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Michael Bastian Departing Gant Following the Autumn/Winter 2014 Collection

2/10/2014 6:11:47 PM
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Fashion designer Michael Bastian has announced that he is expected to end his partnership working with Gant after the Autumn/Winter 2014 season. Michael commented that although it is sad to end their time collaborating together, it was never meant to be a permanent move and it's time to move on at this point:  “What everybody forgets is that this was always intended to be just two seasons but it took off, it was fun and doing well, so we extended it three more years. These kind of things are built to have an ending. It’s really sad, but it’s better to leave the party while it’s still going.” 

Opening up on his last collection for Gant, Bastian revealed that the designs will feature a special label and will see several best sellers being reissued, as well as items he has personally selected as favourites. He commented that it “feels a lot like our first season. We’ve been on quite an amazing journey together, and it feels good to really take things full circle. The final season is based on the theme of high school football, drawing inspiration from the television show “Friday Night Lights.”

David Arbuthnot, chief executive officer of Gant USA also spoke on the departure, stating that the collaboration with Michael has been a big success story: “Originally the collaboration between Gant and Michael Bastian was intended for only one year and was then extended to three years. The fact that we are ending after nine seasons is a testament to the unprecedented success we experienced together. Michael is a tremendous designer and did an amazing job marrying the two brands. He brought a new level of excitement to the Gant label as we expanded our global footprint. We know he will continue to showcase his talent with his own Michael Bastian collection.” 

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