Microsoft Excel 2010 : Macros and UDFs - Running a Macro |
If you assign a shortcut key to your macro, you can play the macro by pressing the key combination. Macros can also be assigned to the Ribbon, the Quick Access toolbar, forms controls, drawing objects, or you can run them from the Macros button in the Code group on the Developer tab. |
Microsoft OneNote 2010 : Taking Audio and Video Notes |
Note-taking and capturing information in OneNote isn’t just limited to typing or importing text. In certain situations where you’re given more information than you can jot down quickly (for example, in a class lecture, in a group presentation, or in an interview), you can make use of OneNote’s excellent audio and video recording features. |
Microsoft Outlook 2010 : Modifying and Updating a Task |
You can modify a task at any time to change any property, including subject, due date, recurrence, and so on. Another change you might want to make to tasks is to mark them as complete. This action allows you to see at a glance the tasks that are complete and those that are not. |
Microsoft Outlook 2010 : Working with Recurring Tasks |
Some tasks are recurring tasks—they repeat on a regular basis. For example, maybe you have to prepare a set of reports every Friday that summarizes the week’s sales or other information. Or perhaps you need to back up your files every week. |