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SQL Server 2008 : SQL Server Profiler (part 5) - Deadlock diagnosis, Blocked process report, Correlating traces with performance logs

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5. Deadlock diagnosis

Troubleshooting deadlocks isn't the nicest (or easiest) task for a DBA; however, SQL Profiler makes it much simpler. In demonstrating this, consider listing 1, which contains a simple T-SQL batch file. When a second instance of this batch file is executed within 10 seconds of the first (from a separate connection/query window), a deadlock will occur, with the second query chosen as the deadlock victim and killed by SQL Server.

Example 1. T-SQL code to generate a deadlock
-- T-SQL to simulate a deadlock. Run this from 2 separate query windows
-- The 2nd will deadlock if executed within 10 seconds of the 1st


SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Department

WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:10.000' -- delay for 2nd transaction to start

UPDATE HumanResources.Department
SET Name = 'Production'
WHERE DepartmentID=7


What's happening here is that the shared lock on the HumanResources.Department table is being held until the end of the transaction, courtesy of the Serializable isolation level chosen at the start of the batch. When the update command runs later in the transaction, the locks need to be upgraded to an exclusive lock. However, in the meantime, another instance of this batch has run, which also has a shared lock on the HumanResources.Department table and also needs to upgrade its locks. Both transactions will wait on each other forever. SQL Server detects this situation as a deadlock and chooses to kill one of the transactions to enable the other to complete.

When creating a Profiler trace, one of the events we can capture is the deadlock graph, found under the Locks category when the Show All Events check box is checked. We saw this check box earlier in figure 2. When we select the deadlock event, an additional tab becomes available in the Trace Properties window, which enables the deadlock graph(s) to be saved to a file.

With this event selected and the trace running, executing the above code from two separate connections will generate a deadlock graph event and a deadlock results file. Opening the file in SQL Server Management Studio (by double-clicking it) will reveal the graph shown in figure 8.

You'll notice in the above image the blue X through the left-hand query. This was the chosen deadlock victim. Hovering the mouse over the query will reveal the query text. The item in the middle of the graph represents the resource that the two queries deadlocked over.

The ability to easily capture deadlock information using Profiler makes the process of identifying the application or database code causing the deadlocks significantly easier.

Figure 8. The deadlock graph event can be included in a trace to visually represent the deadlock, including details such as the deadlock victim and resource.
Not only can Profiler detect deadlocks, it can also be used to detect blocked processes.

6. Blocked process report

When a process attempts to lock a resource that's currently locked by another process, it waits for the lock to be released, and it's known for the duration of the wait as a blocked process. Unlike deadlocks, blocked processes are perfectly normal; however, depending on the frequency and duration of the waits, blocked processes can significantly contribute to poor application performance. Consider the code in listing 2.

Example 2. T-SQL code to generate a block
-- T-SQL to simulate lengthly locking period
SELECT * FROM HumanResources.Department(xlock)
WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:50.000' — hold lock for 50 seconds

What we're doing here is simulating a long-running transaction that holds locks for the duration of the transaction, in this case an exclusive lock on the department table for 50 seconds. Similar to our deadlock example earlier, we'll run this batch from two separate connections. With the first execution holding an exclusive lock on the department table, the second execution will be blocked, waiting for the first to complete.

In helping to diagnose blocked processes such as the one that we're simulating here, we can set the Blocked Process Threshold server configuration setting. As shown listing 3, this setting takes a parameter representing the number of seconds a process can be blocked before an alert is raised. Let's configure this value to 20 seconds.

Example 3. Setting the Blocked Process Threshold
-- Set the Blocked Process Threshold to 20 seconds
EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options', 1

EXEC sp_configure 'blocked process threshold', 20

Figure 9. You can use the Blocked Process Report event in combination with the Blocked Process Threshold setting to capture blocking events exceeding a certain duration.

With this setting in place, we can create a SQL Server Profiler trace that profiles the Blocked Process Report event (found in the Errors and Warnings category). After running the T-SQL batch from two separate connections, our Profiler trace will capture the Blocked Process Report event, as shown in figure 9. The XML contained within the report provides details on both the blocking and blocked processes, including the T-SQL, client application, and login name.

A common characteristic of poorly designed database applications is frequent and lengthy process blocking, largely due to inappropriate locking levels and transaction length. In combination with the Blocked Process Threshold setting, SQL Server Profiler's Blocked Process Report event offers an effective and easily implemented method of detecting and analyzing such blocking events.

In closing our coverage of SQL Server Profiler, let's look at how we can enhance the collected events with Performance Monitor data.

7. Correlating traces with performance logs

Correlating different perspectives of the same event almost always leads to a deeper understanding of any situation. In SQL Server monitoring, one of the opportunities we have for doing that is importing Performance Monitor data into a Profiler trace, as shown in figure 10.

After opening a saved Profiler trace file (or table), you can choose the File > Import Performance Data menu option to select a Performance Monitor log file to import. You can then select the appropriate counters from the log for inclusion.

Figure 10. Profiler allows Performance Monitor logs to be imported, and this permits correlation of Profiler events with the corresponding Performance Monitor counters of interest.

Once the log file is imported, clicking a particular traced command in the top half of the window will move the red bar to the appropriate spot in the Performance Monitor log (and vice versa). In the example shown in figure 10, you can see a spike in CPU usage just over halfway through the displayed time frame. Clicking on the start of the spike will select the appropriate command in the trace results, with the full command shown at the bottom of the screen. In this example, you can see the cause of the CPU spike: a cross join between two tables with a random ordering clause.

In addition to enhancing our Profiler traces, Performance Monitor data is invaluable in gaining a deeper understanding of SQL Server activity, as well as enabling baseline analysis, both of which we'll cover next.

- SQL Server 2008 : SQL Server Profiler (part 4) - RML utilities
- SQL Server 2008 : SQL Server Profiler (part 3) - Trace replay
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