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SQL Server 2008 R2 : Understanding Index Structures (part 1) - Clustered Indexes

8/13/2013 5:14:56 PM
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When you run a query against a table that has no indexes, SQL Server has to read every page of the table, looking at every row on each page to find out whether each row satisfies the search arguments. SQL Server has to scan all the pages because there’s no way of knowing whether any rows found are the only rows that satisfy the search arguments. This search method is referred to as a table scan.

A table scan is not an efficient way to retrieve data unless you really need to retrieve all rows. The Query Optimizer in SQL Server always calculates the cost of performing a table scan and uses that as a baseline when evaluating other access methods.

Suppose that a table is stored on 10,000 pages; even if only one row is to be returned or modified, all the pages must be searched, resulting in a scan of approximately 80MB of data (that is, 10,000 pages × 8KB per page = 80,000KB).

Indexes are structures stored separately from the actual data pages; they contain pointers to data pages or data rows. Indexes are used to speed up access to the data; they are also the mechanism used to enforce the uniqueness of key values.

Indexes in SQL Server are balanced trees. There is a single root page at the top of the tree, which branches out into N pages at each intermediate level until it reaches the bottom (leaf level) of the index. The leaf level has one row stored for each row in the table. The index tree is traversed by following pointers from the upper-level pages down through the lower-level pages. Each level of the index is linked as a doubly linked list.

Figure 1. The basic structure of a B-tree index.

An index can have many intermediate levels, depending on the number of rows in the table, index type, and index key width. The maximum number of columns in an index is 16; the maximum width of an index row is 900 bytes.

To provide a more efficient mechanism to identify and locate specific rows within a table quickly and easily, SQL Server supports two types of indexes: clustered and nonclustered.

1. Clustered Indexes

When you create a clustered index, all rows in the table are sorted and stored in the clustered index key order. Because the rows are physically sorted by the index key, you can have only one clustered index per table. You can think of the structure of a clustered index as being similar to a filing cabinet: the data pages are like folders in a file drawer in alphabetical order, and the data rows are like the records in the file folder, also in sorted order.

You can think of the intermediate levels of the index tree as the file drawers, also in alphabetical order, that assist you in finding the appropriate file folder. Figure 2 shows an example of a clustered index tree structure.

Figure 2. The structure of a clustered index.

In Figure 2, note that the data page chain is in clustered index order. However, the rows on each page might not be physically sorted in clustered index order, depending on when rows were inserted or deleted in the page. SQL Server still keeps the proper sort order of the rows via the row IDs and the row offset table. A clustered index is useful for range-retrieval queries or searches against columns with duplicate values because the rows within the range are physically located in the same page or on adjacent pages.

The data pages of the table are also the leaf level of a clustered index. To find all clustered index key values, SQL Server must eventually scan all the data pages.

SQL Server performs the following steps when searching for a value using a clustered index:

Queries the system catalogs for the page address for the root page of the index. (For a clustered index, the root_page column in sys.system_internals_allocation_units points to the top of the clustered index for a specific partition.)

Compares the search value against the key values stored on the root page.

Finds the highest key value on the page where the key value is less than or equal to the search value.

Follows the page pointer stored with the key to the appropriate page at the next level down in the index.

Continues following page pointers (that is, repeats steps 3 and 4) until the data page is reached.

Searches the rows on the data page to locate any matches for the search value. If no matching row is found on that data page, the table contains no matching values.

By default, a clustered index has a single partition and thus has at least one row in sys.partitions with index_id = 1. When a clustered index has multiple partitions, a separate B-tree structure contains the data for that specific partition.

Depending on the data types in the clustered index, each clustered index structure has one or more allocation units in which to store and manage the data for a specific partition. At a minimum, each clustered index has one IN_ROW_DATA allocation unit per partition. If the table contains any LOB data, the clustered index also has one LOB_DATA allocation unit per partition and one ROW_OVERFLOW_DATA allocation unit per partition if the table contains any variable-length columns that exceed the 8,060-byte row size limit.

Clustered Index Row Structure

The structure of a clustered index row is similar to the structure of a data row except that it contains only key columns; this structure is detailed in Figure 3.

Figure 3. Clustered index row structure.

Notice that unlike a data row, index rows do not contain the status byte B or the 2 bytes to hold the length of fixed-length data fields. Instead of storing the length of the fixed-length data, which also indicates where the fixed-length portion of a row ends and the variable-length portion begins, the page header pminlen value is used to help describe an index row. The pminlen value is the minimum length of the index row, which is essentially the sum of the size of all fixed-width fields and overhead. Therefore, if no variable-length or nullable fields are in the index key, pminlen also indicates the width of each index row.

The null bitmap field and field for the number of columns in the index row are present only when an index key contains nullable columns. The number of columns value is only needed to determine how many bits are needed in the null bitmap and therefore how many bytes are required to store the null bitmap (1 byte per eight columns). The data contents of a clustered index row include the key values along with a 6-byte down-page pointer (the first 2 bytes are the file ID, and the last 4 bytes are the page number). The down-page pointer is the last value in the fixed-data portion of the row.

Nonunique Clustered Indexes

When a clustered index is defined on a table, the clustered index keys are used as row locators to identify the data rows being referenced by nonclustered indexes (more on this topic in the following section on nonclustered indexes). Because the clustered keys are used as unique row pointers, there needs to be a way to uniquely refer to each row in the table. If the clustered index is defined as a unique index, the key itself uniquely identifies every row. If the clustered index was not created as a unique index, SQL Server adds a 4-byte integer field, called a uniqueifier, to the data row to make each key unique when necessary. When is the uniqueifier necessary? SQL Server adds the uniqueifier to a row when the row is added to a table and that new row contains a key that is a duplicate of the key for an already-existing row.

The uniqueifier is added to the variable-length data area of the data row, which also results in the addition of the variable-length overhead bytes. Therefore, each duplicate row in a clustered index has a minimum of 4 bytes of overhead added for the additional uniqueifier. If the row had no variable-length keys previously, an additional 8 bytes of overhead are added to the row to store the uniqueifier (4 bytes) plus the overhead bytes required for the variable data (storing the number of variable columns requires 2 bytes, and the column offset array requires 2 bytes).

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