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Introducing Microsoft Exchange Server 2013 : Selecting the right Windows Server for Exchange 2013, Using virtualization

10/3/2013 9:23:49 PM
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1. Selecting the right Windows Server for Exchange 2013

Microsoft supports the deployment of Exchange 2013 on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 Standard, Enterprise, or Datacenter editions or Windows Server 2012 Standard or Datacenter editions. Microsoft will release Windows Server 2012 R2 on October 18, 2013. No indication is yet available as to what version of Exchange 2013 will run on Windows 2012 R2, but you can expect Microsoft to release an update to support the new operating system around the same time. The remainder of this discussion focuses on the choice between Windows 2008 R2 SP1 and Windows 2012. However, the arguments presented here can be extended to accommodate Windows 2012 R2 after it is available.

The usual choice for deployment of Exchange 2013 mailbox servers is Windows 2008 R2 SP1 Enterprise edition or Windows 2012 Standard edition because these editions enable the servers to participate in DAGs. If you don’t need this high-availability feature, for instance when you deploy CAS servers, it is appropriate to use Windows 2008 R2 SP1 instead. Exchange 2013 supports the Datacenter edition of both operating systems, but this option is more expensive in terms of software licensing and does not provide any additional benefit to Exchange.

The Windows Server Core, Essentials, or Foundation server editions remain unsupported and are unlikely to be supported because they are limited versions of Windows designed to be deployed to meet specific needs. No support exists for Exchange 2013 to run on the Itanium (IA64) version of Windows.

Selecting the version of Windows Server for deployment is a critical decision because Microsoft does not support in-place server upgrades (with Exchange 2013) from Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 to Windows Server 2012. Considering the relative age of the operating systems, you are likely to use Windows Server 2012 sometime in the next couple of years. Therefore, consider using Windows Server 2012 as the basic operating system for your Exchange 2013 deployment. This is much better than creating a situation in which the only way you can upgrade to Windows Server 2012 is by deploying a set of new Exchange servers on new Windows Server 2012 servers, moving mailboxes over to them, and then decommissioning the former Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 servers. It also makes sense to run the same version of the operating system and Exchange on every server in the organization; this makes support and administration much easier.

Another point to take into consideration is that Windows engineering has made improvements in some of the critical components that affect Exchange that make Windows Server 2012 the best choice for specific servers. For example, you can achieve a more comprehensive level of automation on a server running Windows 2012 using Windows PowerShell simply because more of the Windows components support Windows PowerShell. (More than 3,000 Windows PowerShell cmdlets are available to interact with Windows components in Windows 2012, compared to 700 in Windows 2008 R2 SP1.) Automating daily operational procedures with Windows PowerShell is a good way to avoid errors and ensure that the same processes are used to maintain servers across an organization.

Many factors need to be considered before selecting Windows 2008 R2 SP1 over Windows 2012 or vice versa, including:

  • The cost to upgrade to Windows 2012. For instance, you might have the right to upgrade under the terms of a Microsoft Software Assurance agreement.

  • The operating system used in production for other applications today and the experience that exists within the company of Windows 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows 2012.

  • The availability of third-party products (such as backup software) used alongside Exchange for the preferred operating system.

  • The compatibility of operating processes and procedures with Windows 2008 R2 SP1 or Windows 2012.

In most cases, the choice comes down to personal preference. Some companies enjoy the prospect of pushing ahead with a new operating system to support the new email server; others prefer the comfort of a well-known (and in their minds, well-sorted) operating system combined with a new email server on the basis that it’s wise to limit the number of changes in an environment.

Although it is possible to recycle older hardware to support a new version of Exchange, it has become common practice to use new server hardware as the basis for deployment. At the same time, you could also deploy the latest version of Windows Server to create a platform that will last as long as possible. The logic here is that using new hardware matches software and server capabilities as anticipated by the Exchange developers. However, it is true that any modern server manufactured in the past few years is more than capable of handling the load generated by Exchange 2013.

Upgrading workstations used for management

The Exchange 2013 Management Shell (EMS) can run on either Windows 7 SP1 (x64) or Windows 8–based workstations. Unlike Exchange 2010, workstations running Vista SP2 (x64) are not supported, so you might need to upgrade workstations you want to use for management. However, remember that the Exchange Administration Center (EAC) is now browser-based and capable of running on a wide range of platforms, including Windows Surface RT devices, Apple iPads, and Android tablets. These devices suffice for the vast majority of administrative activities performed against Exchange 2013 servers, and you’ll only need a more capable workstation if you want to run EMS either interactively or to execute a shell script.

2. Using virtualization

Virtualized platforms have made enormous strides in capability, performance, and robustness over the past five years, yet Exchange has not always been desirable in this sphere. In the past, two major factors were at play that caused Exchange to maintain almost a hands-off approach when virtualized servers were contemplated. First, Microsoft did not have a competitive hypervisor, and VMware dominated the market. This is not a technical reason for not supporting virtualization, but it is certainly a good commercial reason for going slowly, especially because Microsoft knew that Hyper-V, its own hypervisor, was coming. Second, Exchange 2003 and Exchange 2007 exert heavy demands on storage subsystems, and users doubted that Exchange servers could run well on virtualized servers when put under strain.

VMware took the opposite attitude of Microsoft and went about the business of proving that it was quite possible to run Exchange 2007 (in particular) on virtual servers. Microsoft didn’t support customers who took the advice of VMware that virtual servers were a viable platform, and customers who used VMware were forced to duplicate any problems on a production server before they could look for support. Overall, a highly unsatisfactory situation existed.

The advent of Hyper-V changed the situation because Microsoft could not say that virtual servers worked on one hypervisor but not another. In any case, after a technology company moves into an area, it makes sense for the different parts of the company to expand and embrace the new area, which is what happened when Microsoft development groups began to work with virtual servers and establish just how well (or not) their products functioned. In the case of Exchange, formal support for VMware came from Exchange 2007 SP1 onward with some notable caveats concerning clustered mailbox servers running continuous cluster replication or standby cluster replication, the predecessors of today’s DAG. The potential clash between the high-availability features enabled through virtual servers and those Exchange uses are still problematic. Virtual servers don’t know how DAGs work, and DAGs don’t know when their member servers are virtual machines, leading to strong guidance from Microsoft to let the application-level high-availability software do its work rather than depending on the hypervisor. Therefore, don’t let the virtual platform move DAG member servers around, especially between clustered root servers; you might end up with unpredictable and unsupportable situations. Developments and improvements will come in this area over time, and it’s certainly a situation worth watching.

The second issue concerning the demands Exchange placed on storage subsystems was largely addressed by the major improvements in I/O performance in Exchange 2010 with even better performance coming in Exchange 2013. The work done to enable Exchange to run on low-cost disks delivered considerable benefits for virtual servers, so virtual platforms have become very popular in the Exchange community.

Even though the latest versions of VMware and Hyper-V are very capable hypervisors, many still prefer to use physical computers for Exchange mailbox servers. Virtual servers are good choices for CAS servers and Edge servers because these servers have little or no data on them that cannot be recovered easily in case of failure. Virtual servers can also serve as excellent platforms for other parts of the Windows infrastructure, such as print servers or even domain controllers, as long as the core of Active Directory is running on some highly available physical computers.

My attitude toward mailbox servers is very possibly rooted in years of experience with physical computers and the consequences of hardware failure for the core of an email system. The choice to deploy Exchange on physical or virtual machines will be guided by the architectural choices a company makes and the knowledge of the IT administrators. Both Microsoft and VMware publish interesting and valuable documents to provide guidance about how best to deploy applications such as Exchange 2013 on virtual servers. Virtualization is a fast-moving area of technology; it is wise to track developments and be open to advances in that technology.

A natural choice for test machines

Although I might be less positive about using virtual machines for Exchange 2013 mailbox servers, I certainly think that virtualized machines are the best platform for all types of Exchange test servers. They provide ease and speed in setting up and deploying different kinds of servers to test various scenarios. The exception to this rule is when you need to stress test Exchange against storage subsystems. In this instance, there’s no substitute for testing against the identical configuration that you intend to deploy in production, right down to the microcode that runs on storage controllers.

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