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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Data Compression (part 3) - Implementing Page Compression, Evaluating Page Compression, Managing Data Compression with SSMS

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4. Implementing Page Compression

Page compression can be implemented for a table at the time it is created or by using the ALTER TABLE command, as in the following example:


Unlike row compression, which is applied immediately on the rows, page compression isn’t applied until the page is full. The rows cannot be compressed until SQL Server can determine what encodings for prefix and dictionary substitution are going to be used to replace the actual data. When you enable page compression for a table or a partition, SQL Server examines every full page to determine the possible space savings. Any pages that are not full are not considered for compression. During the compression analysis, the prefix and dictionary values are created, and the column values are modified to reflect the prefix and dictionary values. Then row compression is applied. If the new compressed page can hold at least five additional rows, or 25% more rows than the page currently holds, the page is compressed. If neither one of these criteria is met, the compressed version of the page is discarded.

New rows inserted into a compressed page are compressed as they are inserted. However, new entries are not added to the prefix list or dictionary based on a single new row. The prefix values and dictionary symbols are rebuilt only on an all-or-nothing basis. After the page is changed a sufficient number of times, SQL Server evaluates whether to rebuild the CI record. The PageModCount field in the CI record is used to keep track of the number of changes to the page since the CI record was last built or rebuilt. This value is updated every time a row is updated, deleted, or inserted. If SQL Server encounters a full page during a data modification and the PageModCount is greater than 25 or the PageModCount divided by the number of rows on the page is greater than 25%, SQL Server reapplies the compression analysis on the page. Again, only if recompressing the page creates room for five additional rows, or 25% more rows than the page currently holds, the new compressed page replaces the existing page.

In B-tree structures (nonclustered indexes or a clustered table), only the leaf-level and data pages are considered for compression. When you insert a new row into a leaf or data page, if the compressed row fits, it is inserted and nothing more is done. If it doesn’t fit, SQL Server attempts to recompress the page and then recompress the row based on the new CI record. If the row fits after recompression, it is inserted and nothing more is done. If the row still doesn’t fit, the page needs to be split. When a compressed page is split, the CI record is copied to the new page exactly as it was, along with the rows moved to the new page. However, the PageModCount value is set to 25, so that when the new page gets full, it will be immediately analyzed for recompression. Leaf and data pages are also checked for recompression whenever you run an index rebuild or shrink operation.

If you enable compression on a heap table, pages are evaluated for compression only during rebuild and shrink operations. Also, if you drop a clustered index on a table, turning it into a heap, SQL Server runs compression analysis on any full pages. Compression is avoided during normal data modification operations on a heap to avoid changes to the Row IDs, which are used as the row locators for any indexes on the heap. Although the RowModCounter is still maintained, SQL Server essentially ignores it and never tries to recompress a page based on the RowModCounter value.

5. Evaluating Page Compression

Before choosing to implement page compression, you should determine if the overhead of page compression will provide sufficient benefit in space savings. To determine how changing the compression state will affect a table or an index, you can use the SQL Server 2008 sp_estimate_data_compression_savings stored procedure, which is available only in the editions of SQL Server that support data compression. This stored procedure evaluates the effects of compression by sampling up to 5,000 pages in the table and creating a copy of these 5,000 pages of the table in tempdb, performing the compression, and then using the sample to estimate the overall size for the table after compression. The syntax for sp_estimate_data_compression_savings is as follows:

      [ @schema_name = ] 'schema_name'
     , [ @object_name = ] 'object_name'
    , [@index_id = ] index_id
     , [@partition_number = ] partition_number
    , [@data_compression = ] 'data_compression'

You can estimate the data compression savings for a table for either row or page compression by specifying either 'ROW' or 'PAGE' as the value for the @data_compression parameter. You can also estimate the average size of the compressed table if compression is disabled by specifying NONE as the value for @data_compression. You can also use the sp_estimate_data_compression_savings procedure to estimate the space savings for compression on a specific index or partition. The following example estimates the space savings if page compression were applied to the big_sales table in the bigpubs2008 table versus row compression:

use bigpubs2008
exec sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'dbo', 'sales_big', null, null, 'PAGE'

object_name  schema_name  index_id  partition_number
------------ ------------ --------- ----------------
sales_big    dbo          1         1
sales_big    dbo          2         1

exec sp_estimate_data_compression_savings 'dbo', 'sales_big', null, null, 'ROW'
object_name  schema_name  index_id  partition_number

------------ ------------ --------- ----------------

sales_big    dbo          1         1
sales_big    dbo          2         1


You can see in this example that the space savings from page compression would be significant, with an estimated reduction in the size of the table itself (index_id = 1) from 113MB (116,512 KB) to 38MB (39,128 KB), a savings of more than 66%. Row compression would not provide nearly as significant a savings, with an estimated reduction in size from 113MB to only 95MB (97,936 KB), only a 16% savings.

If you compress the table, you can compare the estimated space savings to the actual size. For example, let’s look at the initial size of the sales_big table:

use bigpubs2008

select sum(page_count) as pages, sum(compressed_page_count) as compressed_pages
from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(),
OBJECT_ID('sales_big'), 1, null, 'DETAILED')
where index_level = 0

SELECT SUM(used_page_count/ 128.0) AS size_in_MB
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID('dbo.sales_big') AND index_id=1

pages                compressed_pages
14519                0


Now, implement page compression on the sales_big table:


Now, re-examine the size of the sales_big table:

select sum(page_count) as pages, sum(compressed_page_count) as compressed_pages
from sys.dm_db_index_physical_stats (DB_ID(),
OBJECT_ID('sales_big'), 1, null, 'DETAILED')
where index_level = 0

SELECT SUM(used_page_count/ 128.0) AS size_in_MB
FROM sys.dm_db_partition_stats
WHERE object_id=OBJECT_ID('dbo.sales_big') AND index_id=1

pages                compressed_pages
4452                 4451



In this example, you can see that the table was reduced in size significantly, from 14,519 pages to 4,452 pages (113.7MB to 34.9MB), pretty much right in line with the estimated space savings. You can also see that compression was reasonably effective, compressing 4,451 of 4,452 pages.

Be aware that you may not always receive the space savings predicted due to the effects of fill factor and the actual size of the rows. For example, if you have a row that is 8,000 bytes long and compression reduces its size by 40%, only one row can still be fit on the data page, so there is no space savings for that page. If the results of running sp_estimate_data_compression_savings indicate that the table will grow, this indicates that many of the rows in the table are using nearly the full precision of the data types, and the addition of the small overhead needed for the compressed format is more than the savings from compression. In this, it is obvious that there is no advantage to enabling compression.

6. Managing Data Compression with SSMS

The preceding examples show the T-SQL commands you can use to evaluate and manage row and page compression in SQL Server 2008. SSMS provides a Data Compression Wizard for evaluating and performing data compression activities. To invoke the Data Compression Wizard, right-click on the table in the Object Explorer and select Storage and then select Manage Compression. Click Next to move past the Welcome page to bring up the Select Compression Type page, as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 5. The Data Compression Wizard’s Select Compression Type page.

On the Compression Type Page, you can choose the compression type to use at the partition level or to use the same compression type for all partitions. You can also see the estimated savings for selected compression type by clicking on the Calculate button. After you click on Calculate, the wizard displays the current partition size and requested compression size in the corresponding columns (note that it might take a few moments to do the calculation).

After making your selections, click on Next to display the Select and Output Option page. Here, you have the opportunity to have the wizard generate a script of commands you can run manually to implement the selected compression type. If you choose to generate a script, you have the option to save the script to a file, the Clipboard, or to a new query window in SSMS. You also have the option to run the compression changes immediately or schedule a SQL Agent job to run the changes at a specified time.

- SQL Server 2008 R2 : Data Compression (part 2) - Page-Level Compression, The CI Record
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