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Exchange Server 2010 : Moving Mailboxes (part 2) - Performing Online Mailbox Moves

9/25/2013 9:15:06 PM
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2. Performing Online Mailbox Moves

With online moves, you can move mailboxes between databases on the same server. You also can move mailboxes from a database on one server to a database on another server regardless of whether the servers are in a different Active Directory site or in another Active Directory forest.

Normally, when you perform online moves, the move process looks like this:

  1. You create a new move request for the mailbox or mailboxes that you want to move using either the Exchange Management Console or Exchange Management Shell.

  2. The move request is sent to the Mailbox Replication Service running on a Client Access server in the current Active Directory site. This server acts as the Mailbox Replication Service proxy.

  3. The Mailbox Replication Service (MRS) adds the mailboxes to the Move Request queue and assigns the status Queued For Move to each mailbox. This indicates the move has been requested but the move has not started.

  4. When a move request is at the top of the queue, the MRS begins replicating the related mailbox to the destination database and assigns the Move In Progress status to mailboxes being moved. By default, the replication service can move up to 5 mailboxes on a single database at one time and up to 50 mailboxes at a time in total.

  5. When the MRS finishes its initial replication of the mailbox, the service assigns the Ready To Complete status to the mailbox.

  6. The mailbox remains in the Ready To Complete state until you or another administrator specifies that you either want to complete the move request or cancel the move request. If you complete the move request, the MRS assigns the Completing status while it performs a final data synchronization and then marks the move as completed.

  7. When the move is completed, the mailbox or mailboxes are available in the new location. Because users can continue to access their e-mail account during a move, you can perform online moves at any time.

One way to perform online mailbox moves within the same Exchange forest is by using the Exchange Management Shell. The commands for performing online mailbox moves include the following:

  • Get-MoveRequest View the detailed status of an ongoing mailbox move that was initiated using the New-MoveRequest cmdlet.

    Get-MoveRequest -Identity Identity [-Credential Credential]
    [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName] [-Organization
    OrganizationId] [-OrganizationalUnit OrganizationalUnitId]
    [-ResultSize Size] [-SortBy String]

    Get-MoveRequest [-BatchName BatchRequestName] [-Credential
    Credential] [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName]
    [-MoveStatus Status] [-Offline <$true | $false>]
    [-Organization OrganizationId] [-OrganizationalUnit
    OrganizationalUnitId>] [-Protect <$true | $false>]
    [-RemoteHostName FullyQualifiedName] [-ResultSize Size]
    [-SortBy String] [-SourceDataBase DatabaseId]
    [-Suspend <$true | $false>]
    [-SuspendWhenReadyToComplete <$true | $false>]
    [-TargetDatabase DatabaseId]
  • New-MoveRequest Start a mailbox move. You also can verify readiness to move by using the –WhatIf parameter. Use the –Protect parameter to protect the move request for tenant administrators.

    New-MoveRequest -Identity Identity [-TargetDatabase DatabaseId]

    New-MoveRequest -Identity Identity -Remote {$true | $false}
    -RemoteHostName HostName -TargetDeliveryDomain Domain
    [-RemoteCredential Credential] [-RemoteGlobalCatalog GCServer]
    [-RemoteTargetDatabase DatabaseID] [-TargetDatabase DatabaseID]

    New -MoveRequest -Identity Identity -RemoteGlobalCatalog GCServer
    -RemoteLegacy <$true|$false> -TargetDeliveryDomain Domain
    [-RemoteCredential Credential] [-RemoteTargetDatabase DatabaseID]
    [-TargetDatabase DatabaseID] {AddtlParams}

    [-BadItemLimit Limit] [-BatchName BatchRequestName]
    [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName] [-IgnoreRuleLimitErrors
    <$true|$false>] [-MRSServer CASServer] [-Protect
    <$true|$false>] [-Suspend <$true|$false>] [-SuspendComment String]
    [-SuspendWhenReadyToComplete <$true|$false>]
  • Resume-MoveRequest Resumes a move request that has been suspended or failed.

    Resume-MoveRequest -Identity MoveRequestIdentity
    [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName]
  • Set-MoveRequest Changes a move request after it has been started.

    Set-MoveRequest -Identity MoveRequestIdentity
    [-BadItemLimit Limit] [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName]
    [-IgnoreRuleLimitErrors <$true|$false>] [-Protect <$true|$false>]
    [-RemoteCredential Credential] [-RemoteGlobalCatalog GCServer]
    [-RemoteHostName HostName] [-SuspendWhenReadyToComplete
  • Suspend-MoveRequest Suspends a move request that has been started but has not yet been completed.

    Suspend-MoveRequest -Identity MoveRequestIdentity
    [-SuspendComment Comment]
    [-DomainController FullyQualifiedName]
  • Remove-MoveRequest Cancels a mailbox move initiated using the New-MoveRequest cmdlet. You can use the Remove-MoveRequest command any time after initiating the move but only if the move request is not yet complete. If the move request was initiated with the –Protect parameter, you must use the –Protect parameter to cancel the move request.

Remove-MoveRequest -Identity Identity [-MRSServer CASServer]
[-DomainController FullyQualifiedName] [-Protect {$true | $false}]

Moving Mailboxes Within a Single Forest

You perform online mailbox moves within a single forest by using the Exchange Management Shell. To verify move readiness, use New-MoveRequest with the –WhatIf parameter for each mailbox you plan to move. The following examples show two different ways you can verify whether Garrett Vargas's mailbox can be moved:

New-MoveRequest -Identity 'garrettv'
-TargetDatabase "Engineering Primary" -WhatIf

' Vargas' | New-MoveRequest -TargetDatabase
'Engineering Primary' -WhatIf

To initiate an online move, you use New-MoveRequest for each mailbox you want to move. The following examples show two different ways you can move Garrett Vargas's mailbox:

New-MoveRequest -Identity 'garrettv' -Remote -RemoteHostName
'' -mrsserver ''
-TargetDatabase "Engineering Primary"

' Vargas' | New-MoveRequest -Remote
-RemoteHostName '' -mrsserver
'' -TargetDatabase 'Engineering Primary'

After you initiate a move, you can check the status of the online move using Get-MoveRequest. As shown in the following example, the key parameter to provide is the identity of the mailbox you want to check:

Get-MoveRequest -Identity 'garrettv'

By default, basic information about the move request is displayed. To get more detailed information, add the –IncludeReport parameter as shown in this example:

Get-MoveRequest -Identity 'garrettv' -IncludeReport

You can use Suspend-MoveRequest to suspend a move request that has not yet completed, and Resume-MoveRequest to resume a suspended move request. Resuming a suspended request allows it to complete.

You can cancel a move at any time prior to running the move request being completed by Exchange. To do this, run Remove-MoveRequest and specify the identity of the mailbox that shouldn't be moved. An example follows:

Remove-MoveRequest -Identity 'garrettv'

When your source and destination Mailbox servers are running Exchange Server 2010 and are in the same forest, you can move mailboxes by completing these steps:

  1. In the Exchange Management Console, expand the Recipient Configuration node, and then select the related Mailbox node.

  2. Right-click the mailbox, and then select New Local Move Request. This starts the New Local Move Request Wizard, as shown in Figure 2.


    You can select and move multiple mailboxes at the same time. To select multiple users individually, hold down the Ctrl key, and then click each user account that you want to select. To select a sequence of accounts, select the first user account, hold down the Shift key, and then click the last user account.

    Use the New Local Move Request Wizard to move mailboxes.

    Figure 2. Use the New Local Move Request Wizard to move mailboxes.

  3. Click the Browse button to the right of the Target Mailbox Database text box. In the Select Mailbox Database dialog box, choose the mailbox database to which the mailbox should be moved. Mailbox databases are listed by name as well as by associated server.

  4. Click Next. If corrupted messages are found in a mailbox, specify how you would like those messages to be handled. To skip the mailbox if corrupted messages are found, select Skip The Mailbox. To skip the corrupted messages if any are found but still move the mailbox, select Skip The Corrupted Messages.

  5. If you elected to skip corrupted messages, you must also specify the maximum number of corrupted messages to skip. If this value is exceeded, the mailbox will not be moved.

  6. When you click Next and then click New, Exchange Server creates a new move request. Click Finish.

  7. Moving mailboxes can take several hours, depending on the size of the mailboxes you are moving. You can check the status of move requests by selecting the Move Request node under Recipient Configuration. While the move request is in the Moving or Queued state, you can cancel the move request by right-clicking it and then selecting Remove Move Request.

Moving Mailboxes Between Forests

You can perform online mailbox moves between different Exchange forests using the Exchange Management Console or Exchange Management Shell. When you are moving mailboxes between forests, you'll want to verify that mailboxes are ready to be moved before you submit a move request. To verify readiness, the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication service proxy in the source forest checks the status of each mailbox you are moving and also ensures you have the permissions required to move the mailboxes from the source forest to the target forest. If a user has an archive mailbox or subscriptions, you will likely need to remove the archive mailbox, the subscriptions, or both before you are able to move the mailbox.

You can verify move readiness in the Exchange Management Shell by using New-MoveRequest with the –WhatIf parameter for each mailbox you plan to move. The following examples show two different ways you can verify whether Charlie Keen's mailbox can be moved:

New-MoveRequest -Identity 'charliek' -Remote
-RemoteHost ''-mrsserver ''
-TargetDatabase "Engineering Primary" -WhatIf

' Keen' | New-MoveRequest -Remote
-RemoteHost '' -mrsserver ''
-TargetDatabase 'Engineering Primary' -WhatIf

You can perform online mailbox moves between forests by following these steps:

  1. In the Exchange Management Console, select the mailbox or mailboxes that you want to move. Right-click, and then select New Remote Move Request. This starts the New Remote Move Request Wizard.

    The mailboxes you selected are listed as the ones that will be moved. Click Next.

  2. The source forest is the forest to which you are connected. In the Target Forest list, select the forest to which you are moving the mailboxes.

  3. In the text box provided, type the fully qualified domain name of a Client Access server in the source forest that will act as the proxy server.

  4. If you want to provide alternate credentials for the source forest, select the Use The Following Source Forest's Credential, type the user name, and then type the password for the account.

  5. When the move request is complete, mail sent to the relocated users in the source forest will be redirected to the target forest. Enter the post-move external e-mail address for the user or users in the source forest.

  6. When you click Next and then click New to initiate the move request, the Exchange Management Console calls into the shell and the shell runs New-MoveRequest for each mailbox you selected. Moving the mailboxes can take several hours, depending on the size of the mailboxes you are moving.

You can perform online moves in the Exchange Management Shell by using New-M oveRequest for each mailbox you plan to move. The following examples show two different ways you can move Bruno Denuit's mailbox:

New-MoveRequest -Identity 'brunod' -Remote
-RemoteHost ''-mrsserver ''
-TargetDatabase "Engineering Primary"

' Denuit' | New-MoveRequest -Remote
-RemoteHost '' -mrsserver ''
-TargetDatabase 'Engineering Primary'

After you initiate a move, you can check the status of the online move by using Get-MoveRequest. As shown in the following example, the key parameters to provide are the identity of the mailbox you want to check and the name of the proxy server:

Get-MoveRequest -Identity 'brunod' -mrsserver ''

By default, basic information about the move request is displayed. To get more detailed information, add the -IncludeReport parameter as shown in this example:

Get-MoveRequest -Identity 'brunod' -mrsserver ''

You can use Suspend-MoveRequest to suspend a move request that is not yet complete, and Resume-MoveRequest to resume a suspended move request. Resuming a suspended request allows it to complete.

At any time prior to running the move request completing, you can cancel the move by running Remove-MoveRequest and specifying the identify of the mailbox that shouldn't be moved, such as:

Remove-MoveRequest -Identity 'brunod' -mrsserver ''
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