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Windows Small Business Server 2011 : Managing Software Updates - Using SBS Software Updates (part 2) - Deploying Updates

10/7/2013 3:22:35 AM
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2. Deploying Updates

Most updates are automatically accepted and deployed by the built-in rules of SBS Software Updates, but some updates are considered optional or require explicit acceptance of a separate End User License Agreement (EULA), and these will require intervention by an SBS administrator to either deploy or decline the update.

The main Updates page, shown in Figure 6, includes the overall status of updates on your SBS network and also the specific details of any selected update. In the details pane of the Updates page, you can find more information on the specifics of the update, what applications or versions of Windows it applies to, and whether it will require a reboot. The details also include a link to the appropriate Knowledge Base article or download page for the update.

Figure 6. The Updates page, showing details for an optional update

To deploy or decline an update, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Windows SBS Console if it isn’t already open.

  2. Click Security on the navigation bar.

  3. Click on the Updates tab, if it isn’t on top, to display the Updates page.

  4. Select the update you want to deploy or decline in the main pane of the Updates page, and read the description of the update in the details pane.

  5. Click Deploy (or Decline) in the Tasks pane to open the Software Updates dialog box shown in Figure 7. (The Decline dialog box is essentially the same, except that it says Declining instead of Deploying.)

    Figure 7. The Software Updates Deploying Updates dialog box

  6. Click OK to deploy (or decline) the update. If the update requires a separate EULA acknowledgment, you’ll be prompted to accept the Software License Terms, as shown in Figure 8.

    Figure 8. The Software License Terms dialog box allows the administrator to accept the agreement for all computers affected by the update.

  7. Click I Accept and the update is deployed. You’ll see a final acknowledgment message that the update is scheduled for deployment in the next 4 to 24 hours.

  8. Click OK and the update will be added to the Updates In Progress section.

UNDER THE HOOD: Changing Your Mind

When you decline an update, it disappears from the SBS Updates page completely. There’s really no way to change your mind and decide to deploy it from within the Windows SBS Console. To approve an update that has been previously declined, you’ll need to use the native WSUS console. Use the following steps to approve an update that has either been automatically declined by SBS Software Updates or that you’ve manually declined:

  1. Open the Update Services console by selecting Microsoft Windows Server Update Services in the Administrative Tools folder of the Start menu.

  2. In the left pane of the Update Services console, navigate to Updates and then to All Updates. Then select Declined from the Approval drop-down list in the All Updates center pane. Click Refresh to update the view.

  3. Select the update you want to approve from the list of declined updates, and click Approve on the Actions pane.

  4. In the Approve Updates dialog box, select the groups of computers to approve the update for and select Approved from the drop-down list of options.

  5. Click OK to approve the update, and click Close to close the progress dialog box.

  6. Close the Update Services console.

Using the native Update Services console is not something you should ordinarily do because it can interfere with the normal operation of the SBS Software Updates. But sometimes it’s just the only way to do something, as in this case.

2.1. Viewing Update Deployment Reports

When updates are showing in the Updates In Progress section of the Updates page, it often means that some computers have had the update deployed but others are still pending for one reason or another (usually because the affected computer has been offline). To see what the status is for all the computers affected, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Windows SBS Console if it isn’t already open.

  2. Click Security on the navigation bar.

  3. Click on the Updates tab, if it isn’t on top, to display the Updates page.

  4. Select the update you want to see the deployment report for, and click View The Update Deployment Report on the Tasks menu to open the Deployment Report for the update, as shown in Figure 9.

    Figure 9. The Deployment Report for a security update

  5. After you’ve identified which computers are causing the update to not complete, you can take the appropriate steps to correct the situation.

2.2. Synchronization

SBS synchronizes with the Microsoft servers once a day, at 10:00 P.M. local time. Normally, this is a sufficiently frequent and timely synchronization that you shouldn’t need to do anything special to synchronize. In the event of an active outbreak of a critical exploit that affects your network, however, or for any other reason you need to manually synchronize the SBS Software Updates, you can manually trigger an update at any point in time. To initiate an update, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Windows SBS Console if it isn’t already open.

  2. Click Security on the navigation bar.

  3. Click on the Updates tab, if it isn’t on top, to display the Updates page.

  4. Click Synchronize Now on the Tasks pane to open the Software Updates Synchronize Now confirmation dialog box, shown in Figure 10.

    Figure 10. The Synchronize Now confirmation dialog box

  5. Click OK and the synchronization will begin, and the Software Updates dialog box will change to a progress dialog box. When the synchronization completes, you’ll see the dialog box shown in Figure 11.

    Figure 11. The Software Updates synchronization has completed

  6. Click Close to return to the Windows SBS Console.

- Windows Small Business Server 2011 : Managing Software Updates - Using SBS Software Updates (part 1) - Configuring Software Update Settings
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