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Windows 8 Tile-Based Apps : Video

8/12/2013 10:01:58 AM
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The Video app is organized along the same lines as the Music app. It shows your local content, content associated with your Xbox account, and video content that Microsoft thinks you will be interested in—movies, TV shows, and more. If you want video content from your Netflix, Hulu, or other online account, then you will need to download that company’s tile-based app from the Windows Store. Let’s take a brief look at Video to see how it’s organized.

To view a movie

1. Tap or click the Video tile  to open the app. The Video home screen displays .


The Video app tile


 Selecting a movie tile in the content section opens a description box with purchase and viewing options.

2. Tap or click a movie tile; a description appears, as well as buttons to buy the movie or play it on your Xbox.

3. When you click the tile of a movie that’s currently in theaters, your browser opens and you can purchase tickets from a site like Fandango.

4. Tap or click a movie to play it .


 Lawrence of Arabia playing in the Video player


Tap or click the Movie tile group title to open the File picker, and select your movie there.


Windows 8 comes with the Camera app, but you will need a webcam to see it show up on your Start screen. (You can add it later.) You can use the Camera app to record and play back video.

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