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Active Directory 2008 : Implementing a Group Policy Infrastructure - Supporting Group Policy (part 1)

8/28/2013 2:50:23 PM
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1. Understanding When Settings Take Effect

If you understand the way in which policy settings are created, stored, and applied to clients, you can troubleshoot Group Policy more effectively. In this section, you review the components, processes, and dependencies of the Group Policy framework. For policies to take effect:

  • GPO replication must occur. Before a GPO can take effect, the GPC in Active Directory must be replicated to the domain controller from which the Group Policy Client obtains its ordered list of GPOs. Additionally, the GPT in SYSVOL must replicate to the same domain controller.

  • Group changes must be incorporated. If you have added a new group, or changed the membership of a group that is used to filter the GPO, that change must also have replicated, and the change must be in the security token of the computer and the user, which requires a restart (for the computer to update its group membership) or a logoff and logon (for the user to update its group membership).

  • The user or computer Group Policy refresh must occur. As you know, refresh happens at startup (for computer settings) and logon (for user settings) and every 90 to 120 minutes thereafter, by default.



Keep in mind that the practical impact of the Group Policy refresh interval is that when you make a change in your environment, it will be on average one-half that time, or 45 to 60 minutes, before the change starts to take effect.

Even if all of the preceding conditions are true, a setting might not apply correctly. When this happens, consider the following:

  • Startup behavior of Windows clients might not apply the latest policies. By default, Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 clients perform only background refreshes at startup and logon, meaning that a client might start up and a user might log on without receiving the latest policies from the domain. It is highly recommended that you change this default behavior so that policy changes are implemented in a managed, predictable way. Enable the Always Wait For The Network At Computer Startup And Logon policy setting for all Windows clients.

  • Settings might not take effect immediately. Although most settings are applied during a background policy refresh, some CSEs do not apply the setting until the next startup or logon event. Newly added startup and logon script policies, for example, do not run until the next computer startup or logon. Software installation, occurs at the next startup if the software is assigned in computer settings. Changes to folder redirection policies do not take effect until the next logon.

  • Most CSEs do not re-apply settings if the GPO has not changed. Remember that most CSEs apply settings in a GPO only if the GPO version has changed. That means that if a user can change a setting that was originally specified by Group Policy, the setting will not be brought back into compliance with the settings specified by the GPO until the GPO changes. Luckily, most policy settings cannot be changed by a nonprivileged user. However, if a user is an administrator of his or her computer, or if the policy setting affects a part of the registry or system that the user has permissions to change, this could be a real problem.

    You have the option of instructing each CSE to reapply the settings of GPOs even if the GPOs have not been changed. Processing behavior of each CSE can be configured in policy settings found in Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\System\Group Policy.

When settings do not apply as expected, you can do the following:

  • Manually refresh Group Policy with GPUpdate. When you are experimenting with Group Policy or trying to troubleshoot Group Policy processing, you might need to initiate a Group Policy refresh manually so that you do not have to wait for the next background refresh. The GPUpdate command can be used to initiate a Group Policy refresh. Used without parameters, GPUpdate triggers processing identical to a background Group Policy refresh. Both computer policy and user policy are refreshed. Use the /target:computer or /target:user parameter to limit the refresh to computer or user settings, respectively. During background refresh, by default, settings are applied only if the GPO has been updated. The /force switch causes the system to reapply all settings in all GPOs scoped to the user or computer. Some policy settings require a logoff or reboot before they actually take effect. The /logoff and /boot switches of GPUpdate cause a logoff or reboot, respectively, if settings are applied that require one.

    So the command that causes a total refresh, application of updated policy settings, and (if necessary) reboot and logon is:

    gpupdate /force /logoff /boot

2. Resultant Set Of Policy

Resultant Set Of Policy (RSOP) is the net effect of GPOs applied to a user or computer, taking into account GPO links, exceptions such as Enforced and Block Inheritance, and the application of security and WMI filters.

RSOP is also a collection of tools that help you evaluate, model, and troubleshoot the application of Group Policy settings. RSOP can query a local or remote computer and report back the exact settings that were applied to the computer and to any user who has logged on to the computer. RSOP can also model the policy settings that are anticipated to be applied to a user or computer under a variety of scenarios, including moving the object between OUs or sites or changing the object’s group membership. With these capabilities, RSOP can help you manage and troubleshoot conflicting policies.

Windows Server 2008 R2 provides the following tools for performing RSOP analysis:

  • The Group Policy Results Wizard

  • The Group Policy Modeling Wizard

  • Gpresult.exe

Generating RSOP Reports with the Group Policy Results Wizard

To help you analyze the cumulative effect of GPOs and policy settings on a user or computer in your organization, Group Policy Management includes the Group Policy Results Wizard. If you want to understand exactly which policy settings have applied to a user or computer, and why, the Group Policy Results Wizard is the tool to use.

The Group Policy Results Wizard reaches into the WMI provider on a local or remote computer. The WMI provider can report everything there is to know about the way Group Policy was applied to the system. It knows when processing occurred, which GPOs were applied, which GPOs were not applied and why, errors that were encountered, and the exact policy settings that took precedence and their source GPOs.

There are several requirements for running the Group Policy Results Wizard:

  • You must have administrative credentials on the target computer.

  • The target computer must be running Windows XP or later. The Group Policy Results Wizard cannot access Windows 2000 systems.

  • You must be able to access WMI on the target computer. That means that it must be powered on, connected to the network, and accessible through ports 135 and 445.



    Performing RSOP analysis by using the Group Policy Results Wizard is just one example of remote administration. Windows includes a firewall that prevents unsolicited inbound connections, even from members of the Administrators group. To perform remote administration, you might need to configure inbound rules for the firewall used by your clients and servers.

    Group Policy provides a simple way to enable remote administration. In the Computer Configuration\Policies\Administrative Templates\Network\Network Connections\Windows Firewall\Domain Profile folder, there is a policy setting named Windows Firewall: Allow Inbound Remote Administration Exception. When you enable this policy setting, you can specify the IP addresses or subnets from which inbound remote administration packets will be accepted. As with all policy settings, review the explanatory text in the Help box and test the effect of the policy in a lab environment before deploying it in production.

  • The WMI service must be started on the target computer.

  • If you want to analyze RSOP for a user, that user must have logged on at least once to the computer. It is not necessary for the user to be currently logged on.

After you have ensured that the requirements are met, you are ready to run an RSOP analysis. To run an RSOP report, right-click Group Policy Results in the GPMC console tree, and then click Group Policy Results Wizard.

The wizard prompts you to select a computer. It then connects to the WMI provider on that computer and provides a list of users who have logged on to it. You can then select one of the users or opt to skip RSOP analysis for user configuration policies.

The wizard produces a detailed RSOP report in a dynamic HTML format. If Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration (IE ESC) is enabled, you are prompted to allow the console to display the dynamic content. You can expand or collapse each section of the report by clicking the Show or Hide link or by double-clicking the heading of the section. The report is displayed on three tabs:

  • Summary The Summary tab displays the status of Group Policy processing at the last refresh. You can identify information that was collected about the system, the GPOs that were applied and denied, security group membership that might have affected GPOs filtered with security groups, WMI filters that were analyzed, and the status of CSEs.

  • Settings The Settings tab displays the resultant set of policy settings applied to the computer or user. This tab shows you exactly what has happened to the user through the effects of your Group Policy implementation. A tremendous amount of information can be gleaned from the Settings tab, but some data isn’t reported, such as IPSec, wireless, and disk quota policy settings.

  • Policy Events The Policy Events tab displays Group Policy events from the event logs of the target computer.

After you have generated an RSOP report with the Group Policy Results Wizard, you can right-click the report to rerun the query, print the report, or save the report as either an XML file or an HTML file that maintains the dynamic expanding and collapsing sections. Either file type can be opened with Internet Explorer, so the RSOP report is portable outside the GPMC. If you right-click the node of the report itself underneath the Group Policy Results folder in the console tree, you can switch to Advanced View. In Advanced View, RSOP is displayed using the RSOP snap-in, which exposes all applied settings, including IPSec, wireless, and disk quota policies.

Generating RSOP Reports with Gpresult.exe

The Gpresult.exe command is the command-line version of the Group Policy Results Wizard. GPResult accesses the same WMI provider as the wizard, produces the same information, and, in fact, enables you to create the same graphical reports. GPResult is available on computers running Windows XP or later versions of Windows. Windows 2000 includes a Gpresult.exe command, which produces a limited report of Group Policy processing but is not as sophisticated as the command included in later versions of Windows.

When you run the GPResult command, you are likely to use the following options:

  • /s computername Specifies the name or IP address of a remote system. If you use a dot (.) as the computer name, or do not include the /s option, the RSOP analysis is performed on the local computer.

  • /scope [user | computer] Displays RSOP analysis for user or computer settings. If you omit the /scope option, RSOP analysis includes both user and computer settings.

  • /user username Specifies the name of the user for which RSOP data is displayed.

  • /r Displays a summary of RSOP data.

  • /v Displays verbose RSOP data, which presents the most meaningful information.

  • /z Displays super-verbose data, including the details of all policy settings applied to the system. Often, this is more information than you require for typical Group Policy troubleshooting.

  • /u domain\user /p password Provides credentials that are in the Administrators group of a remote system. Without these credentials, GPResult runs using the credentials with which you are logged on.

  • [/x | /h] filename Saves the reports in XML or HTML format, respectively.

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