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Sharepoint 2013 : Using information management policies - Setting library or folder-based retention schedules

9/15/2013 7:41:20 PM
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When setting retention policies at the library level in SharePoint 2013, you have two options: setting the retention policy on specific content types used within the library or setting the policy on all documents in the library. By setting content type–specific retention policies, you can use different retention policies with the same library (based on the content type of each file). You can use list retention policies for libraries where content types are not enabled or in libraries where you want the same retention policy applied to all documents.

Set library and folder retention policy source

  1. In a document library, on the ribbon, click the Library tab and then, in the Settings group, click Library Settings.

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  2. On the Library Settings page, in the Permissions And Management section, click the Information Management Policy Settings link.

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  3. On the Information Management Policy Settings page, in the Library Based Retention Schedule section, click the Change Source link.

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    To make the Library tab available, you must have already navigated to a list or library.


    Library and folder retention policy sources can be defined for the entire library or for individual folders in the library.

  4. On the Library Based Retention Schedule page, in the Source Of Retention section, click Libraries And Folders.

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  5. In the pop-up message box that appears, click OK.

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  6. On the Library Retention Stage Configuration page, click Add A Retention Stage to add one or more stages.

  7. Click OK.

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After you have selected libraries and folders as the retention policy source, any content type policies that you define on the library are ignored.

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