IT tutorials
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iPhone Developer : Assembling Views and Animations - Managing Subviews - Tagging and Retrieving Views
The UIView class offers numerous methods that help build and manage views. These methods let you add, order, remove, and query the view hierarchy. Since this hierarchy controls what you see onscreen, updating the way that views relate to each other changes what you see on the iPhone.
iPhone Developer : Assembling Views and Animations - Recovering a View Hierarchy Tree, Querying Subviews
Views store arrays of their children. Retrieve this array by calling [aView subviews]. Onscreen, the child views are always drawn after the parent, in the order that they appear in the subviews array.
iPhone Developer : Assembling Views and Animations - View Hierarchies
A tree-based hierarchy orders what you see on your iPhone screen. Starting with the main window, views are laid out in a specifically hierarchical way. All views may have children, called subviews.
iPhone Developer : Creating an “Online” GameKit Connection
You create this two-item dialog by supplying the online option to the peer picker mask. In all other ways, there’s no change in how you create and present a standard GameKit peer picker controller.
iPhone SDK 3 : Making Connections with GameKit and Bonjour - iPhone to iPhone Gaming Via BonjourHelper
Substituting BonjourHelper for GameKitHelper requires very few programming changes. It uses the same initialization steps, and the data delegate receives an identical set of callbacks.
iPhone SDK 3 : Making Connections with GameKit and Bonjour - Working Around Real-World GameKit Limitations
Although GameKit is built on Bonjour, it isn’t meant to provide the same kind of general use data transfer capabilities displayed in the previous two Bonjour-only recipes. GameKit Bluetooth prefers small data packets, preferably under 1,000 bytes each.
iPhone Programming : Other Native Platforms - MonoTouch
The MonoTouch platform from Novell allows you to build C#- and .NET-based applications on the iPhone and iPod touch. It comes in two editions: Professional and Enterprise.
iPhone Programming : Other Native Platforms - PhoneGap
If you’re a web developer who wants to build mobile applications in HTML and JavaScript while still taking advantage of the hardware features on the iPhone, Android, and BlackBerry devices, you may want to take a look at the PhoneGap platform.
iphone Programming : Integrating Your Application - Using the Address Book
Once you reach the lower levels of the Address Book framework—for instance, dealing with individual person records—the interface presented by the framework is in C rather than Objective-C. This is especially obvious when dealing with the address book programmatically rather than interactively using the navigation controller.
iphone Programming : Integrating Your Application - Media Playback
Just as it has done for images with the UIImagePickerController class and for email with the MFMailComposeViewController class , Apple has provided a standard way to select and play back iPod media inside your own application.
iphone Programming : Handling Data - Storing Data
If the user creates data while running your application, you may need a place to store the data so that it’s there the next time the user runs it. You’ll also want to store user preferences, passwords, and many other forms of data.
iphone Programming : Handling Data - Regular Expressions
Regular expressions, commonly known as regexes, are a pattern-matching standard for text processing, and are a powerful tool when dealing with strings. With regular expressions, an expression serves as a pattern to compare with the text being searched.
iphone Programming : Handling Data - Parsing JSON (part 2) - The Twitter Trends Application
There are a few bits and pieces that I haven’t added to this application but that you really should add if you are going to release it. Most of it has to do with error handling; for instance, you should do a reachability check before trying to retrieve the JSON document. However, this example illustrated that retrieving and parsing JSON documents is a relatively simple task.
iphone Programming : Handling Data - Parsing JSON (part 1) - The Twitter Search Service
To let you get familiar with the json-framework library, let’s implement a bare-bones application to retrieve the trending topics on Twitter by making use of their RESTful Search API.
iphone Programming : Handling Data - Parsing XML
The two widely used methods for parsing an XML document are SAX and DOM. A SAX (Simple API for XML) parser is event-driven. It reads the XML document incrementally and calls a delegate method whenever it recognizes a token.
iphone Programming : Handling Data - Data Entry
The Cocoa Touch framework offers a number of UI elements, ranging from text entry fields to switches and segmented controls. Any of these can be used for data entry, but often when we talk about data entry we’re talking about getting textual information into an application.
Iphone Application : Implementing Location Services - Understanding the Magnetic Compass (part 2) - Requesting and Using Heading Updates
For each heading update our delegate receives, use the user’s current location to calculate the heading to Cupertino, then compare the desired heading to the user’s current heading, and finally display the correct arrow image: left, right, or straight ahead.
Iphone Application : Implementing Location Services - Understanding the Magnetic Compass (part 1)
The iPhone 3GS was the first iOS device to include a magnetic compass. Since its introduction, the compass has been added to the iPad and the iPhone 4. It is used in Apple’s Compass application and in the Maps application (to orient the map to the direction you are facing).
iPhone SDK 3 : Objective-C and Cocoa - Classes
In object-oriented languages, an object encapsulates attributes and provides methods. These methods can be used by the outside world (i.e., other objects) to change the object's state as well as to interact with the object. All this can be achieved without opening the actual implementation of the object's behavior to the outside world.
iPhone SDK 3 : Creating Interfaces
All iPhone apps have windows (usually one.) A window is a specialized view that is used to host other views. A view is a rectangle piece of real-estate on the 320 × 480 iPhone screen. You can draw in a view, animate a view by flipping it, and you can receive multi-touch events on it.
iphone Programming : Distributing Your Application - Submitting to the App Store, Reasons for Rejection
The App Store review process is somewhat opaque, but generally, if your application is rejected, the review team will cite the specific section of the iPhone Developer Program License Agreement that it violates in the rejection email. If you’re careful, you can avoid most of the common pitfalls and save yourself, and the review team, a lot of time.
iphone Programming : Distributing Your Application - Building and Signing
If you want to distribute your application to end users, you’ll need to return to the Developer Portal, generate a different set of profiles, and rebuild your application, signing it this time with your new distribution profile rather than the development profile you have used thus far.
iphone Programming : Adding Missing Features (part 3) - Changing the Display Name, Enabling Rotation
The name displayed beneath your application icon on the iPhone home screen is, by default, the name of your Xcode project. However, only a limited number of characters are displayed before an ellipsis is inserted and your application name is truncated.
iphone Programming : Adding Missing Features (part 2) - Adding a Launch Image
One of the ways in which the iPhone and the iPod touch cheat is by providing launch images. A launch image is immediately displayed on the screen when the application is started before the UI is displayed. Your application displays the launch image file while loading, which means there are no more blank screens while the application loads
iphone Programming : Adding Missing Features (part 1) - Adding an Icon
The standard iPhone home screen icon used for your application is 57×57 pixels square in PNG format with no transparency or layers (Icon.png). You also must provide Apple with a 512×512-pixel version of your application icon for display on the App Store .
iphone Programming : Using Sensors - Accessing the Proximity Sensor
The proximity and ambient light sensors are two separate sensors. The ambient light sensor is used to change the brightness level of the device’s screen automatically, while the proximity sensor is used by the device to turn the screen off when you put the phone to your ear to make a call.
iphone Programming : Using Sensors - Using the Digital Compass
In addition to the accelerometer, the iPhone 3GS has a magnetometer that acts as a digital compass. Combining the heading (yaw) information returned by this device with the roll and pitch information returned by the accelerometer will let you determine the true orientation of the iPhone in real time.
iphone Programming : Using Sensors - The Core Location Framework
The Core Location framework is an abstraction layer in front of several different methods to find the user’s location (and, by extrapolation, her speed and course). It can provide the latitude, longitude, and altitude of the device (along with the level of accuracy to which this is known).
iPhone SDK 3 : SDK and IDE Basics
Expand the Classes and Other Sources groups. You will notice several files that live underneath these two groups. Click on the main.m file and expand to a full-editor view.
iPhone Developer : Working with View Controllers - Remembering Tab State
On the iPhone, persistence is golden. When starting or resuming your application from termination or interruption, always return users to a state that closely matches where they left off.
Top 10
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Finding containers and lists in Visio (part 2) - Wireframes,Legends
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Finding containers and lists in Visio (part 1) - Swimlanes
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Formatting and sizing lists
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Adding shapes to lists
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Adding Structure to Your Diagrams - Sizing containers
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- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 2) - The Data Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Control Properties and Why to Use Them (part 1) - The Format Properties of a Control
- Microsoft Access 2010 : Form Properties and Why Should You Use Them - Working with the Properties Window
- Microsoft Visio 2013 : Using the Organization Chart Wizard with new data
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