that they continue to pay attention to social issues and are happy to lend a
helping hand to also step up and improving situations, Swedish retailer H&M
have teamed up with Mentor USA to launch a special anti-drug addiction t-shirt
which is now for sale via their online store.
kicked off their collaboration by launching a special anti-drug slogan
competition to prepare for National Drug Facts Day (NDFD). 200
selected high school students were invited to Washington D.C. to learn more at
an event held at the House of Sweden which worked to dispel drug myths and
promote drug-free living. Mentor USA wrote about the event before it took
place: "This event will take place on National Drug Facts day
and our goal is to educate the youth with facts that surround drug and
substance use. However, we believe we cannot educate youth without first
listening to them. Shattering the Myths is designed to be an educational
platform in which students learn and have the chance to express their thoughts,
concerns and personal testimonies."
Santiago Romero from Silver Spring, Maryland was announced as the winner of the
competition, creating a simple yet effective slogan that clearly says no to
drug use. - 'Success is My Addiction'. Several other slogans were also given a
nod for their creative ideas, including 'Who Needs Synthetic Happiness' and
'Drugs Are Worse Than Mondays'. The winning slogan now appears on the newly
designed charity t-shirt, with a large portion of proceeds from sales to be
donated to Mentor Foundation USA.