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Sharepoint 2013 : Enforce Custom Validation on a List or Library

8/16/2013 4:09:23 PM
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Scenario/Problem: You want to configure more complex validation for columns to prevent users from entering conflicting information in two different fields. For example, if you have two date columns, Starting Time and Due Date, you want to make sure users enter a bigger value in the Due Date column.

Solution: To configure validation at a list or library level, you open the list or library settings page by switching to the List ribbon or Library ribbon and clicking the List Settings or Library Settings button. In the list or library settings page, you click the Validation Settings link to open the Validation Settings page shown in Figure 1.


FIGURE 1 The list Validation Settings page.

Here you can define a formula that will be evaluated when the user tries to save a new item in the list or library. The formula must evaluate to TRUE for the save to be successful.

For example, if you have two date fields, you select the Due Date column from the Insert Column box on the right and click the Add to Formula link to add it to the box, and you then do the same with the Starting Time column. In this way, you add the column names (surrounded by square brackets) to the formula. You add a > (greater than) sign between them, as shown in Figure 1, and click Save.

Another option in this page is to set the message the user sees if the formula fails to evaluate to TRUE. For example, Figure 1 is set to display a message to the users that the Due Date must be after the Starting Time.

You can use AND and OR operators to chain validation conditions in the formula. For example, you can have the formula check that either the State/Province column or the Country/Region column has a value and that either Home Phone or Mobile Phone has a value, as shown in Figure 2.


FIGURE 2 Chaining conditions by using the AND and OR operators for a complex validation rule.

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