Microsoft has had a strong mapping function
ever since it developed the Streets application many years ago. There’s
some discussion about whether Maps will eventually be replaced by
something else, but it is a simple and useful application nonetheless.
Other apps can use Maps to search for an address, you can use it to get
directions, and you can view your current location as a road map or in a
satellite view that zooms down to house level.
To view a map
1. On the Start screen, tap or click the Maps tile .
The Maps tile
Maps opens . When the Apps bar is showing, the Zoom buttons are hidden.
Maps street view of Cambridge and Boston
2. Click the Zoom In (+) or Zoom Out buttons.
Press Ctrl++ (plus) or Ctrl+– (minus), respectively, to perform the same functions.
3. To view traffic overlaid on the roads, click the Show Traffic button.
4. To change to a satellite view , click the Map Style button and select Aerial.
Aerial view of Cambridge and Boston
To view your current location
Tap or click the My Location button.
To get directions
1. Click the Directions button .
2. Enter addresses in the A and B text boxes , then press the arrow key in the B box.
The Directions text boxes
Press the double arrows to swap the A and B locations.
shows the result of this search.
A mapped set of directions
3. The Waypoint bar
displays directions and mileages to each waypoint of your route. Swipe
or scroll left or right to see more waypoints.
The Directions text boxes accept not only
addresses but also places and concepts. For example, if you typed
“airport” as your destination, this map would route you to Logan
International Airport, which is the closest major airport to my
For current location to work, you need to go
to the Settings charm, click Permissions, and turn the Location slider
to On. Allowing an application to use your geolocation is a feature
called presence, and many applications require it for additional functionality.