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Windows 8 Explorer : Moving Around

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11/15/2013 1:02:48 AM
To move directly to a place in the file system from anywhere

Type the path directly into the address bar  in Explorer, and then press Enter.


 Address bar views and actions

For example, type C:\ to go to the root directory of your C drive, or C:\Users\<User Name>\My Documents to go to your My Documents folder.

To move to a special virtual folder

Enter the name of the folder (Favorites, Desktop, Libraries, and so on) into the address bar, then press Enter.

To move to one of the folders in your current path

Click any object in the breadcrumb to move to that folder.

To move to a folder in Explorer

Click the folder in the Navigation pane or Content pane.

To move to your next or previous position

Click the Previous or Next buttons. You can also press Alt+Left Arrow or Alt+Right Arrow, respectively, to perform the same task.

These buttons work just like they do in a browser.

To move up a level

Click the Up button or press Alt+Up Arrow.

To move down a level

Double-click a folder; or click once to select the folder, and then press Enter.

To move to a place you’ve been before

Click the arrow to the right of the address bar, and select the location from the History list.


If you find that you need frequent access to a file or folder in a specific location, create a shortcut to it. To create a shortcut, right-click a blank portion of the Content pane and select New > Shortcut from the context menu. Then, in the Create Shortcut dialog box, click the Browse button, click Next, give the shortcut a name, and then click Finish.

- Windows 8 Explorer : The File System
- Windows 8 Explorer : The Explorer Interface
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