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Windows 8 : Maintaining Data Access and Availability - Managing Offline Files (part 3) - Configuring Disk Usage Limits for Offline Files

8/16/2013 6:01:37 PM
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4. Configuring Disk Usage Limits for Offline Files

In Sync Center, you can control how much space is used and available for offline files. By default, the maximum amount of space that can be used and is available for offline files is a percentage of the size of the disk on which user profiles are stored on the computer. To configure disk usage limits for offline files, follow these steps:

  1. In Sync Center, tap or click Manage Offline Files. This opens the Offline Files dialog box.

  2. On the Disk Usage tab, you’ll see the amount of space used by all offline files and related temporary files, as shown in Figure 6. Temporary files are created as users work with offline files on the computer.

    Configure disk limits for offline files.

    Figure 6. Configure disk limits for offline files.

  3. Note the limit for all offline files and related temporary files. This is specified as a limit in megabytes (MB) or gigabytes (GB), as well as a percentage of the size of the disk on which user profiles are stored on the computer.

  4. Tap or click Change Limits. In the Offline Files Disk Usage Limits dialog box, use the options provided to set the limit for all offline files and related temporary files, and then tap or click OK.

  5. To delete temporary files that are not in use, tap or click Delete Temporary Files. Deleting temporary files does not affect the copies of the network files stored locally.

  6. Tap or click OK.

5. Managing Encryption for Offline Files

To enhance security, you can specify whether offline files are encrypted. If you encrypt offline files, only the files stored on your computer are encrypted and not the files on the network. Users do not need to decrypt the encrypted files before working with them. Decryption is performed automatically by the operating system. To encrypt offline files, follow these steps:

  1. In Sync Center, tap or click Manage Offline Files. This opens the Offline Files dialog box.

  2. On the Encryption tab, note whether the offline files are or are not encrypted. If offline files are not encrypted, tap or click Encrypt to encrypt all offline files, and then tap or click OK.

If you want to disable encryption later, repeat this procedure but tap or click Unencrypt.

6. Making Offline Files Unavailable

As an administrator, you can specify files that should not be available for offline use. Typically, you’ll do this when a shared folder contains specific files that users shouldn’t manipulate. To make a file unavailable for offline use, you should set a specific exclusion policy.

In the Computer Management console, you make a shared folder unavailable for offline use by completing these steps:

  1. Press and hold or right-click Computer Management in the console tree, and then tap or click Connect To Another Computer. Use the Select Computer dialog box to choose the computer you want to work with.

  2. In the console tree, expand System Tools and Shared Folders, and then select Shares.

  3. Double-tap or double-click the share you want to configure for offline use. On the General tab, tap or click Offline Settings.

  4. In the Offline Settings dialog box, select No Files Or Programs From The Shared Folder Are Available Offline.

  5. Tap or click OK.

To completely disable the use of offline files on a client computer, complete these steps:

  1. In Sync Center, tap or click Manage Offline Files. This opens the Offline Files dialog box.

  2. On the General tab, tap or click Disable Offline Files, and then tap or click OK.

If you want to enable offline files later, repeat this procedure, but tap or click Enable Offline Files.

- Windows 8 : Maintaining Data Access and Availability - Managing Offline Files (part 2) - Managing Offline File Synchronization
- Windows 8 : Maintaining Data Access and Availability - Managing Offline Files (part 1) - Making Files or Folders Available Offline
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