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Windows 8 Explorer : Working with Files

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11/15/2013 1:06:51 AM

A file is an object in the file system that can store data. Files can be text, pictures, music, video, and so forth. Some file formats are universal; for example, TEXT (TXT), JPEG, RTF, and TIFF files can be interchanged (opened by) various programs. Other files are native (proprietary) to applications, such as DOCX to Microsft Word or PDF to Adobe Acrobat.

Windows does a good job indicating the file type by displaying an icon that is specific to that kind of file. A file also takes a three- or four-letter extension, such as .docx, that provides the file association with the program. However, Windows hides the file extension unless you set a hidden option to show them.

Explorer lets you work with files, open them, alter their properties, and perform a variety of tasks. Let’s see how.

To select a file

Locate the file in the file system, and click once on the file to select it (which will highlight it).

To select multiple files from the same folder

• To select files located next to each other (a range), hold the Shift key and click the start and end of the range.

• To select files located next to each other (a range), drag a selection rectangle around your selection.

• To select files that are discontinuous, press Ctrl and click each item in your selection in turn.

File Types

Some files store text characters in ASCII format. Letters, numbers, and symbols are all considered text—128 of them, along with another 128 symbols for old typewriter operations such as carriage return, ring the bell, and so forth. Word processor files contain additional formatting data and code; they are binary files. Picture files come in types such as JPEG, TIFF, PNG, and WMF. Files that are based on industry standards are meant to be opened by many different programs and are called interchange formats. Most picture files are compressed to save space.

Some files are meant to be opened only by the program that created them. Those are called native formats, and they are proprietary. For example, Microsoft Excel saves spreadsheets in the XLSX format, which is native, along with CVS and other formats that are standards. Non-native, or interchange, file formats require translators be written to read or write to a format.


If you start to type the name of a file, Explorer will move to the first matching file name and select it.


You can select two or more items only from the same folder; you can’t select items from different folders.

To select all items in a folder

Click the Select All button in the Select group of the Home tab of the ribbon, or press Ctrl+A.

To deselect all items in a folder

Click the Select None button in the Select group of the Home tab of the ribbon, or click anywhere on a blank area of the folder.

To invert your selection

Click the Invert Selection button in the Select group of the Home tab of the ribbon. This option is valuable when you have a complex set of items selected and want to delete the items that are not selected.

Once a file or files are selected, you can move, copy, delete, or rename them, examine or alter properties, and more.

To open a file or files

• Double-click a file to open it in its default program.

• With a file or files selected, press Enter. All selected files open in the programs that they are associated with.

• To open a file with its default program, right-click the file name and select Open Figure 1 from the context menu.


Figure 1. A context menu for a selected file

• Enter a path into the address bar with the file name at the end of the path, and press Enter.

To change the default program that opens a file

1. Tap and hold, or right-click, and select Open With Figure 1 from the context menu.

2. Select Choose Default Program from the submenu.

3. Select the program from the How Do You Want To Open This File? dialog box .


 Program selection list


Click the More Options link, then scroll the list.

If the program isn’t on the list, use the Look for an app in the Store link or the Look for another app on this PC link to view other options.

4. Select the Use This App For All Files check box to make this program the default program for opening this file type.

To work with the Clipboard

With a file selected, the Home tab of the ribbon is shown . This tab has buttons that allow you to perform file operatons.


 The Home tab of the ribbon

• Use the Cut, Copy, and Paste buttons in the Clipboard section of the ribbon to move a selection to the Clipboard, to copy a selection to the Clipboard, or to place what is on the Clipboard at your current location, respectively. Or press Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C, or Ctrl+V, respectively.

• Use the Copy To or Move To buttons in the Organize section of the ribbon to place your selection in another location.


If you want to restore or undo your deletion, click the Undo button on the Quick Access toolbar or press Ctrl+Z. If you change your mind again, the Redo button or Ctrl+Y redoes an undo.

To delete a file or folder

With the file or folder selected, click the Delete icon, or press Delete.

To change a file or folder name

• Click Rename. Explorer places the name of the file into an edit text box for you to alter.

• Click New Folder to create new folders and files.

• Use the buttons in the Open section to open files or to alter the file’s properties.

To pause a copy or move operation

When you copy or move a file or folder, Windows displays a file transfer dialog box that shows the progress of the transfer or move. This new feature allows you to pause an operation that is taking too long or to delay the operation until a more convenient time. Yeah!


 File transfer dialog box

Click the Pause button ( || ).

To end a copy or move operation

Click the Stop button ( X ).

This new dialog box shows transfer rates graphically and numerically and gives a much more accurate indication of the time remaining than previous versions did.


The ribbon can be navigated completely with your keyboard. Hold the Alt key and press a tab name’s first letter. When you release that keystroke, a set of boxes with letters will appear. Press a letter to activate that ribbon feature.

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