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System Center Configuration Manager 2007 : Patch Management - Software Updates Process (part 1)

9/16/2013 1:48:04 AM
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You can divide the actual software update process in ConfigMgr 2007 into four separate steps:

Catalog synchronization—The first step when applying patches is to define which patches are available for installation. Thankfully, Microsoft provides a catalog of all available updates for Microsoft products; it specifies how to detect whether a patch is applicable to a system. WSUS and its integration into ConfigMgr as an SUP handles the catalog-download process. Microsoft and other third-party documentation may also refer to the update catalog as update metadata.

Compliance scanning—After the update catalog is downloaded and imported into ConfigMgr, a new ConfigMgr machine policy is created, informing each managed system that a new update catalog is available. Managed systems retrieve the policy according to their policy download cycle (by default every 60 minutes). After receiving the new policy, clients randomly schedule an update scan to occur within the next 2 hours, clear the previous scan history, and configure the local policy to point the WUA at the WSUS server.

At the randomly scheduled time, the ConfigMgr Client agent invokes the local WUA to initiate a compliance scan. The WUA contacts WSUS to retrieve the catalog and scan for the updates it needs. Every 5 minutes, information about required updates is cached and forwarded en masse to the site’s management point with state messages; these state messages are subsequently inserted into the ConfigMgr database. This process ensures that update compliance information is available in a timely manner.

Note: WUA Version

A common cause of scan compliance failures is the absence of the correct version of the WUA on clients; these are listed as “unknowns” in the console. Because the WUA is automatically updated by Microsoft Windows Update and WSUS, if you are moving clients from this type of environment your clients should all be updated to the latest version of the WUA (version 7.2.6001.788 as of May 2009 as described in KB article 949104 at

To verify the current version of the WUA on all clients, run the Scan 1 – Last scan states by collection or Scan 2 – Last scan states by site report, use the Resource Explorer, or create a query containing the following syntax:


To distribute the latest WUA to all clients, download the installation package from KB article 949104 referenced above, and create a Software Distribution package to deploy it. For the program information, specify the following command-line text:

WindowsUpdateAgent30-<platform>.exe /quiet /norestart /wuforce

The Software Updates Client agent on each system classifies each update into one of four states after a compliance scan, as described in Table 1.

Table 1. Update Compliance State
RequiredSpecifies the software update is applicable and required on the client. Any of the following four conditions can be true when the software update state is Required:

The software update is not deployed to the client computer.

The software update was installed on the client computer, but the most recent state message is not inserted into the site server database. The client computer will rescan for the update after installation completes—there can be a delay of up to 2 minutes before the client sends the updated state to the management point, which forwards it to the site server.

The software update was installed on the client computer, but the installation requires a computer reboot before the update is complete.

The software update was deployed to the client computer but not yet installed.
Not RequiredSpecifies the software update is not applicable on the client computer, so the update is not required.
InstalledSpecifies the software update is applicable on the client computer and the client computer already has the update installed.
UnknownSpecifies the site server has not received a state message from the client computer, typically for one of the following reasons:

The client computer did not successfully scan for software updates compliance.

Although the scan completed successfully on the client computer, the state message has not been processed yet on the site server, possibly due to a backlog of state messages.

Although the scan completed successfully on the client computer, the state message has not been received from the child site.

The scan completed successfully on the client computer, but the state message file was corrupted in some way and could not be processed.

Forced and Unforced Scans

Compliance scans are initiated as either forced or unforced. Forced scans always happen; unforced scans may be deemed unnecessary and do not occur if the last compliance scan time, referred to as the time to live (TTL) of the last scan, is less than 24 hours old.

Additionally, clients perform compliance scans in one of two ways—online or offline:

  • In an online scan, the full update catalog is retrieved by the client; this is typically an expensive operation network-wise.

  • An offline scan uses the locally cached catalog on the client.

If not forced to use an online scan, clients choose between an online and offline scan based on the version of the update catalog currently cached. If the cached version is the same as that on the SUP or the SUP cannot be contacted, an offline scan is performed using the currently cached copy. If the version on the SUP is newer, the client downloads the new catalog and then performs the scan.

Table 2 summarizes both the scan initiation types and the scan compliance types.

Table 2. Scan Initiation
Initiated ByInitiation TypeScan Type
Client Agent Properties, general scan scheduleForcedOnline
Client Agent Properties, deployment reevaluation scheduleUnforcedBased on catalog version
Deployment, activation timeUnforcedBased on scan TTL and catalog version
Deployment, deadline timeForcedOnline
ConfigMgr Control Panel Applet, deployment reevaluation scheduleForcedOnline
ConfigMgr Control Panel Applet, software update deployment evaluationForcedBased on catalog version

Update preparation—In this manual step, you must determine which updates to deploy to your managed systems. ConfigMgr helps significantly by identifying how many systems are requesting specific patches, but the final determination of which updates to deploy is up to you.

After deciding what to deploy, download the updates into update packages and create deployments to direct managed systems to install the updates. These two steps are analogous to the normal software distribution process using software distribution packages and assignments.

Update distribution—This “rubber hits the road” step is automatically handled by ConfigMgr, similar to the way it handles software distribution. Here are some key points:

  • When a managed system receives a deployment policy, it immediately initiates another update compliance scan using the WUA to ensure the state of the system has not changed.

  • After the scan, the systems immediately download applicable updates for mandatory deployments and schedule installation according to their maintenance windows. If there are no maintenance windows, installation occurs immediately.

  • Updates for optional deployments are not downloaded until they are manually initiated.

  • The client only downloads individual updates identified as necessary by the compliance scan—complete update packages are not downloaded.

State messages communicate back to the site to ensure the update status in the database is accurate, eliminating the need to perform another compliance scan. This allows ConfigMgr to have current information about the exact patch status of a system in a short period of time rather than waiting for the next compliance scan, which may not take place until the next day or perhaps next week. Full compliance scans needlessly strain the system while obtaining the same information that simple status messages makes available.

Figure 1 depicts this four-step process:

The update catalog is downloaded from Microsoft and imported into the WSUS database.

The update catalog is synchronized from the WSUS database to the ConfigMgr database.

The site creates a policy informing clients of the availability of a new update catalog; the management point downloads this policy and makes it available for retrieval by clients.

Clients download the new policy from the management point.

Clients retrieve the update catalog from WSUS and perform a compliance scan.

Clients report their compliance status to the management point.

Client compliance states are sent to the database.

Search folders, update lists, deployments, and deployment packages are created according to the steps outlined in the next few sections.

Updates, based on defined deployments, are downloaded from distribution points and installed. New client compliance information status is sent to the distribution point immediately and then to the ConfigMgr database.

Figure 1. The software update process

ConfigMgr provides five distinct objects for you to control the deployment of updates in your environment. A subnode under Software Updates in the ConfigMgr console tree represents each of these objects:

  • Update Repository

  • Update Lists

  • Deployment Templates

  • Deployment Management

  • Deployment Packages

The like-named sections of the chapter discuss these objects in detail, but first let’s look at a step-by-step sample configuration to help get you up and running quickly.

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