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Windows 8 : Maintaining Data Access and Availability - Managing Offline Files (part 2) - Managing Offline File Synchronization

8/16/2013 6:00:40 PM
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3. Managing Offline File Synchronization

Synchronizing the offline files cache keeps the files up to date on the client computer and merges any changes the user has made back to the shared folder. The way Windows syncs depends on whether the computer is on a fast link, a slow link, or a costed network.

Sync Center, shown in Figure 2, simplifies the management of cached offline files and folders. In Sync Center, a sync partnership is established for every shared folder that has locally cached contents. Each sync partnership has a set of properties that enables you to control whether and how syncing occurs.

You can open Sync Center from Control Panel. In Control Panel, tap or click View By and then select either Large Icons or Small Icons. Next, tap or click Sync Center. After you display Sync Center, you can easily check for synchronization problems, start or stop syncing, and configure syncing.

Use Sync Center to view and manage synchronization.

Figure 2. Use Sync Center to view and manage synchronization.

In Sync Center, the View Sync Partnerships page is selected by default. On this page, you can manually synchronize offline files by pressing and holding or right-clicking the Offline Files entry and then selecting Sync Offline Files.

Group Policy settings control how offline file synchronization works. Generally, offline files are automatically synchronized when a user reconnects to the network after being disconnected from the network or electing to work offline. You can also configure synchronization so that it occurs at one of the following times:

  • At a specific, scheduled time

  • When the user logs on

  • When the computer is idle

  • When the user locks or unlocks Windows

Scheduling Syncing

You can create and manage scheduled synchronization by following these steps:

  1. In Sync Center, press and hold or right-click the sync partnership you want to work with, and then tap or click Schedule For Offline Files.

  2. If you’ve previously scheduled synchronization for this resource, you can do the following:

    • Create a new schedule Tap or click Create A New Sync Schedule, and then follow steps 3–7.

    • View or edit an existing schedule Tap or click View Or Edit An Existing Sync Schedule, tap or click the schedule to change, tap or click Next, and then follow steps 3–7.

    • Delete an existing schedule Tap or click Delete An Existing Sync Schedule, tap or click the schedule to delete, and then tap or click Delete. Tap or click OK, and then skip the remaining steps.

  3. Review the items you are configuring and clear the check boxes for any items you don’t want to configure. Tap or click Next, and then tap or click At A Scheduled Time.

  4. The Start On and At options are configured so that scheduled syncing will start immediately, as shown in Figure 3. If you want to start scheduled syncing on a different date and time, use the options provided to change the start date and time.

    Create a sync schedule.

    Figure 3. Create a sync schedule.

  5. The Repeat Every option sets the sync interval. The default interval is once every day. You can set the repeat interval to a value in minutes, hours, days, weeks, or months. Because only changes are synced, you might want to sync more frequently than you would with early Windows operating systems. For example, with important files, you might want to sync every three to four hours.

  6. If you want to configure when syncing starts or stops, tap or click More Options. By default, sync starts only if the computer is awake and not in sleep or hibernate state. You also can configure syncing to:

    • Start only if the computer has been idle for at least N minutes, where N is a value you provide.

    • Start only if the computer is running on external power (as opposed to battery).

    • Stop sync if the computer wakes up from being idle.

    • Stop the sync if the computer is no longer running on external power.

  7. When you are ready to continue, tap or click Next. Type a descriptive name for the scheduled synchronization, and then tap or click Save Schedule.

Syncing on an Event or Action

You can create and manage synchronization based on events or actions by following these steps:

  1. In Sync Center, tap or click the sync partnership you want to work with, and then tap or click Schedule.

  2. If you’ve previously scheduled synchronization for this resource, you can do the following:

    • Create a new schedule Tap or click Create A New Sync Schedule, and then follow steps 3–5.

    • View or edit an existing schedule Tap or click View Or Edit An Existing Sync Schedule, tap or click the schedule to change, tap or click Next, and then follow steps 3–5.

    • Delete an existing schedule Tap or click Delete An Existing Sync Schedule, tap or click the schedule to delete, and then tap or click Delete. Tap or click OK, and then skip the remaining steps.

  3. Review the items you are configuring, clear the check boxes for any items you don’t want to configure, and then tap or click Next. Tap or click When An Event Occurs.

  4. As shown in Figure 4, use the check boxes provided to specify the events and actions that start automatic syncing. You can start sync:

    • When a user logs on to the computer

    • When the computer has been idle for at least N minutes, where N is a value you provide

    • When a user locks the computer

    • When a user unlocks the computer

    Sync based on events and actions.

    Figure 4. Sync based on events and actions.

  5. When you are ready to continue, tap or click Next. Type a descriptive name for the scheduled sync, and then tap or click Save Schedule.

Resolving Synchronization Conflicts and Errors

Synchronization results provide details, errors, and warnings. To view current sync results, open Sync Center, and then tap or click View Sync Results. You can review sync details to determine when syncing was started, stopped, or completed. You can review errors and warnings to determine whether there are problems with the synchronization configuration.

Synchronization conflicts occur if a user makes changes to an offline file that is updated online by another user. You can view and resolve synchronization conflicts by following these steps:

  1. In Sync Center, tap or click View Sync Conflicts.

  2. The main pane specifies whether there are any conflicts, as shown in Figure 5.

    Conflicts are listed according to document name, file type, time, partnership, and conflict type.

    Figure 5. Conflicts are listed according to document name, file type, time, partnership, and conflict type.

  3. To display the Resolve Conflict dialog box, double-tap or double-click a conflict you want to resolve.

  4. You can now do the following:

    • Tap or click the version you want to keep. If you want to keep the local version and overwrite the network version, tap or click the version listed as On This Computer. If you want to keep the network version and overwrite the local version, tap or click the version listed as being on the shared network location.

    • Tap or click Keep Both Versions to write the local version to the shared network location with a new file name. Generally, the new file name will be the same as the old file name, but with a numeric suffix indicating the version increment. If you are at all unsure about which version of a file to keep, keep both versions, and then compare the two versions carefully for changes that should be merged or discarded.

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