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Microsoft OneNote 2010 : Using Page Templates
In OneNote 2010, you can use page templates to dramatically change the appearance of pages. Templates can add decorative designs and photorealistic backgrounds to your notes pages or let you create useful and functional documents like simple forms, calendars, and interactive checklists.
Microsoft OneNote 2010 : Working with Subpages
Subpages in OneNote work exactly like regular pages, but their tab labels appear slightly indented. The main purpose of subpages is to let you visually structure a group of related pages to help you recognize which of them contain important notes or key subject areas and which of them contain supplementary information that supports the subject of the main pages.
Microsoft Visio 2010 : Printing Basics (part 2) - Print Preview, Experimenting with Printing Without Wasting Trees
The XPS Document Writer is now your default printer. If you choose Quick Print now, the XPS Document Writer is used, so you won’t burn any paper without a chance to stop. When you click Print, the XPS Writer is already selected in the printer list, saving you that step each time.
Microsoft Visio 2010 : Printing Basics (part 1) - Printing from the Backstage Area
One-page documents using built-in templates generally print just fine on typical office printers. Visio’s built-in templates are configured to match standard office paper: the U.S. Units templates for letter-sized paper and the Metric Units templates for A4.
Microsoft Visio 2010 : Running Computer and Network Reports, Searching and Replacing Text
Many of the templates provided with Visio include predefined reports. Both the Basic Network Diagram (see preceding section) and the Detailed Network Diagram (see following section) include three reports that highlight different subsets of the shape data in the various computer and network shapes.
Microsoft Project 2010 : Documenting Work Package Details
If you've ever asked a teenager to do a chore, you know the importance of clearly specifying the work to perform and the results you expect. Otherwise, the dishes in the dishwasher might be placed in the cupboards—before they've been washed.
Microsoft Project 2010 : Setting Up Custom WBS Codes
The WBS codes built into Project are simple outline codes with a number for each level in the outline hierarchy. For instance, a WBS code of 2.1.3 might represent the second phase of the project, the first summary task in that phase, and the third work package for that summary task.
Microsoft Project 2010 : Documenting a WBS in Another Program
You can also whip up a list of indented tasks in Microsoft Word or Outlook, and then copy and paste them into Project 2010. More of your team members are likely to be familiar with Word or Outlook than with Project, so you're likely to get project info from them in Word documents or emails.
Upgrading and Converting to Access 2010 : ENABLING A DATABASE, ACCESS 2010: 64-BIT CONSIDERATIONS
Access 2010 can work with Access 95 and 97 files. Basically, there are two options for working with the file: convert it or enable it. Converting creates a copy of the file in a newer format, as discussed earlier. However, in order to work with the file without converting it, you will need to enable the database.
The Access ACCDB file format offers data encryption using a database password, but it does not support user-level security that uses the workgroup information manager (MDW) files.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 : Modifying and Formatting SmartArt Graphics
PowerPoint offers two contextual tabs that enable you to modify the design and format of your SmartArt graphics: the SmartArt Tools—Design tab and the SmartArt Tools—Format tab.
Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 : Understanding SmartArt Graphics, Inserting Smart Art Graphics
SmartArt takes the power and flexibility of PowerPoint shapes one step further. SmartArt enables you to combine shapes and text to create informative lists, matrices, pyramids, and more.
Microsoft Excel 2010 : Scales of Measurement
Although there is only one type of category scale, there are three types of numeric scales: ordinal, interval, and ratio. You can use the value axis of any Excel chart to represent any type of numeric scale, and you often find yourself analyzing one numeric variable, regardless of type, in terms of another variable.
Microsoft Excel 2010 : Variables and Values
With your data laid out properly, you can easily and efficiently combine records into groups, pull groups of records apart to examine them more closely, and create charts that give you insight into what the raw numbers are really doing. When you put the statistics into tables and charts, you begin to understand what the numbers have to say.
Microsoft Word 2010 : Formatting Paragraphs (part 2) - Working with Tabs, Changing Line Spacing, Adjusting Spacing Between Paragraphs
By default, each time you press the Tab key, Word moves the insertion point a half inch to the right. However, you can set tab stops at desired points along the ruler so that when you press the Tab key, the insertion point moves to that point automatically, instead of stopping every half inch.
Microsoft Word 2010 : Formatting Paragraphs (part 1) - Aligning Text, Adding Paragraph Borders, Shading Text, Indenting Text
Alignment arranges the text to line up at one or both margins, or centers it between the margins. Alignment applies to entire paragraphs. In other words, you can’t center align part of a paragraph and left align another part of the same paragraph.
Microsoft Outlook 2010 : Options for Starting Outlook
Office offers several options to control startup, either through command-line switches or other methods. You can choose to have Outlook 2010 open forms, turn off the Reading pane, select a profile, and perform other tasks automatically when the program starts. The following sections describe some of the options that you can specify.
Microsoft Outlook 2010 : Understanding Messaging Protocols and Standards, Security Provisions in Outlook
Outlook 2010 provides several features for ensuring the security of your data, messages, and identity. This section presents a brief overview of security features in Outlook 2010 to give you a basic understanding of the issues involved, with references to other locations in the book that offer more detailed information about these topics.
Microsoft Visio 2010 : Changing the Drawing Scale
Not all shapes were designed to respond to changes in the drawing scale of the page. If you change the page scale and the shapes don’t respond appropriately, either you’re out of luck or you’ll need to find replacement shapes.
Microsoft Visio 2010 : Adding Equipment to Rack Diagrams
In this exercise, you will use that foundation to create a detailed representation of a data center equipment rack by adding the following equipment: six servers, one PC, a router, and a power supply. In addition, you will build a “drill-down” hyperlink to the equipment rack from your stylized network drawing.
Microsoft OneNote 2010 : Working with Notebook Pages (part 2)
You’ll notice that OneNote stamps every new page with the date and time when the page was created. This is especially useful when searching your notes. For example, if you’re looking for specific information a year from now, you’ll have a record of when the information was added to your notes.
Microsoft OneNote 2010 : Working with Notebook Pages (part 1)
Whenever you create a new section in your notebook, it will automatically contain one blank page. You can click anywhere on the page and start typing notes. You don’t need to worry about any constraints like those in other programs as the OneNote canvas is a completely flexible environment, much like a sheet of paper.
Microsoft Project 2010 : Breaking Work into Task-Sized Chunks - Building a WBS in Microsoft Project
Your WBS may not have started out in Project. Maybe you scribbled it on a whiteboard, scrawled it on sticky notes pasted to flip charts, or it's just rattling around noisily in your head. Regardless of where your ideas are, you can make short work of getting them into Project.
Microsoft Project 2010 : Breaking Work into Task-Sized Chunks - Identifying the Work to Be Done
Knowing the high-level tasks that make up your project is important, but big chunks like Build Bridge, Hire New Staff, and Plan Grand Opening Party don't help when you're trying to estimate costs, line up resources, schedule work, or track progress.
Microsoft Access 2010 : Modifying the Datasheet View of a Query, Printing Query Results, Designing a Query Based on Multiple Tables
If you have properly normalized your table data, you probably want to bring the data from your tables back together by using queries. Fortunately, you can do this quite easily by using Access queries.
Microsoft Access 2010 : Working with Simple Criteria (part 2) - Creating Criteria Based on Multiple Conditions
Sometimes you might want to create a query that contains two or more conditions. You would do this, for example, if you want only records in the state of California that had sales within a certain date range to appear in the output.
Microsoft Access 2010 : Working with Simple Criteria (part 1) - Using an Exact Match Query
You can limit the records that you see in the result of a query by adding criteria to the query. For example, you might want to see just the customers in California, or you may just want to view the orders with sales greater than $500.
Microsoft Excel 2010 : Grouping Multiple Sets of Data
If you want to open a set of files simultaneously, you can define them as part of a workspace, which uses one file name to reference several workbooks. To define a workspace, you open the files you want to include and then open the Save Workspace dialog box.
Microsoft Excel 2010 : Consolidating Multiple Sets of Data into a Single Workbook
When you create a series of worksheets that contain similar data, perhaps by using a template, you build a consistent set of workbooks in which data is stored in a predictable place.
Microsoft Word 2010 : Selecting Text Attributes (part 2)
New to Word 2010, you find the ability to add spectacular special effects to your text. With just a few mouse clicks, your text can illustrate shadows, glows, reflections, bevels and many other great formatting features.
Top 10
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Finding containers and lists in Visio (part 2) - Wireframes,Legends
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Finding containers and lists in Visio (part 1) - Swimlanes
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Formatting and sizing lists
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Adding shapes to lists
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Sizing containers
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 3) - The Other Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 2) - The Data Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 1) - The Format Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Form Properties and Why Should You Use Them - Working with the Properties Window
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Using the Organization Chart Wizard with new data
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