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Windows 8 : Configuring Connection Properties (part 3) - Configuring Connection Logon Information, Configuring Automatic Disconnection

8/14/2013 5:48:15 PM
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3. Configuring Connection Logon Information

Each connection that you create has separate settings for logon information. You can set a user name, password, and domain by performing the following steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list, select the connection you want to configure, and then tap or click Settings.

  3. Type the user name and password for the connection in the User Name and Password text boxes.

  4. If a domain name is required, enter the domain name in the Domain text box.

  5. Tap or click OK twice.

Setting a connection to use the appropriate logon information isn’t the last step in ensuring a proper configuration. You should also set options that specify whether users are prompted for logon information or a phone number. If a logon domain is required to establish a connection, you should ensure that the logon domain is passed with the other logon information. By default, the domain name is not included.

To configure additional options, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list, select the connection you want to configure, and then tap or click Settings.

  3. In the Settings dialog box, tap or click Properties.

  4. In the Properties dialog box, tap or click the Options tab. You can now configure the following options:

    • To display status messages while connecting, select Display Progress While Connecting.

    • To ensure that users are prompted for logon information if necessary, select Prompt For Name And Password, Certificate, Etc.

    • To ensure that the logon domain is included when requested, select Include Windows Logon Domain.

    • To prompt for a phone number when needed, select Prompt For Phone Number.

  5. Tap or click OK three times.

4. Configuring Automatic Disconnection

For dial-up connections, you can specify whether Windows 8 disconnects the phone line when the connection hasn’t been actively used for a specified amount of time and when the connection may no longer be needed. To configure disconnect options, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list, select the connection you want to configure, and then tap or click Settings.

  3. In the Settings dialog box, tap or click Properties. In the Properties dialog box, tap or click the Options tab. Use the Idle Time Before Hanging Up option to specify whether Windows 8 disconnects the phone line when the connection hasn’t been actively used for a specified time. The available values are Never, 1 Minute, 5 Minutes, 10 Minutes, 20 Minutes (the default), 30 Minutes, 1 Hour, 2 Hours, 4 Hours, 8 Hours, and 24 Hours.

  4. Tap or click OK to return to the Settings dialog box. In the Settings dialog box, tap or click Advanced on the Dial-Up Connection Settings panel. Select or clear Disconnect When Connection May No Longer Be Needed to specify whether Windows 8 disconnects when a user quits all Internet programs that would otherwise use the connection.

  5. Tap or click OK three times.


If users complain about getting disconnected during dial-up sessions, the Disconnect settings might be the problem. Talk with the users about how they use the Internet and then determine whether you should change the settings to better meet their needs. Another reason for disconnection is if the Idle Time Before Hanging Up option is used. However, you normally want an idle connection to be disconnected at some point.

5. Setting a Connection to Use Dialing Rules

Dial-up connections can be configured with or without dialing rules. If you don’t use dialing rules with a connection, the seven-digit phone number assigned to the connection is dialed at all times. When you assign dialing rules, the current dialing location determines whether the connection is attempted as a local or long-distance phone call.

To view or set the dialing rules for a connection, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list, select the dial-up connection that you want to configure, and then tap or click Settings.

  3. In the Dial-Up Connection Settings dialog box, tap or click Properties. This displays the Dial-Up Connection Properties dialog box.

  4. To ensure that the connection uses the appropriate dialing rules, on the General tab, select Use Dialing Rules, and then type an area code and select a country/region code.

  5. If you don’t want to use dialing rules, clear the Use Dialing Rules check box.

  6. Tap or click OK three times.

6. Configuring Primary and Alternate Phone Numbers

With dial-up connections, you can configure two types of phone numbers: the primary number to dial whenever a connection is attempted, and alternate phone numbers to try if a primary number fails. To configure phone numbers, follow these steps:

  1. In Control Panel, tap or click Network And Internet. In Network And Internet, tap or click Internet Options. In the Internet Properties dialog box, tap or click the Connections tab.

  2. In the Dial-Up And Virtual Private Network Settings list, select the dial-up connection that you want to configure, and then tap or click Settings.

  3. In the Dial-Up Connection Settings dialog box, tap or click Properties. This displays the Dial-Up Connection Properties dialog box.

  4. The primary phone number is listed in the Phone Number text box. Type a new number as necessary.

  5. Tap or click Alternates. This displays the Alternate Phone Numbers dialog box. You can now manage primary and alternate phone numbers by using the following techniques:

    • To add a phone number, tap or click Add to open the Add Alternate Phone Number dialog box. Next, enter the seven-digit alternate local number in the Phone Number text box. You can use a dash if you want to, such as 555-1234. If you want to set dialing rules, select Use Dialing Rules, and then type an area code and select a country/region code. Tap or click OK.

    • To change the order in which numbers are dialed, select a number, and then use the up or down arrow icon to change its position in the Phone Numbers list. The top number in the list becomes the primary number.

    • To edit a phone number, select the number in the Phone Numbers list, and then tap or click Edit. Then use the Edit Alternate Phone Number dialog box to change the number.

    • To remove a number, select the number in the Phone Numbers list, and then tap or click Delete.

  6. If you want to use alternate numbers automatically, select If A Number Fails, Try The Next Number. You can also have Windows 8 move a number to the top of the list (making it the primary number) if Windows 8 is able to dial it successfully after a previous number fails. To do this, select Move Successful Numbers To Top Of The List.

  7. Tap or click OK four times.

- Windows 8 : Configuring Connection Properties (part 2) - Configuring Proxy Settings for Mobile Connections
- Windows 8 : Configuring Connection Properties (part 1) - Configuring Automatic or Manual Connections
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