you have custom-tailored suits.

For larger and more complex projects, you will find yourself writing more WCF services, but for a large percentage of projects, the out-of-the-box client object model and REST -based APIs are just fine.

Another instance when I personally find myself writing WCF services is when I need to break out of the limits of a sandbox solution. One of the possible ways of breaking out of the sandbox solution boundaries is to write a full trust proxy. The full trust proxy architecture however is very rigid, it requires you to shoe-horn everything you need into a few classes you have to inherit from. That makes it very inflexible. Also deployment requires you to touch the actual API. The full trust proxy has to be registered with SharePoint by calling an API method. Thus instead of using a full trust proxy, I find myself writing custom WCF services instead. This is simply because it is better architecture.

So let's next learn about writing custom WCF services in SharePoint 2010.

- SharePoint 2010 : ADO.NET Data Services and REST (part 3) - Consuming ADO.NET Data Services in Silverlight
- SharePoint 2010 : ADO.NET Data Services and REST (part 2) - Consuming ADO.NET Data Services in .NET Applications
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