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Operating and Monitoring Exchange Server 2013 : Reporting

10/6/2013 9:17:15 PM
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Reporting covers a myriad of things, such as notifying customers, the business of system availability metrics, or system usage capacity reports showing availability headroom and trending.

Types of System Availability

It sometimes surprises design teams that there are two types of system availability: one that is presented to the business and one that is used within IT.

Business availability is generally a straightforward statement of system availability. That is, it is a statement of the availability of the system over a specific duration. Downtime during system maintenance windows and so forth is considered to be unavailable time. Sometimes, this value is actually calculated manually based on incident records and is not generated by system availability monitoring software.

IT availability data is usually more detailed, and it will take scheduled system maintenance windows into account. Typically, this data will be generated via a system monitoring application, and it will indicate periods of service outage and downtime during maintenance as available—even though, strictly speaking, the system was down.

Most system monitoring tools offer the ability to generate IT availability data, and the reports and charts that are produced are tailored to the IT audience; that is, they consist of relatively technical, jargon-rich information. On the other hand, business availability reports tend to be jargon free and simply state the system availability number for the month.


Trending is the taking of historical observations and using that data to predict the future. As anyone who has tried to predict the future knows, it's not often easy or accurate. Some things, however, are easier to predict than others, while, generally speaking, the farther into the future we wish to predict, the more imprecise things become.

Thirty years ago, weather forecasts were mostly inaccurate. In 2012, the Met Office (the United Kingdom's national weather service) ranked their five-day predictions to be as accurate as their 24-hour predictions were 30 years ago. This increase in prediction accuracy is mostly attributed to having precise historical data and more extensive observations from around the globe to work with.

The same logic applies when you are trying to make predictions about your Exchange infrastructure—the more information you have available, the more accurately you can predict what will happen next. Storage capacity usage is a common example. Imagine that you had capacity data for 100 mailboxes over the last six weeks compared to data for 10,000 mailboxes over the last six years. The smaller sample size will yield a less accurate picture of growth within the organization, especially if it was taken during a holiday period or during a particularly busy time. Moreover, a few of the 100 mailboxes may be especially heavy users, skewing the average. Having a significant historical data size available plus a representative sample size on which to base prediction trends is vital. There are various statistical methods for determining minimum sample sizes for a population. For Exchange trending, however, we recommend taking the simplest approach possible and recording trending data for as many users as you possibly can.

The next step is to know what kind of information is available that you should trend. As a general rule, the following are areas that benefit most from some form of trending:

  • Storage capacity
  • Network utilization
  • System resources
  • Service usage
  • Failure events

Storage capacity trending is obviously not unique to Exchange. However, Exchange does bring with it some interesting nuances. Exchange storage capacity trending is made up of various sub-categories, including the following:

  • Mailbox databases
  • Transaction logs
  • Content index
  • Transport queues
  • Tracking and protocol logs


It is important to understand that Exchange databases are not just made up of mailbox data; that is, there is other “stuff” in the database including database indexes (a structure to speed up data access), white space (empty pages that can be used to write data), and items that have been deleted that nonetheless are retained. Also, Exchange will never regain used storage space—even if the data inside the database shrinks. For instance, if you moved half of the mailboxes from one database to another, the source mailbox database would remain the same size, even once all of the deleted items have been purged. This is important since it means that there are many factors that can influence the size of mailbox databases. For example, some mailboxes may be moved from database to database leaving behind white space. This white space exists within the database, and it is not reclaimed from the disk. Thus, the actual storage capacity used on the disk remains the same. However, when new data is written to the database, Exchange will try to make use of the white space before extending the size on disk. This behavior can lead to unusual storage capacity data reports on Exchange Servers, and it is another reason why it's useful to have as much historical data available as possible. Short-term capacity trending for Exchange databases is usually meaningless. Try to get at least 12 months' worth of “steady state” capacity data before trying to predict storage capacity trends for Exchange.


Transaction log capacity trending may not initially seem like an interesting metric for trending. However, this metric provides two interesting pieces of information. First, the log generation rate is a very good way to observe the rate of change within the database, and second, if we know how many logs are generated per hour, it tells us how long we can potentially go without a sustained database copy outage (or backup if native data protection is not being used). Customers who have deployed a multicopy native data protection DAG often miss the second point; that is, they are relying on Exchange database copies and also potentially lagged copies rather than taking backups. They will then configure Continuous Replication Circular Logging (CRCL) to truncate the transaction log files automatically once they have been successfully copied, inspected on lagged copies, and replayed on all other nonlagged database copies. The key here is that the transaction log files do not get truncated unless they have been copied, inspected, and replayed on all other database copies. If you have a situation where you have four database copies and one is in a failed state, then the transaction log drives on all of the other database copies will begin to fill up. If this is left unchecked, the database will dismount. Therefore, having good trending data for your transaction log generation rate will govern how long the support teams have to resolve database problems before they affect service. Quite often, this value will have been predicted during the design phase but never checked or validated in production. Furthermore, the rate of transaction log file generation can change from service pack to service pack. This situation affected many customers when they deployed Exchange Server 2007 SP1, which radically increased the number of transaction logs generated.

TIP The easiest way to gather transaction log file generation data is from a lagged copy, since these are persisted for 24 hours or more.


The content index (CI) has changed significantly in Exchange 2013. The content index provides the ability to search mailbox data more quickly and effectively by creating a keyword index for each item stored within the Exchange database. In previous versions, there was a rough rule of thumb that said to account for 10 percent of the mailbox database for CI data. This guidance has changed for Exchange Server 2013 and CI database is now roughly 20% as large as the Mailbox Database. From our lab environment observations, the new CI database in Exchange 2013 appears to be roughly 7 percent as large as the mailbox database that it is indexing. It is not generally required to record or trend the CI space usage explicitly, but be aware that it exists in the same folder as the mailbox database and it requires additional space.


Although there is no longer a specific transport role for Exchange Server 2013, the old Transport role has simply been incorporated into the Mailbox role. Message delivery is now a combination of the Front End Transport service on the Client Access role and the Transport service on the Mailbox role. This means that there is still a mail.que database on every Exchange 2013 Mailbox server but no mail.que on the Client Access Server unless it is collocated with the Mailbox role. The transport queue holds email messages that are queued for delivery or that Exchange is retaining as part of the new Safety Net feature. Because of this feature, most organizations will store the mail.que on a dedicated LUN. Trending storage capacity for the message queue database is nontrivial since, like the mailbox database file, it does not shrink as data is removed. From a trending perspective, it is sufficient to monitor the storage capacity required for this database file. It is rare, however, to see problems caused by a lack of space for the transport database because of the large size of today's hard drives and the relatively small size of the database.

WARNING Watch out for the transport queue database growing in the event of a failure that impacts message delivery. This will cause the database to grow—potentially very quickly—and even once the fault has been resolved, the database file will not shrink. Our advice in this scenario is to ensure that you have a process in place to shrink the mail.que file after an event that causes an exceptionally large number of messages to be queued.

Because of Safety Net data being stored within the database, the recommended way to remove white space is to perform an offline defragmentation via the eseutil /d command. This will require taking the transport server offline for the duration of the process. If you have multiple Exchange Servers within the AD site, however, it is possible to take one offline and defragment the databases one at a time until they are all back to a normal size without affecting message delivery.


Message tracking logs are text files that contain routing and delivery information for every message that was handled by the Exchange Server. These files are used to track messages throughout the organization. The longer the files are retained, and the more messages your organization processes, then the greater the amount of space that will be required.

We have seen cases where a monitoring solution has been deployed that increased the duration for which message tracking logs were kept. The customer had not changed the location for the tracking logs, and they were still on the system drive when, a few weeks later, the customer's systems began running out of space. (Luckily, their monitoring system spotted this before it affected the system.) The bottom line is that even though these files are not especially large, they are stored within the default installation path unless moved and thus could potentially cause a problem down the line. Trending the storage space required over time is useful, although not typically vital.


Network utilization trending data has always been a critical resource for Exchange. It is becoming more and more important, however, as organizations look to consolidate datacenter locations and synchronize data between them to improve resilience to failure scenarios. The most important thing about network usage trending is to be aware of the data direction. Most network links are full duplex; this means that they can transfer data in both directions at the same time, although not necessarily at the same speed.

Network links may be synchronous (same speed, both ways) or asynchronous (faster one way than the other). This is an important differentiation since when we are planning and trending network usage, we need to specify in which direction the data is moving, for example, from Server1 to Server2 or from load balancer to client. By far the two most important areas of Exchange network utilization are from Exchange to the end user and replication traffic between DAG nodes.

End-user network traffic is typically asynchronous, with much more data passing from the Exchange service to the client than vice versa. If there is insufficient network capacity to meet end-user requirements, then network latency will increase. Latency is a value that expresses how long network data packets take to pass between hosts. As network latency increases, the end-user experience will begin to slow down due to data and operations taking longer to perform.

DAG replication traffic is generated to keep database copies up to date and their associated CI. Database replication traffic is very asynchronous, and it occurs almost entirely between the active database copy and the replica copies. If the network link used for this replication traffic is insufficient, latency will rise, and this may lead to a delay in transaction logs being copied to replicas. This could be important since the delay in copying transaction log files between database copies increases the recovery point objective (RPO). RPO is a value stating how much data you are prepared to lose in the event of a failure within your service. Obviously, if a failure occurs and the replica copy is 100 log files behind the active copy, then you have lost at least 100 MB of data on that database. Monitoring network links used for replication and attempting to trend capacity usage changes during the day can help prevent unexpected data loss during a failure.

Many organizations already have some form of enterprise network link-monitoring software. Not all of these programs, however, will perform trending of the usage patterns. The Multi Router Traffic Grapher (MRTG) provides the most common data by far. This is partly because it is free and partly because it uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) to query routers, switches, and load balancers, so it's a relatively straightforward process to get the data you need. MRTG displays this data in real time and historically in chart format. However, it will not show predicted future trends, and thus this will have to be performed manually.

Figure 1 shows sample output from MRTG taken from my home broadband router. (None of my customers wanted to share their link data!) You can see from the chart that there are periods of 100 percent link utilization. In my case, this is usually for synchronizing data to SkyDrive or downloading ISO files from MSDN. In an enterprise environment, this could easily be a scheduled backup occurring or perhaps someone reseeding an Exchange database across the network. Short periods of 100 percent utilization on a network link are relatively normal. However, those periods should be relatively short and ideally infrequent during the work day.

FIGURE 1. Sample network utilization graph from MRTG


Monitoring and trending network usage are relatively easy, but they're only half the story. As mentioned earlier, network latency tends to have the most dramatic effect on data throughput and client experience.

Network latency is usually expressed as round-trip time (RTT) in milliseconds. It is common for network teams to monitor link latency within their datacenters between switches and routers. Nonetheless, it is not always common for this data to be used for future trend prediction.

System resource trending is the process of recording how servers within the Exchange service are using their critical system resources such as the processor, memory, and disk. Additionally, it is often useful to trend some key Exchange performance counters such as RPC Averaged Latency. RPC Averaged Latency is a very special counter for Exchange, since it essentially shows the average time taken for Exchange to satisfy the previous 1024 RPC packets. We highly recommend trending the MSExchange RpcClientAccess\RPC Averaged Latency value for all servers within your Exchange 2013 service.

Many teams perform this type of trending simply by recording performance monitor counters via the standard Performance Monitor tool included with Windows. Other customers prefer to use a third-party tool to do this. The most important thing about resource trending as opposed to alerting is that you are trying to predict when the system will begin to trigger alert thresholds.

Service usage trending is performed by recording historical information about how the service was used and then attempting to predict future growth patterns. This may include the number of active users on the system, the number of messages processed, the number of TCP connections, or Exchange performance counters such as RPC Operations/sec. Service usage trending is primarily used to justify changes in system performance behavior.

Imagine a scenario where the RPC Averaged Latency during the workday has gradually increased from 5 ms to 10 ms over a three-month period. Although this is useful information, you need to determine what is causing this change. Do you have more users on the system? Are the users working harder (increase in RPC Operations/sec)? Have you reached a system bottleneck (system resource exhaustion, processor, disk, memory, and so on)?

The job of service usage data is to help you understand what the customers of the service are doing, when they do it, and how their behavior impacts the performance of your Exchange service.

Recording failure occurrence is something that most organizations do as a matter of course, largely due to the mass introduction of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL), which also recommends trending of problems. From a trending perspective, however, you are interested in when the problem occurred, how significant it was, whether it is happening regularly, and whether we can do anything to stop it from happening again.

Matt also provided one additional piece of advice, and that was to evaluate data corruption events seriously and quickly. Exchange 2010 introduced ESE lost flush detection. This is a form of logical data corruption that could impact all database copies, and these events should trigger the highest possible level of alerting and receive immediate attention. Any event that results in database corruption should be considered an extreme high priority. You must work to understand, resolve, and take action on such events immediately and to prevent them from occurring in the future.


We have talked about some interesting things to record and trend so far, but we have not discussed how to perform trending. Our favorite way to deal with trending is by using Excel. Ideally, this process should be completed roughly every three months, although some organizations do this on an annual basis only. The process begins with collecting the data and then converting it into a usable format. The potential sources of data are too varied to discuss here. Nevertheless, you'll eventually want something that you can import into Excel, ideally in a comma-separated value (CSV) format.

Once the data is in Excel, you can plot it against time and then use one of the Excel trend-line functions. Excel provides six options: Exponential, Linear, Logarithmic, Polynomial, Power, and Moving Average. Our advice is to begin by adding Linear trending to your chart and then experiment with the other options to find the best fit.

Figure 2 illustrates our recommended approach to trending. This example shows the disk LUN capacity data for a mailbox database. In this example, the customer wanted to know when their database LUNs would reach 65 percent capacity in order to allow them sufficient time to commission more storage. The chart shows two sets of data, an initial prediction based on 12 months of historical data and another prediction based on 24 months of historical data. A trend was identified and a prediction date derived for when the LUN would reach 65 percent capacity.

FIGURE 2 Example trend chart in Excel


Initially, the historical data was plotted against the date axis and then a linear trend line was added. In this case, a linear prediction fits our data very well. We then drew a line at 65 percent capacity and looked to see where the trend line crossed the 65 percent capacity line. If we draw a line directly down to the date axis, this will give us a predicted date when the LUN will reach 65 percent capacity.

Figure 2 shows clearly that our prediction may change as more data is analyzed. This is why it is important to reevaluate your trending predictions regularly. We recommend that you update trending predictions quarterly.

As stated previously, though, the farther into the future the prediction looks, the less accurate it is likely to be. Likewise, the more historical data you have, the more likely the prediction is going to be accurate.

As a general rule, do not attempt to predict any farther into the future than the amount of historical data you have. That is, if you have 12 months' worth of data, only predict 12 months into the future. Attempting to apply a relatively short historical sample to predict well into the future is little more than guesswork and is unlikely to be accurate.

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